"Sally chose family over a company... something you don't know how to do"

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Adam was still holding Sally, stroking her hair. Sally had her arms wrapped around him with her eyes closed just listening to his heartbeat. The doctors wanted to keep her a little while longer just for observation.
"I should go tell Chelsea she should take Connor home"he told her leaning his head on hers
"You'll be back though right"she asked in a panic tone
"Of course. You'd think i would leave you"he kissed her head
Adam went to the door and looked back at Sally "I love you"he smiled
"I love you too"she smiled back
Adam found Chelsea in the waiting room with Connor sleeping on her lap
"How is Sally?"Chelsea asked
"Extremely lucky"he told her as he sat down next to her and rested his on Connor's leg
"They both are" she said smiling down at him
"So the doctors want to keep her a little while longer.You should probably take him home let sleep in his bed"he said
"Are you sure. We can stay"she said
"Ya I'm sure.Let him wake up in the morning at home"Adam told her
Chelsea woke Connor up "HeyBud, I'm gonna take you home"she told him
"No, I want to stay"Connor said
"It's okay"Adam looked at him "You go home with Mom and rest. I'll come see you later"he kissed his forehead
"No I need to stay..for Sally"he said frantically
"Connor she's gonna be okay, we'll be home soon"Adam said
"You don't understand, it's my fault"he said looking at both of them
Adam and Chelsea looked at each other
Chelsea wrapped her arm around Connor "Connor it was an accident it wasn't your fault"she told him
"Yes it is Mom. If I didn't ask Sally to take me to get yours and Dad's gift, we wouldn't have crashed"he cried
Adam pulled him in and held him. He was holding back tears "This wasn't your fault. I don't want you to blame yourself and I know Sally will tell you the same thing"he said rubbing his back
"Can I go see her,before we go?"he asked looking at Chelsea
"Of course you can"she smiled at him
"Come on, I'll take you"Adam said getting up
"I want to go by myself"he told him
"Alright, she in that room over there" he pointed to the door
Connor left and went in
Adam sat back down and sighed
"You doing alright?" Chelsea asked
"Ya, I can't believe I almost lost them today"he started crying
"The baby's okay"she asked
"Yes, by some miracle"he looked over at her
"That's great news"she smiled
"You know, when she started crying when she thought she lost the baby. It took me back to when ....we lost our first"
Chelsea took his hand "It must've been a awful feeling"she said
"I was trying to keep her calm, but I was scared I would go through that nightmare again. And practically the same way we lost Riley"
Connor walked into Sally's room. Sally looked over at him and smiled
"Hey, this is a nice surprise"she said
"Dad told me you were okay, but I wanted to see for myself" he said
Sally smiled "Yes I'm alright just a few bruises. I'll be fine"
Connor looked around the room nervously
"Are you okay?"she asked him
Connor came a little closer "I want to tell you I'm sorry"
"For what?"she asked
"You wouldn't be here if I didn't ask you to take me to get Mom and Dad's presents"he said
"Come here" she told him as she patted the bed
Connor went over and sat next to her
"You listen to me. This is not your fault okay. It was an accident" she told him
"But if we didn't go.."
"Stop it"she grabbed his hand "No more blaming yourself. This wasn't your fault or mine okay"
Connor nodded "Is the baby okay?" he looked at her her
Sally smiled "Yes" she nodded "You want to know something cool?" She asked
"Ya"he said
"After Elena told us the baby was okay. She also told us that there was another baby and it was okay too"she said
"Really there's two in there"he got all excited
"Yes..you're happy about this?"
"Yes, this is awesome"Connor said then laid on Sally and wrapped his arms around her
Sally wrapped her arms around Connor as well and just smiled
Chance came up to Adam and Chelsea
"Hey guys"he said
Adam looked at Chance "Did you catch the person who did this. Was it who Sally suspected"he asked
Chance looked down
"Chance"Adam raised his voice a little
"Yes Adam it was, but there was someone else involved"
"What"Chelsea said
"What do you mean?"Adam asked
"When we found Derek he informed us that he was paid to hurt Sally"Chance said
"By who?"Chelsea asked looking over at Adam
Chance looked at Adam "By your father"he told him
"Victor my father was behind this today" Adam was furious
"Adam look I know how you must be feeling right now"Chance said
"Do you, you just told me my own father paid for someone to hurt my girlfriend. He could have killed her and my son today"he yelled
Chelsea placed her hand on his shoulder "Adam calm down a little, you don't want Connor to come out and see this"she told him
Adam took a deep breath "You're right I'm sorry"he said
"Don't be sorry.You have every right to be angry"she told him
"Did you arrest my father?" he asked
"Not yet, I wanted to tell you first"Chance said
Adam looked over at Chelsea "I know I just told you to take Connor home, but I need to pay my father a little visit and I don't want to leave Sally alone"
"Adam no"she said trying to stop him
"Chelsea please stay"he asked again
"Adam I'm not saying no for staying, I'm telling you it's not a good idea for you to go over there especially like this."she said
"Chelsea that paid someone today to try and kill Sally. He could have also killed our son. I need to this"he looked at her "Please stay with her"
Chelsea nodded "I will, I won't leave her until you come back"
Adam ran out. Chance followed him
Adam started banging on the door. Chance was behind him
"Adam I know how angry you are but you need to stay calm"he told him
"I'll try"he said taking a deep breath
Nikki answered the door
"Adam what are you doing here "she asked
"Where is my father"he asked
"In the living room, but..."she tried saying but Adam stormed in
Adam saw Victor and lost it "You apparently love your company more than your family"he hollered
"Excuse me, what are you talking about!" He asked
"Did you really pay someone to hurt Sally?"he asked
"Adam it's Christmas Eve can this accusation wait"Nikki asked
"Oh I know what today is. You see we having a lovely afternoon until the car accident. You hate Sally that much"
"She took my company"Victor yelled
"No she didn't Dad I did. She stopped everything when she.."he stopped himself
"When she what Adam?"Victor asked
"That's not important.. no wait it is. You see your little plan almost killed my entire world. Because Connor was with her"
"Connor"Nikki said in shock "Is he okay?"she asked
"Yes"he looked over at her "Sally saved him"he looked back over at Victor "You know it's funny for a man who preaches how important family is. And you say you would do anything for them. But today I find out the same man would anything to hurt them. You see your plan not only almost killed Sally and Connor. It almost costed us losing our babies"Adam was emotional
"She's pregnant?"he asked
"Yes, that is why she stopped her plan Dad, because she knew what was more important. Sally chose family over a company... something you don't know how to do"he told him
Adam looked over at Chance "You may arrest him now" he told him
He was walking out "Merry Christmas Dad"

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