"Give me one last night with you"

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It's been a couple days since Derek threatened Sally. She has been trying hide it from Adam but it's been tough.She told him she needed to go out of town. Which he did ask to join her but she lied telling him Chloe was going to be with her. But really she took time off work and stayed in her suite.
Sally was laying in her bed when her phone rang, she looked to see Adam was calling her but she let it go to voicemail and turned to her side and stared at the wall as her tears fell.
Just then there was a knock on the door. She didn't acknowledge it but the it turned to pounding and heard Derek's voice
"Open up Sally, I know you are in there"he shouted
"Go away"she yelled
"Not until we finalize everything"
Sally glared and reluctantly got out of bed
"I never agreed to anything" Sally said as she leaned against the door
"Well lucky for you, you don't need to agree to this, because you know what will happen if you don't"he said as he walked in
"Derek I know what you are after but even if the take over is revealed or not. It's never gonna happen for you and me"
"Well let me make it clear if you don't do this someone is gonna get hurt"
"What me you're going to hurt me wow" "
"Who said I was gonna hurt you, hurting you is gonna be a bonus"
Sally heart started racing "I never loved you"
Derek came up to her and ran his hand on her cheek "Aw that makes me so sad because I thought our little adventure we had before you came here meant something"
"I was a different person then, I grew up. I'm making my life mean something"
"Right with him"Derek backed away and got mad
"Yes with Adam"she said
"How would he feel about hearing about your past"he asked
"He already knows and we don't judge each other about our past"
"I think he would feel differently if he if his son got hurt because of your past"
Sally's heart sank "Don't you dare hurt Connor, do you hear me"
"Now I got your attention, you do what I ask and won't get hurt"
Sally nodded
Derek smirked and went to kiss her. Sally backed away
"I need to break it off with Adam before anything happens with us okay"
Derek nodded "Fair enough don't make me wait to long" he told her and kissed her cheek
Sally's stomach sank as his lips touched her
"See you real soon Princess" he said in a creepy tone
As soon as the door shut, Sally ran to the bathroom. Tears were falling down her face. Sally was wiping her face to get any traces of Derek off her
Adam walked into Crimson Lights and he saw Tucker
"Adam how are you"Tucker asked
"I'm doing good, how are you" Adam asked as he came over and sat down
"Doing good can't complain. Any word on if you need me"
"Not at the moment"Adam told him
Just then Adam's phone rang
"Excuse me" he said as he answered it "Hello Siena" he said
"Hi, I take it you aren't alone"Sally said trying to keep she's been crying
"That would be correct, what's up"he asked
"Can we meet up, I really need to talk to you"
"Oh are you back in town. We can meet up at Crimson's Lights"
"No it needs to be in private"she told him
Adam was getting worried "Alright meet me at my place" he told her
"I'm leaving now"she said and hung up
"Who is Siena"Tucker asked
"Just a friend, as you heard I got to go. But I'll be in touch"Adam said then left
Adam arrived at his place to find Sally already there curled up on the ground waiting
"Hey, when did you get back in town" he asked as he walked up to her
Sally looked up at him and she saw she had been crying
"Come on"he said as he helped her up "Let's go inside"he said as he opened the door
Sally wrapped her arms around herself as she walked inside
"Can I get you anything"
Sally just shook her head
"Sal, you are scaring me. What's going on?"
"I lied to you"she said as she went over and sat on the couch
"About what" he asked
"I didn't go out of town"she said
"You didn't, then where have you been"
"I have been hiding out in my room"
"I don't ... I don't understand why would you.."
"I have been thinking maybe we should call this off"
"What our plan, but why"
Sally shook her head "Not our plan... we should call us off" she said as she looked away from him
"Why would even suggest that" he asked as he came over and sat on the coffee table
"It's not that I don't love you, because I do which is why I'm doing this"
"No you don't end a relationship because you love someone Sally. What is really going on"
"I spent the past few days going over everything. Adam this plan is coasting us ...everything"her voice broke
"Then we end the take over"he took her hands "Not us" he kissed her knuckles "We can start our own thing Sally. But I'm not going to lose you"
Sally pulled away from him " I already made up my mind Adam. This is what is best" she kissed him "I'm doing what is best for everyone one"she got up to leave
"Sally wait"he called out to her and stood up "Don't go yet" he said
Sally's back was towards Adam. She took a deep breath before she turned back to him "Adam don't make this any harder for me"
"Give me one last night with you"
"I can't Adam"she started crying
"If you love me like you say you do,give me tonight"Adam asked as he came over to her. He gently brushed his thumb along her bottom lip
Tears were streaming down her face. Adam gently kissed them away
"Let me love you one more time" Adam said softly
Sally looked into his eyes and slowly nodded
Adam didn't waste any time, he captured her lips and slowly backed her into the door. Adam was unbuttoning her shirt. Sally stood there and let him take over. Adam started leaving kisses all down her body. He looked up at her for a belief moment before kissing her barre stomach. He finally made his way back up to her lips. Sally took that as it was her turn, she deepened the kiss and turned hi and slammed him into the door. She undid his pants and removed his belt with force without breaking the kiss.He cupped her face they came up for air.
Then things got intense, Adam moved them around the living room.Adam had his arms around her body as he pulled them down to the ground
"Sal" Adam said
"Shh" she ran her finger over his lips "Don't say anything just enjoy tonight" she said as she brought him back to her lips.
They made love for a few more minutes. They broke away as they were trying to catch their breath
Adam looked at her "You can't tell me after that.. you don't love me"
"Adam I never said I didn't love you" she said her fingers along his chest "But this needs to end"
Adam looked away from her
"Everything I'm doing, is because I love you. Please don't ever forget that"she gave him a small smile. She then placed kisses on his chest as tears fell
Later Sally came out of the bathroom and stood in the doorway looking at Adam
" I guess this is goodbye" she said
" I'm not gonna say goodbye" he said looking at her
Sally nodded "Okay" she said as she wiped her tears away
She came over to him and kissed his forehead. She then slowly walked out of his apartment
Sally leaned against the door and cried. She could hear Adam crying too "I did this to protect you" she whispered them walked away

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