16. Monster Out

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Your PoV

"You're kidding me, right?" I asked Dahyun and Chaeyoung. I was hoping that they were!

They just looked down, avoiding their eyes on me. I know that they are really sorry.

"We're really sorry, Y/N. If you want, we can work on it now."

"You should have told me earlier. What should we do? We have to submit that tomorrow." I said.

"We'll ask our prof to give us an extension." Dahyun said.

I just sighed and took our project to check it.

"Gosh, you guys are stressing me out." I said.

"We're sorry."

I don't really know what to do. As if we have a choice but to repeat what we did.

"If we can just work on it before the submission time." Dahyun said.

I looked at my watch, and it's already seven.

"Let's just redo it. Is it fine if we do it in your room?" I asked.

The two looked at me, more like surprised.

"But no parties this time. We have to stay up to finish this." I said.


"Okay, let's go to my room and get my things." I said and walked back to my room.

Just in time, Momo and Eunwoo are about to leave.

"Y/N, we will go now. Thank you for letting us in your room." Eunwoo said carrying their project.

I just nodded and smiled then he left while Momo remained.

"Oh, what happened. What's with your face?" Momo asked.

"We have to redo it. Something happened so we had to stay up late." I said.

Momo shook her head as if she already expected it. She looked at Dahyun and Chaeyoung who are now hiding themselves.

"You're really lucky that Y/N has a long ass patience." Momo said.

I walked in and saw Tzuyu who was cleaning their mess.

"Tzuyu, I have to stay in Chaeyoung and Dahyun's room." I said.


"I'm just saying. Okay, goodnight." I said and grabbed the things we'll need to restart the project.

Chaeyoung and Dahyun also helped me to carry the stuff back to their room.

As we arrived in their room, we started immediately. And this time, the two are more attentive.

Tzuyu's PoV

It's already nine and I am still awake. Sleeping is really one of my struggle. I just finished taking a quick shower. As I went out if the bathroom, I saw Y/N's empty bed. I remembered that she'll be late.

I walked in my bed and get the book that I read every night.

"Every person has their monster inside them." I smiled as I read that line.

It just happened that the monster inside me is real.

Sometimes I wonder why I have to ve like this. Why me and not those people who deserves to be called as monster.

Never in my entire life I killed a person. I do hurt them but it's something that I don't control.

Ever since I started to have this thinking of stopping my own monster, I searched for ways to stop it. But it always ends up nothing.

Should I just accept that I'll be a monster forever?

I sighed and closed the book after reading it for hours.

It's already 11:30, but Y/N is still outside. Maybe she's not sleeping here.

Well for me it's okay. Because the past days, I've been awake even if my eyes are close. I've been stopping myself to turn my roommate to my own prey.

And even if I haven't done that before, I have the feeling that anytime, I'll be the monster who eats human as their food. Just like what I always hear on my parents.

The fact that they were the first one who put that thinking in my mind. And now I am afraid that they will turn out right.


I woke up and the first thing I decided to check is the time. It's almost three in the morning. I sighed in frustration as I realized that I didn't sleep at all. It feels like I just closed my eyes.

Something seems to be bothering me which I can't figure out. As I went out of my bed, I eyed on the next bed beside me, It's Y/N's bed. But she's bot there.

I didn't bother to ask myself if she's still in Dahyun and Chaeyoung's room. I walked to the dispenser to get myself a glass of water.

As I'm drinking the water, I stopped mid way as I felt something familiar. This feeling again.

I looked around like crazy, searching for something.

But I didn't find the thing that I need to find.

I grabbed another water, panicking as I am feeling that feels again. The time when I am craving over a fresh bloody meat. This is the second time, and surprisingly, I didn't see anything that might trigger that kind of hunger.

The jug in water dispenser is almost empty. But I know water won't satisfy the thirst inside me. It's not a thirst on water but blood. It's not craving of human food but human as food.

I covered my mouth as I felt something strange. All the water that I took inside me all came out in just a snap.

I'm starting to feel a new feeling. Something stronger that I never felt before.

My eyes... It's burning and turning my sight in blurry. I could feel something drifting out of my eyelids and it's not tears.

I was grabbing the floor with my fingers leaving a scratch. The  sensation running through my whole body, it's all new and painful. It feels like it's tearing my whole me apart. My breathing pace is faster than a second.

I grabbed my head to stop the thoughts running in my head. All it want is for me to eat.

N-no, n-no, not here please. I begged.

I am crying by myself as I stopped whatever is happening to me. Before I could know, I'm am running outside the building. Somewhere where I could find my prey.

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