"We need to talk"

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    It has been a few weeks since Sally told Adam to stay away. She had to force herself out of bed some days. She kept telling herself this whole thing was to protect the two people who really matter to her. Sally was getting ready when all of sudden she started throwing up
"I'm okay" she said as she was composing herself. She looked into the mirror "This mess will be over soon"
Sally arrived at the office and started frantically looking for something. Chloe came in and saw Sally in a manic state
"Woah are you alright"she asked
Sally jumped and looked at Chloe "Ya...ya I'm fine"she said trying to hide her panic
"Are you sure because you haven't been yourself for weeks"
"Yes i just had a lot going on" she told her
"Okay" Chloe said
"What can I do for you?" Sally asked
Chloe was taken back by Sally's tone "I was wondering if you have seen Derek this morning"
Just the mention of his name made Sally queazy "I believe he is out of town, why did you need something from him?"
"No I was curious how things were with you two"she said
"Not this again"Sally groaned
"What he seems to like you and it would be so good to see you out of this funk"
"Chloe enough with my personal life okay. Now please leave"Sally said
Chloe just looked at her, then left
Sally took a deep breath and laid her head on her desk
Later on Sally was trying to get some work done when her phone rang it broke her heart when she saw Connor calling
"Hey Connor, what's up?" She asked
"Dad is away on business and my mom is stuck at work. Do you think you would be able to pick me up from practice?" he  asked
"What time" she asked
"4:00 o'clock" he told her
"Sure I'll text your mom to make sure she is alright with it" she told him
"Cool see you later"
Sally texted Chelsea and she said she was fine with her picking up Connor
Later Sally was waiting in her car for Connor. Sally's phone rang
"What do you want Derek"she said
"Oh is that how you greet your boyfriend"he said
"You are only my boyfriend on paper. Why are you calling"
Just making sure you are holding up your end of our deal while I'm away"
"I am even though I despise it" she looked over and saw Connor running to the car "I got to go, I would tell you to have safe trip home but I would rather you stay and never come back" she said and hung up
Connor opened the car door "Hey Sally" he said all excited to see her
"Hey Buddy how was school and practice"she asked
"Good"he said
"Are you hungry"she asked as she turned the car on
"Yes, can we get pizza"he asked
"Pizza it is"she said and smiled at him
Adam landing back in Genoa City. He stopped at Society for something to eat before heading home. He was in shock when he saw Derek talking to his father. Adam quickly hid in the corner listening in on their conversation
"It's taken care of"Derek said
"Good now it's time l, now it's time for phase two"Victor told him
"Which is what Sir"
"To convince that Spectra girl to leave town"Victor told him
Adam heard enough. He needed to go find Sally he ran out
Sally was cleaning up while Connor was playing video games. Sally's phone rang and she saw it was Adam. She hasn't heard from him since she told him to stay away from her
She answered "Hello"
"Hey where are you, I need to see you. I went by your place and you're not here"
"Funny enough I'm at your apartment" she said with a little laugh
"My apartment why are you there" he asked in surprise
"Chelsea was in a bind and Connor asked if  I could pick him up. And he wanted to play video games so we came here."she said looking over at Connor "And I'm sorry I still had my key" she told him
"It's okay. I'm on my way. There is something you need to know that will change everything"he told her
"Alright but Adam nothing is gonna change anything"
"It will trust me" he said and hung up
"Sally come watch me win the race"Connor shouted
Sally smiled and went over to him
"Almost there"he said and his car was heading to the finish line
"Yay"Sally cheered as Connor won
Connor looked over at her "Wanna race with me"he asked
"Sure but you'll have to teach me"she told him
Connor handed her a controller "Okay so to turn you hit this button, to go faster you hit this one and to jump you press this one twice"he told her
"Got it" she said
   The two of them started racing and were giggling. They didn't even hear Adam come in.
  Adam stood there  and smiled as he watched them laughing
"Sally turn turn"Connor shouted
"I'm trying"she squealed
"Oh no you are gonna crash"Connor yelled
"Noo"Sally screamed
Both of them just laughed
"Not bad for a beginner"Connor told her
"Seems like you two are having fun"Adam said as he walked into the living room
"Hi Dad" Connor waved and went back to playing
"Hi son, nice talking to you too"Adam laughed
Sally did say anything she just looked at him. It was a little awkward for the both of them
"Thanks for getting Connor for Chelsea. You didn't have to" he told her
"I know, but no matter what is going with us. I'll never stop being there for Connor if he lets me"Sally smiled
Adam look over at the pizza box "Is there any pizza left"he asked
"Yes" she said
"Good it was a long flight and I'm starved"he said as he started eating
Sally leaned across the island "So what is it you needed to tell me"
Adam looked over at Connor "I would rather wait until Chelsea picks up Connor" he told her
Sally nodded
"Can you stay a while" he asked
"Yes, I should be able too"
"Excuse me"she ran to the bathroom
A few minutes later Sally came out, Adam looked at her
"Are you okay?"he asked
" Ya I'm good" she told him
There was a knock on the door
"That is probably your mother"Adam told Connor as he went to the door
"Oh I didn't know you were back Adam" Chelsea said as she was surprised to see him open the door
"Ya, just got back and was surprised to see Sally was with Connor "Adam said as he looked at Sally
"Yes, it was really nice of her to help me out." Chelsea looked at Sally "Thanks for helping out Sally" she said
"Anytime" Sally said
Connor came over to them
"Hey Buddy you ready to go"Chelsea asked
"Sure" Connor said "Bye Dad" he hugged Adam
"Bye Connor" he said
Then they were all surprised when Connor went over to Sally and hugged her
"Thank you for picking me up Sally"
"You're welcome" Sally smiled as she hugged him
Chelsea and Connor left, Adam shut the door then turned and looked at Sally
"We need to talk"they both said at the same time

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