"I always wondered who I would have been if you never left"

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     Sally got out bed and started pacing,Adam looked on
"I'm sorry, you met her, you actually saw her" she said not looking at him
"Yes" Adam said in a low voice
Sally finally looked at him "So this is what you have keeping from me"she asked
Adam just nodded
"You took it upon yourself to go see her"she kept shaking her head
Adam got up and walked over to her "Sal, I promise you I did it with good intentions, I was trying to protect you"
"From what" she asked
"I watched you fall apart and that was only from you finding out Coco tried to see her. I was afraid you'd go into a dark place and suffer"he told her
Sally crossed her arms "You still had no right, I'm grown woman Adam. I had the right" she said pointing T herself
Adam looked down "You are absolutely right and I'm sorry for over stepping and hiding it  from you, but I won't apologize for looking out for you Sally" he took her hands in his "I needed to make sure her reaching out was coming from a good place. I couldn't bare the thought of you meeting her and being disappointed" he said
Sally wiped tears, then looked at him "So tell me, did she do it for the right reasons"she asked
Adam kissed her hands "I doesn't matter what think.. you should find out for yourself" he told her
"How do suppose I do that Adam"she glared
Adam let go of her hands and took out his phone "Her number" he paused "It's still in my phone. Call her, meet with her"he told as he handed her his phone. He then kissed her shoulder as he passed by her then left her alone
     Adam was downstairs with the girls playing with them on the floor. It had been awhile before Sally finally came down.Adam looked up at her trying read her body language
"How did it go"he asked playing with the toy with Hadley
Sally didn't say anything yet she sat down with them, picking up Mazie to hold "I agreed to meet with her" she said softly looking down at Mazie and kissing her head
Adam smiled "Good for you"he said picking up Haddie and moving closer to Sally "I promise you I'll be here for you no matter what the outcome is" he told her
Sally looked over at him "I know I can handle it by myself, but will you come with me"
"Of course Babe"he said kissing the side of her head
    The next day they dropped off the girls with Chelsea who agreed to watch them
"Thanks for doing this for us on short notice"Adam said as he watched Sally get the girls settled
"Of course, I hope everything works out for her" she said
"Me too" he said
Connor then came out of his room
"What are Mazie and Haddie doing here"he asked
"Your Mom is going to watch them for me and Sally while we go take care of something"Adam told him
"Will you help me"Chelsea asked
"Sure"Connor said
Sally came over to them "Alright everything they need is in their diaper bag"Sally said as she was shaking all nervously
Chelsea smiled "They will be fine and so will you, I promise" she told her
Sally nodded not looking at her. She then looked at Connor "Hey Bud, I could really use one of your hugs" she said
Connor just shrugged and left
Both Chelsea and Adam were shocked and looked at each other. While Sally looked hurt
"We should go" she said quickly and walked out
Adam was driving and holding Sally's hand the whole way. He looked over at her she was looking out the window
"Listen, no matter how this goes today, you are allowed to express how you are feeling" he looked over at her "You got that"he added
Sally looked over and gave him a small smile and squeezed his hand
They entered the restaurant, Sally took a deep breath when she finally saw her. Adam leaned into her
"I'm right here with you" he whispered
Sally let go of his hand and made her way over to the table where Helen was sitting
Helen got a huge smile on her face "Oh my goodness look at my girl"Helen said
"Hello"Sally said in a cold tone
"You grew up to be a remarkable young woman" she told Sally
"How would you know" Sally said sitting down
Adam sat beside her and took her hand
"You must hate me"Helen said
Sally shook her head "How can I hate someone I don't know" Sally said taking a deep breath before continuing "You left me, it's bad enough you barely were mother to me but you left me to basically help raise Coco"Sally said looking at her
Helen looked down "I know, I wish I could go back and change everything" she said
"You can't"she said
They were quiet for a few minutes before Helen spoke again
"I'm glad you decided to meet with me"she glared at Adam
