"Hey,it's going to be okay"

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   It's been a couple weeks and surprisingly Adam and Sally got into a routine quickly,and Adam was able to help with feedings which he loved.
    It was such a nice day out today, they decided to go out.They we're getting the girls ready. Sally was finishing up feeding Hadley, while Adam was getting Mazie dressed
"You girls are going out into the world for the first time today, you ready" Adam said to Mazie
"Adam, they have been out before, you know their doctors appointment"Sally told him
"I know but they never been out to enjoy the sights of Genoa City" he said tickling Mazie
"Fair enough" Sally laughed
Adam smiled at Sally
Sally looked at him "What"
"Nothing" he said
"Haddie is all set to be changed"Sally told him as she came over to him
"Come here Haddie"he said taking her from Sally
"Look at you Mazie"Sally said picking her up "Daddy got you all pretty"she said giving her kisses as she went to the ticking chair
"Hadley why did you go and do that"Adam groaned
Sally looked over "Is everything okay"she asked
"Ya, your daughter just decided to spit up all over me"he informed her
Sally started laughing
"It's not funny"he said trying not to laugh himself
"I'm sorry" she said as she came over to them "You are right"she looked at Haddie "Hadley Siena why did you do that to Daddy he took the time to get you all pretty and that's how you say thank you"she said tickling Hadley's tummy
Later on they walked into Crimson Lights
"Well hello you two" Sharon greeted them "These two must me the newest members of the Newman family"she came over to them
"Yes"Sally smiled "This is Hadley"she gestured to her stroller "And this is Mazie" she pointed at Adam's stroller
"Well aren't you two gorgeous"Sharon smiled at them
"They aren't they"Sally smiled
"They get it from their Mommy" Adam smiled
"Adam stop it"Sally blushed
"Can I get you anything"Sharon asked
"I would love a coffee"Sally sighed
"Coming up"Sharon laughed "Adam your usual" she asked
"Yes, thank you"he turned to Sally "Come on let's go out on the patio"
Sally was just staring at the girls, who were sleeping
"You okay"Adam asked
Sally turned to look at him "Ya, just thinking about how you have to go back to work. Then it will just be me with them"
"Only for a few weeks"he said
" I know, we just have this great system and to do it all alone"
Adam reached for her hand "How long has this been on your mind Sal"
"I was watching you this morning and it hit me. What if I can't get Haddie go to sleep like you can, or what Mazie won't stop crying because Daddy isn't here with us"she started panicking
"Sally breathe "he told her rubbing his thumbs along her hands
Sally took a deep breath " I'm sorry for bringing our day down"
"Your not" he whispered "Talking it out is good.Yes it's an adjustment for both of us. I'm dreading going back to work"he told her
"You are"she asked
Oh yes, being away from my girls"he leaned in "all my girls.. it's killing me"
Sally laughed
"And it won't be forever, remember the girls will be at  daycare that's in the building"
"Oh ya"she smiled "What if"
"What"he asked
"What if I hate being away from them" Sally told him
"Then we will come up with a plan for you to stay home, if that's what you want"
Sally nodded
"So how does it feel to be out of the house Mama"he asked
"Good, but I miss our bubble, you, me and then"she looked at them
"I know it's so nice" he laughed
"We should have Connor over"she suggested
"Sure, I'll call Chelsea later"he said
Hadley started crying
"Oh what is it Bean" Sally picked her up "Are you over being out of the house"
Adam laughed, just then his phone went off
"Who's that"Sally asked watching him check it
"Just a a notification that something was delivered at the house"he said "We should get going"
"Okay" Sally nodded and put Haddie back in her stroller
They arrived home, Adam was getting the girls out of the car as Sally went to the front door
"I don't see a package anywhere" she told him
"Huh, it said it was delivered" he said
"Maybe they brought it back or something" Sally said opening the door "Oh My God" Sally was in shock
"Hello Sally Girl"
"Grams"Sally ran over into her arms
Adam stood there smiling
Grams looked over at Adam "Awe there are my great grand babies" she smile "They are so beautiful" she said wrapping her arm around Sally
"This is Maize and Hadley" she smile "I know FaceTiming and pictures aren't the same"
" No they are not" she said going over to them
Sally went over to Adam
"You did this"she said
"Ya, with a little help from Coco"he pulled her into him "She is who needed most" he leaned his forehead against his "Even if you don't say it" he whispered
"Thank you" she gently kissed his lips "I love you"
The girls were napping while Adam, Sally and Grams were eating
"It's really good to see you so happy Sally, you found love and have two beautiful kids" she said
"Three" Sally corrected her
"What" she said
"I have three, Mazie, Haddie and Connor"
Adam took her hand and kissed it
"I apologize. So when are you two getting married" she asked changing the subject
"Oh we haven't set a date yet"Adam told her
"But soon"Sally added
"Do want any help"she asked
"She would love some"Adam answered and kissed her head as he got up
Later that night they were getting ready for bed. Sally was checking on the girls.As Adam came in the room
"Are they okay"he asked
"Ya"Sally sighed "Haddie seems a little fussy, but she is fine"
Sally laid back on the bed. Adam came over and laid his head on her stomach. She was running her fingers through his hair
"Thank you"she said
"For what" he looked up at her
"You know what"she said
He smirked at her "You're welcome"he kissed her stomach "I knew the moment you started talking about her, you needed her"
"I feel bad" she said
"Why" he asked as he sat up a little
"Because you do all these sweet gestures for me. First with Coco and now Grams" she got emotional "And I haven't done anything for you" she told him
"Hey, you do everything for me"he laced their fingers together "You brought joy into my life again and you gave me those beautiful girls"he smiled over at them "Me surprising you with your family is the least I could do for"
Sally leaned into him "I was thinking a fall wedding" she said wrapping her arms around him
"Really" he looked down at her "Fall seems nice.Are you sure it's not to soon"
"No the sooner the better" she said
"Okay do you want to do it here or"
"Maybe, we could search for a place"she told him
"Where ever we get married will be the perfect place" he kissed her head
"So true "
The next morning Shirley was helping feed Mazie
"You must be special"Sally told her
"Well I am"she chuckled "But why do you say that" she asked
"Because Adam is the only one besides me she lets feed her
"Well I am honored then" she smiled
"I'll be back, I need to change Haddie"Sally told her
"Take your time dear"
Sally was staring at Hadley on the changing table,Adam came out of the shower
"Hey where Maz"he asked
"Grams has her, she might me her new favorite" she laughed
"Not my Mazie Moo" he acted hurt
"Deal with it" Sally teased him. Then looked back at Hadley and noticed something "Adam"
Adam could tell by her tone something was wrong "What is it"
"Haddie she umm she always looks off the to the side never at me" she told him her voice breaking up
Adam moved Sally over a little and looked at Haddie "Are you sure, maybe they both do it"
"No Mazie looks at me, you never noticed"she asked
"Maybe"he said
"Adam what if" she started to panic "What if she can't see" she said
He pulled her close to him "Hey, it's going to be okay"
Sally leaned her head on his shoulder as the looked at Hadley

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