"Well I'm very persuasive"

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       Adam and Sally were packing up her things at the Grand Phoenix. Adam came out of the bathroom Sally looked over at him
"Adam you know, now that Derek is jail it's safe for me to stay here" she told him
"I know, but after you staying with me since the accident. I want to wake up with you by my side,and fall asleep holding you"he kissed her "All three of you"he smirked
"That's adorable Adam, but we are moving into our house soon. You can't wait til then"she said putting clothes in the suitcase
"I probably could, but I don't want to wait"he said as he wrapped his arms around her
Sally closed her eyes and sighed "You win"she laughed "Can I let you in on a little secret"
"Oh what's that"he pressed his cheek to hers
"I can't seem to fall asleep without you next to me"she told her
He turned her to face him "Then it's settled no more hotel room"he leaned down and placed his hands on her bump "Did you hear that Nuggets, you guys get to come live with Daddy" he kissed her stomach "We can even bring Mommy"
Sally laughed "It's kind of a package deal"she brought him back up to her lips
As they were in the middle of kissing, Adam's phone rang
"It's a text from Tucker"he told her
"What does it say" she asked leaning her head on his shoulder
"He says, he found a building for the company"he said
"Really, can we go see it"she asked all excited
Adam smiled "I'll let him know we will see him soon"he said texting him back
They walked into the space holding hands. Tucker turned around
"It's this space great" he said
"It's amazing it has a lot of potential"Adam said
"Yes, I love it"Sally added
"All that needs to be done is a name for your company"Tucker's told them
Adam looked at her "We'll have to think of.."
"N&S Entertainment"Sally blurted out
"What"Adam asked
"It's something that just came to me. It's our company N for Newman, S for Spectra"she smiled at him
"It's perfect" Adam smiled back "I love it"
"I like it as well. So I'll send it over to marketing for start making signs for you two to chose from"
Tucker walked out of the room
"Do you really like it"Sally asked
"Of course it's better then what I had on mind" Adam laughed
Sally squealed "I can't wait to start this adventure"she walked around the office "Now the question is do we share an office or no"
"Well will we get anything done"he asked coming over to her
"Probably not"she giggled "But I'm willing to take that risk with you"she smirked
Adam pulled her by her jacket "Me too"he kissed her lips
Later on while Adam was back at the apartment unpacking Sally's things for her. She decided to go get dinner for them.Sally was waiting at a table when she saw Chloe come in. Sally gave her a small smile
Chloe came up to her "Hey"
"Hi"Sally said then looked back at her phone
"Chelsea told me what happened, with the accident.Are you okay.. I mean you look okay"
"Ya, I'm good getting better each day"she told her
"Can I ask you is the baby okay"she asked
Sally smiled "Yes, both babies are fine"
"Well that's good when Chels..."Chloe looked at her "Wait did you just say both babies"Chloe said in shock
"Yes I did"she said
"It's twins"she asked
"Yes, we found out that night"she smiled
"Wow Sally congratulations"she told her
"Do you really mean that"Sally her a questioning look
Chloe sat down "I deserve that. I know I'm stubborn and I let my hatred towards Adam take over. And I apologize for that"
"Thanks"Sally said softly
"I got to tell you when Chelsea told me about you and Connor. I wanted to come see you. I was horrible to you that day"
"It's funny how things like that put everything in perspective"she lean in a little "I owe you an apology as well" she placed her hands on her mug "Keeping those secrets from you it wasn't meant to hurt you. I just had to keep the act up, not that I didn't trust you"
"I get it, I would have probably messed it up for you"
"I love Adam Chloe.We get each other"
Chloe took her hand "I know"she smiled "You standing up for him showed that to me. I didn't make it easy for you"
They both laughed
"How about with the new year coming up we start fresh. Our friendship and us working together, only if you want to" Sally said "Because I would really love if you were apart of my babies lives"she told her
Chloe smiled "Of course"
Sally cheered and got up to hug Chloe "But before you decide, you are aware you'll be working with me ...and Adam"
"I am, I promise I'll behave"
They hugged, Sally pulled away
"So I'll call you later"she said grabbing the food
"Alright, well I'll stop by your suite in a couple days"
"Actually I'm not living there anymore. I'm staying with Adam until we can move into our new house"
"Oh wow, I have missed a lot in such a short time"she laughed "Well I can't wait to see it" she smiled
Sally walked into the apartment with their dinner
"Honey I'm home"she said with a little giggle
Adam got off the couch and came into the kitchen "What took you so long. I was getting worried"he said"What happen"
"I ran into Chloe"she looked over at him
"Was this a good run in or bad"he asked while getting their drinks
"It was actually good. She apologized"she look over and smiled "We are getting back on track"
"Well I love that for you"he kissed her as he walked by her
"I asked her to come work with us.. if she wants to"she told him
"Knowing Chloe she probably turned you down"he said
She looked back at him "Actually, she's going to consider it" she said coming to sit down
"Wow, I gotta didn't expect that"he sat down
"Well I'm very persuasive" she said in a flirty tone while tossing her hair off her shoulder
"Yes you are. That's how we got together"he smiled and leaned over to kiss her
Sally smiled "Yes it is" she gave him another kiss
As they were eating they were discussing their plans for New Years Eve
"So we could either got out or stay in"Adam suggested "I bought you some nonalcoholic champagne. So we can toast the new year"
"I think staying in sounds perfect"she said coming over and sat on his lap
"Really, I thought you might want to go out and celebrate."he said running his hand up her back "It's a big year for us"
Sally shook her head "You are all that I need to celebrate"she wrapped her arms around his neck
"Whatever my girl wants"he said then kissed her

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