73. Gift

445 47 1

Tzuyu's PoV

After we ate breakfast, we didn't go back to the dorm but we stayed outside the school yard. We are just casually talking when Y/N excused herself for she has to do something that her mom asked her.

Momo also left since she said that Jeongyeon assigned her to clean up their room. She has to do it or else Jeongyeon will change roommate next year.

I didn't even know you could do that.

It's just us the three, Tzuyu, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung. We are watching random students and just chilling under the tree.

"About Jihyo almost defeating Y/N on an annual showdown, when was that happened?" I asked to Chaeyoung and Dahyun.

"Hmm, as far as I remember it was the early stage of their breakup."

"Breakup?" I asked as I am also shocked.

"I mean as a friend. When they stopped talking, Jihyo started avoiding Y/N. That's the time Jihyo almost got the first place. But still, she didn't. Y/N technically has full control on there power. Aside her ability is also the most powerful one." Chaeyoung said.

"Did you know why Jihyo started avoiding Y/N?"

"No, even Jeongyeon who we get along with doesn't mention anything about that." Dahyun said.

"But there was a rumor going on around. Y/N is just not aware of it. Jihyo punished everyone who spread that story. I know because she once warned me." Chaeyoung whispered.


"Some girls on the campus said that Jihyo has a thing with Y/N. I can't blame them for thinking that way because Jihyo is so down to Y/N before. It's just that Y/N is dense enough to notice it." Dahyun said.

"She likes Y/N? Did she confirm this?" I asked.

"Of course not. It's just a rumor. And you know what it can do to someone's mind. I admit that I was part of those people who think that rumor is true. That's why I think every Jihyo's action is showing her interest in Y/N." Dahyun said.

"Do you believe in it?" I asked Chaeyoung.

"Well... All I can say is, I know when the person is also my kind. And so far, Jihyo is in her 10 percent before she perfects the scale." Chaeyoung said.

"You know whatever the truth is, I guess only Jihyo knows it. Y/N is completely clueless. That's why whenever someone asks me about Y/N, I would advise them to confess. We can't blame Y/N because for her they are all natural kind. But the real deal is that some just really have a thing with her." Chaeyoung said.

"Yeah, maybe it's a huge factor that she sees everyone as her friend. That's why she doesn't really suspect someone has feelings for her." Dahyun said.

Not so long ago, Y/N came with Momo. I looked at her and realized how Dahyun and Chaeyoung were right. She's kind to everyone because she sees everyone kind to her.

Even when Jihyo stopped talking to her, she still chose to help them. But that doesn't even bother me at all. I mean even now that I know, that there's a possibility that she's doing those things to me because she sees everyone as her friend.

I don't feel confused because all I know is I started to like her when she constantly making me smile.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I looked at Y/N as she sat beside me while the three were talking to something else.

"Yeah. I'm just thinking about something."

"Mind to share?"

I just chuckled and shook my head.

"Why not? We promised no secrets anymore!"

"Did we? I can't remember." I said which made her scoffed and crossed her arms.

"What else I expect from you? You're always like that." She huffed.

"What do you mean? What like that?" I asked curiously.

"Tzuyu you're being unpredictable. The last time you were sharing everything to me. And no you're keeping a secret. You're always like that. It's like you just share when you're in your mood." She said.

"Is that a bad thing? Do you hate me now?" I asked which made her look at me.

I didn't realize that I asked her seriously which made her look at me so worried.

"No. I was just joking. I know that every person has secrets they can't tell. You don't have to ask me that." She said looking at me sincerely.

"I know, I'm just joking too." I said which made her feel less tense.

"Oh since when you learned to joke?"

"Guys! Let's go to our room. Momo has a new game to play with." Dahyun said which made us look at them.

"Tada! I cleaned the room and got this. It's actually from Jeongyeon. She said I can have it." Momo said as she showed a disc.

"Wait." Y/N spoke which made us look at her.

"Jeongyeon? Jeongyeon gave this to you?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Oh, nothing... I just remembered I used to have the same one before. But I haven't played with it." Y/N said.

"Really? I got this from Jeongyeon. It's actually sealed. She said she got this from Jihyo years ago. But don't worry, she said Jihyo threw this already."

"Aishh Jeongyeon really likes to pick up things that are not hers." -Dahyun.

"Why would Jihyo threw that? Isn't she like the game addict like Mina." Chaeyoung said.

"Maybe because I gifted it to her. It was her last birthday when we were still talking. So she threw that." Y/N said which made us all stop.


"It was a limited edition. She said she wanted those. But it's fine, at least we have something to play on today. Let's go! To Dahyun and Chaeyoung's room, right?" Y/N said and walked ahead without even letting us answer.

"Geez... This is my fault." Momo said.

"Nah, don't blame yourself. We clearly don't know anything."

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