45. The Sender

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Your PoV

It's been a week after Tzuyu found out the truth about herself. I can say that she's still affected by it. Just like yesterday when we realized that it's Saturday again, meaning parents' visit.

"Are you going out today?" I asked to Tzuyu if ever she have plans.

"Where would I go?" She asked back.

"You want to go to the library?" Y/N asked.

Tzuyu sighed and looked at Y/N. She knows that the latter just want to help. And she do appreciate it. Even if she doesn't say it often, she knows that Y/N knew that Tzuyu is  appreciating her efforts.

"What do you think? I've been going to library every after morning classes, I found some books that can help us to have advance learning."

"I thought you don't like reading?"

"As if I have a choice?" Y/N sighed.

She knew that right after receiving the punishment, she has to study double.

"Aren't you supposed to be bonding with your mom?"

"Well, I heard they got busy right after we sneaked out. They are still searching for the werewolf."

Tzuyu's smile faded as she heard what Y/N said.

"They are still searching for it?" Tzuyu asked.

"I think so, I've been asking mom about it. I can't just stop thinking about it. Even if mom assured me that this school is safe." Y/N said.

"So what? Do you still wanna go or nah?" Y/N asked.

Tzuyu just nodded since she doesn't want to stay in their room the whole day.

"So, I was thinking... Soiree is two weeks away from now. Have you got your outfit for that night?" Y/N asked as they walk to the library.

"I'm still thinking if I should go." Tzuyu said which made Y/N stop.

Y/N locked Tzuyu on her both hands and looked up at her straightly.

"What do you mean you're still thinking if you should go? Tzuyu, I promised you to give the best experience! Best experience!" Y/N said.

Tzuyu rolled her eyes as she removed Y/N's hands on her shoulders gently.

"I know, but how do you think I should go? I can't ask my parents to give me what I need. I'm done with them." Tzuyu said and  about to walk but Y/N stopped her.

"I'll work on it."


"It's on me, you don't need to worry. Just please come!" Y/N said as she shut her eyes and hands were clapped.

"You don't need go do that, crazy."

"Come one Tzu, I want you there. I can't enjoy the party without you."

"Why so?" Tzuyu asked as she walked.

"Coz! It's a promise." Y/N said as she tries to catch up on Tzuyu.

"Promise were meant to be broken, Y/N."

"Well not on me... Please, I want you there." Y/N said as she looked at Tzuyu with her pleasing eyes.

"Are you flirting with me?" Tzuyu frowned as she halted back.

"Come on, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, and Momo are coming. I want my closest friends to be there before Christmas vacation."

Tzuyu averted her eyes as sshe can't look at Y/N straight in her eyes especially when her eyes are shining and asking for attention.

"Please? For me? For your... Bestfriend?"

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