"When you and Dad left me and Coco, I changed, I became this girl who was independent and who never fully let anyone in"she looked at Adam "Until him" she smiled, she looked over at Helen "I always wondered who I would have been if you never left, so how could you"
Helen didn't say anything she took at drink
Adam decided to give them some time alone "I'm gonna go make a couple phone calls" he told them as he kissed her cheek
Sally looked confused and fear, Adam saw and squeezed her thigh "It's okay" he whispered
Adam got up and went over to the bar
Helen watched "He reminds me so much of your father"she said
Sally glared "Adam is nothing like him, you don't even know him"she said
Helen rolled her eyes
"So enough of this chitchat, are you going explain to me why after all these years later, you reached out" Sally asked
"It's complicated Sally"
Sally took a sip of her wine "You know it's odd after all these years, you show up. When Coco told me she tried reaching to you, there was nothing from you or dad. But out of the blue, receive this letter from you and that's not a coincidence"
" I never knew Coco tried to reach out, if I did I would have gone to see her"Helen smiled "So tell about my grandchildren"
"They are my everything, because of how I grew up I was so scared be a mom. But with Adam's love to help I had nothing to be scared about being a mom is the easiest decision I made. I look at them I wondered how could someone not chose the child they brought into the world" Sally said
"I loved you girls, I did but something in myself was missing. And I'm so happy for you. I hope I get to meet them" she told her
Sally looked down "You have a long way with me before I let you come near my family"she said in a stern voice
Helen nodded "You were always the protective one"she told her "You always looked out for Coco"she said
"Someone had too"Sally said under her breath
"I'm sorry... I robbed you of being a kid at times. I guess I got caught up in my life. But it looks like both girls turned out pretty good" she said
Sally gave her a questioning look "How do you know how well Coco turned out, the last time you saw she was a kid"
Helen didn't look her in the eyes " Maybe I saw something online"she said
"Or maybe you knew who she was when she saw you ... and you knew she had nothing to offer you.. unlike me am I right"Sally said and leaned back in her chair
Helen tried to come up with an explanation "It's nothing like that Sally" she said
Sally shook her head "Don't try to lie your way out of it. You never wanted to make make amends because if you did, Coco would have gotten a letter too... and she didn't"Sally started crying "You found out I finally have money" she started grabbing her purse
Adam saw she was upset and made his way to her
"What happened to my free spirited little girl who would do anything for her mother's love" Helen glared
Sally leaned in "She realized that wasn't how to receive love"she got up
Adam came over and put his hand on her back
"This is"she looked at him then back at Helen "I'm happy I finally saw you fro who you were, I can stop wondering what would happen, because I finally have this beautiful life. I realized why should get to be apart of something you never wanted" she paused "Goodbye Helen" she walked away
Adam nodded at her then followed Sally
On the way back Adam took her hand, she looked at him
"I'm so proud of you" he said
"This is why you did what you did" she placed her other hand over his
Adam decided to pull over, he then turn to face her
"I believe me Sally I wanted to be wrong"
"It's not your fault"she looked down for a second "If I'm being honest deep down I had this feeling that's why she reached out"
Adam placed his hand on her chin to have her look at him "But there was this small part, that little girl inside of you who wanted it to be different"
Sally nodded and laid  her head on his chest
"I owe you an apology for jumping to conclusions about cheating"
Adam rubbed her back "Don't worry about it. I'm sorry my actions made think that" he moved a piece of hair behind her ear
Sally just let the tears fall "You want know something, finding out why my mom reached wasn't the worst part of today"she said softly
"What was Sally" he asked trying to get her eye contact back
"Connor" she looked at him "He seemed to be mad at me" she cried "like he hates me"
Adam cupped her face "I can promise you, he does not hate you" he told her
Adam thought for a second "I may know why he is acting this way"he smiled at her "I'm gonna fix this"he smiled
Sally smiled back at him, then pulled him in for a hug "I love you" she said
"I love you too" he kissed the side of her neck "Now let's go get our girls"

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