"Well whoever you two are we will find the perfect names"

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     Adam helped Sally into bed. He was fixing her pillow. Sally pulled the blanket up
"There you go all nice and comfy"he smiled
Sally sighed "I have to be on bed rest"she pouted
Adam sat in front of her and grabbed her hand "Hey, be thankful they were able to stop the labor. And it's only for a couple weeks"he said
"I know,but you know me Adam. I don't do well just sitting around doing nothing"
Adam kissed her cheek "I know but you're not just doing nothing Sally, you are still growing these nuggets"he said rubbing her her bump "But enjoy the last few weeks of peace because when they come you'll wish you had me time"
Sally smiled and placed her hands over Adam's "You two are teaching Mommy how to relax aren't you"
"Hey, I'm going to the office and gather a few things, then I'll be back. Will you be okay"
"Yes, we will be fine"she gave a small laugh
"Alight, I won't be long"he said then kissed her head "I love you"
Adam was gathering his files to bring home.When Victor walked in
"Hey son"Victor said
Adam looked over "What do you want Dad"he asked
"I just came to see how everything is going" he said
"I'm sure you know Dad. Your people are probably keeping tabs on me and the company"he said still gathering things while,not looking at him
"I was asking about your personal life, Sally and the babies"
"They are good, I'm just gathering a few things to work from home for a bit"he told him
"Oh why" he asked in concern
Adam sighed "Dad, look we do this thing with you acting like you care about my life, because I know what you are doing."he said
"What am I doing?"Victor asked
"Trying to get close again so later on to u can control my life"he told him
"You think that's what I'm doing"Victor asked
"It's what you always do, Dad. And honestly I'm still mad at you for trying to hurt Sally and I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive for that"he grabbed his things and left
Sally was laying down just feeling them kick and smiling
"You know I can't wait to meet  you two.When thought it was gonna be yesterday I was a little scared. I mean Mommy and Daddy don't have names for you two nuggets"she smiled down "We'll get on that"she laughed
Adam stood at the doorway smiling as he listened
"You know I hope you look like your daddy. He so handsome but don't tell him that because it will go to his head"Sally looked at the door "You can come in"
Adam slowly entered "I didn't mean to eavesdrop"he said as he held up his hands "I just heard you talking to them and I love listening to you"he looked at her
Sally look into his eyes "You okay"she asked
Adam shrugged "Ya"he sighed "I just ran into my father no big deal"he said
"You want to talk about it"she asked
Adam crawled into bed with her "You don't need that stress"he smiled
"Adam,talk to me what happened.Did he say something?"she asked
"It was weird he acted concerned for us, but I see right through him, he was trying work his way back into our life"
Sally took his hand "You really think it was an act"she asked
"With him it's always an act?"
"Okay let's say it wasn't an act and he truly wanted to be in our lives in these babies lives, would you want that too"
"All I ever wanted was a father who truly cared but after  what he tried to do with you I can't trust him.So it would be hard to let him back in"
Sally leaned over and kissed his shoulder "I know"she smiled "I have an idea to take your mind off things"she said
"Okay what is it"he asked
Sally reached over and grabbed the book with all the baby names
"We can look through and see if we can find any names we like for these little nuggets"
Adam smiled and kissed her cheek "I love that idea"
Just then Adam's phone rang, he looked at it
"It's Chelsea,one sec"he told her and answered "Hey what is up"
"Connor had an idea but I told him I would run it by you first"she said
"Alright what is it"he asked
"Connor wanted to come hang out with you and Sally, mostly Sally and get pizza. I think he just needs to see for himself she's okay.Do you think she's up for that"she asked
Adam looked over at Sally "Let me see"he told her."Connor wants to come hang out with us are you up for that"
Sally smiled "Of course, he can help us"Adam smiled "She's up for it"he told Chelsea
"Alright I'll be over soon with him and pizza"she said then hung up
"They will be over soon"he said
"Great,can we go downstairs"she gave him a sad pout
"Don't give me that face" he tapped her nose "Of course we can"
They were all eating pizza. Connor and Adam were sitting on the floor at the coffee table. Sally was laying on the couch
"Connor this was really sweet of you. It's exactly what I needed thank you"Sally said
"I know Mom and Dad told me you were fine and the babies were fine,but I needed to see you"he told her
"We get it Buddy"Adam said rubbing Connor's shoulder
"These two are really lucky to have you as their big brother"Sally smiled at him "They are moving right now.Do you want to feel, you don't have to"
"I want to"he told her
Sally motioned for him to come over. Sally took his hand and placed it where one of the were kicking
"Wow"he got excited
"Neat huh"Adam said
Connor smiled and nodded
"You know Connor before you came over.Your Dad and I were going to look at some baby names for these guys. Would you like to help us"Sally asked
"Sure"Connor said
The three of them decided to look through names and write down a few and then they will pick out their favorites
"Okay so since we don't know what they are we all wrote down boys or girls names we liked"Sally said holding the bowl "So we will each pick one and see if you we like it"she smiled "Connor you go first" she said
Connor pulled out a name "It's for a girl Madison"he said
Adam looked at Sally "That's pretty, did you suggest it"he asked
"No I did"Connor told him
"That's pretty, I like it"Sally said pulling out another name "This is for a boy, Caleb"she said then shook her head "Maybe"
Adam reached for one "My turn, another boy name" he looked at Sally "If we have a boy you seriously want to name him Oscar"
"What we can call him Ozzie"she said
Adam smiled then crumbled up the paper "No Oscar Newman"he said
"Fine"she groaned and pulled out another name "This is for a girl. Adam are you crazy you want to name our daughter Mazie"she said
"What's wrong with it"
"Dad it's the cow in Kansas name"
Sally gestured to Connor and nodded
"Okay how bout this. If we have a boy and a girl we can name them Ozzie and Mazie"
Sally started crying
"What's wrong"Connor asked
"I don't like Ozzie anymore"she said
Adam knew it was her hormones. He leaned over and kissed her "It's okay Babe"he said "Connor pick again"he said holding Sally
"This is another girls name Hayden" he said
Both Sally and Adam nodded
Adam picked again he looked at it then at Connor "Connor really" he said
"What does it say"Sally asked
"Hope"Adam smiled showing her the name
"After your Mom"Sally smiled at Adam
Adam got choked up "She would have loved you Bud"he said
Sally was rubbing circles on his back. She leaned her chin on his shoulder "I think we have a name on the list" she said softly
Sally pulled out another name "This one is my suggestion" she told them "Rowen" she said
"It could work for a boy or a girl"
"That is true"Sally smiled
Adam picked again he smiled at Sally "Siena, really?"he said
"What it has a special meaning to us"she told him
Connor looked at the bowl "There is one more, who is going to do the honors"he said
"You can"Sally told him
Connor pulled it out "It's a girls name Hadley" he said
"Well those are all good suggestions" Sally said then smirked at Adam "Well one is questionable" she giggled
"Well whoever you two are we will find the perfect names" Adam said kissing her stomach

*What names do you think they'll pick?

*Also so sorry for the delay in posting. I had a lot going on.Hopefully things will die down now

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