"I could never leave my girls, so could they"

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The first night with the girls was chaotic but Adam and Sally loved navigating this new chapter together. Adam couldn't believe how naturally Sally got the hang of everything he was in awe of her
Sally was laying in bed feeding Haddie, her eyes her closed,Adam came over and sat beside her. He leaned over and looked over at Mazie who was sleeping in her bassinet, he gently placed his hand on her
"Adam I swear, if you wake her up, they will be the last children we have and I'm sleeping in the guest room"she said with her eyes still closed
"But it's not fair, you get to hold one"he whined
"I'm feeding her, I have to hold her. Besides I would love to sleep like Mazie"she said looking down at Haddie "She apparently takes after you, always hungry"she said stroking Hadley's cheek
"I'm sorry, one of them need that part of me"he laughed and kissed Sally's cheek
"Would you like to burp her"Sally asked
Adam reached for her. Sally handed her over to him as she fixed herself
"We make a great team"Adam smiled at her
Sally smiled and looked over at Mazie "Ya we do"
The next morning Adam was making breakfast for Sally. She came in holding Mazie
"Morning Daddy"she said softly
He looked over "Morning, now which one is that" he asked
"Are you serious"she looked at him "It's Mazie"she told him
Adam laughed "Of course I know my Mazie Moo" he took her from Sally and kissed her "Morning Mazie Moo"
"You are still going with that nickname"she said
"Duh"he said "Is Hadley still sleeping in"
"Ya, I need to go get her, are you good with her"she asked
"Yes, it's not my first time with a baby"
She smiled at him then went to get Hadley
A few minutes later she came back down
"Well there's my other girl, good morning Haddie"he gave her a kiss
"Would you like to lay with your Sissy while Mommy eats" he took her from Sally
"But I still need to.."she began to protest
"You need to eat"he demanded
"Fine"she groaned and went into the kitchen
Adam placed her in the bassinet next to Mazie, then just sat in front of them and stared at his girls
Sally came back into the living room with her tea, eating her fruit and just watched Adam
"You can't get enough of them"she smiled
Adam smiled over at her "I guess not"
Sally laughed and came over and sat beside Adam
Adam looked over at Sally "You amaze me"
"And how is that" she glanced at him
"You did something yesterday that you didn't have to do"he placed his hand on her knee "You invited my Dad and Nikki over, after everything he did to you and us. You were still so kind"he said moving her hair out of her face
"You're right, he did something I'll never understand why, but like I told him, they are the only grandparents that our girls will know"she looked over at them
"I know that your parents are probably on your mind right now"
"I know it's probably dumb, I mean I have my Grams. I'm so grateful"
"Sally it's not dumb"he kissed her hand
Sally started crying "How could they Adam, how could my parents abandon me and Coco"she cried harder
Adam pulled her into him and held her
"I could never leave my girls, so could they"she said
Adam was rubbing circles on her back "Your parents are the type of people who just weren't meant to be parents. And I'm so sorry for that and that you have this hole in your heart because of them"he kissed her head "But you Sally Spectra are nothing like them because you were meant to be another to our beautiful girls"
Just then Mazie started crying
"Looks like someone wanted to say something too"he laughed "I'll get her"Adam went over to her
"Are you agreeing with Daddy already"Daddy said smiling at her "Ya"
"Mommy loves you and sissy so much" Sally placed her hand on Mazie
During the afternoon Chloe came to visit and brought with food
"I'm not going to stay long, just thought you both could use some food"she held up the bag
"Thanks"Adam said grabbing the food from her "Come on in"he said
Adam brought the food into the kitchen as Chloe went over to Sally, who was sitting on the couch with Haddie
"Congrats Mama"she hugged
"Thanks"Sally said smiling at Haddie
"Who is this" Chloe asked
"This is little Miss Hadley Siena"
Chloe was admiring her "She's beautiful can I hold her"
"Sure"Sally placed Hadley in Chloe's arms "Hadley meet your Aunt Chloe"she said
"Well hello"she smiled. Chloe looked over at Sally "How are you"
"Tired but in a good way"she leaned back
Mazie started getting fussy. Sally started getting up to get her. Adam came over and stopped her
"No ma'am go sit, I'll get her for you"
"Adam I'm fine" she told him
"I know but let me please"he said as he picked her up
As Adam was bringing her over to Sally Mazie calmed down
"She needed you"Sally smiled
"Ya, but she is hungry"Adam told her
"Oh you can already tell what she needs"Sally teased
"Yes, she is searching for something.. I don't have"he laughed
Sally giggled "Excuse me Chloe"Sally got up and took Mazie and went to their room
After Sally left, Adam came over to Chloe
"Hey, after she is done, do you mind staying with her. I need to do something and I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important"
"Is everything okay"she asked
"Ya, i just don't want to leave her alone"
"Of course no problem"she told him
A little while later Sally returned
"You ready to eat Mama"Chloe asked
"Yes"she said
"Babe, Chloe is going to stay with you for a bit"
"Wait why"Sally panicked
"I just need to go take care of something real quick"he told her
"Oh ok" she nodded
Adam came over and kissed Sally then Mazie
"Thanks Chloe" he said as he was leaving
Sally looked over at Chloe "What is he up too" she asked
"I don't know"Chloe wrapped her arm around Sally "Come on"
Adam knocked on the door, it didn't take long for someone to answer
"I'm sorry for just stopping by,and I didn't want to call because Sally can't know"he said
"Come on in"the person let him in
Sally was holding Mazie as she ate
"Chloe"Sally said
"Ya" Chloe said looking over at her
Sally looked at a sleeping Mazie "When you had your daughter did you feel complete"Sally looked up at Chloe "Oh I'm so sorry that was insensitive of me" Sally
No, no no, it's okay" she took her hand "Yes I did, why do you ask"
"I look at my girls and it's like there is this new piece of me .. I didn't know I was missing" Sally said "Like I knew I loved them before they were born but"
"I know the feeling all too well. I didn't knew how much I would love Bella and Myles and how much they complete me"
"I'm tired"Sally said
"Come on Mama, since your girls are sound asleep. You should try and get some rest"she told her
A little while later Sally and the girls get still sleeping while Chloe was reading. When Adam came home
"Hey sorry it took longer then I thought, how is she"he asked watching her sleep
"She is good, she finally let herself fall asleep, the girls are sleeping as well"she told him
"Thanks"he told her
"Let her know I'll call her in a few days. Oh don't worry everything is handled at the office"
"Sounds good"
Chloe left
Adam went over and kissed Sally's forehead, causing her jump
"Oh no are they awake"she panicked
"Shh, they are still sleeping
"Sorry" she said rubbing her face "When did you get home" she asked pulling the blanket closer to her
"Just now, Chloe said she'll call you soon"he said as he sat down next her her "I didn't mean to wake you"
"It's okay" she laid into him "So what did you need to do" she asked
"It's not important" he kissed her head
"I love you" she said softly
"I love you more" he said

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