55. "That's What Friends For"

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Your PoV

As Tzuyu left us, I immediately get that I have to follow her. I went out of my seat but before I could leave to follow Tzuyu, granny stopped me.

"Y/N can we talk."

I looked at granny as she's looking at me anticipating for my answer. As much as I want to follow Tzuyu coz I know she'll running emotional after the talk, but I am also up to talk to granny.

I sat back as I waited for her to speak first. She smiled at me and I could literally tell that she's the kind of person I want... Unlike Tzuyu's parents, they are so serious and sarcastic. Well Tzuyu used to be like that, but anyway.

"I see you're good friend with Tzuyu."

"Yes, granny... Well, she's my roommate, and the first time she got here,  I was one of the first person welcomed her." I said.

"I'm glad, that even Tzuyu is the kikd of person who doesn't go with having friends, you still manage to get inside of her comfort zone. You managed to let down her walls."

This time, I know we'll be talking about Tzuyu so my willingness to stay here went stronger.

"How did you know she's like that to everyone? I thought this is your first meeting... And, Tzuyu mentioned she never met any of her grandparents." I asked.

I saw her expression changed, more like she's surprised of my question.

"Let's just say, I know everything about my granddaughter."

"Did you know too that your son doesn't treat my friend like their own daughter? I know it's not my job to mind other's life, especially that I am just her friend and we just met. But knowing Tzuyu doesn't deserve that kind of treatment... You should have been there for her, granny. You could have been a person she could count on. A person she can call a family." I said.

Not so long, Tzuyu's father came. She was surprised to see Tzuyu is not here anymore. I looked at granny again and she just smiled at me.

"Please never leave Tzuyu, you're both lucky to have each other. You both remind me of someone."

"Where's Tzuyu?" Mr. Chou interrupted as she looked at me as if asking me but not.

"Sejun, please escort me to the principal. Let's just let Y/N and Tzuyu with their day." Granny said.

"Wait, you're talking to my mom?"

"I'll just say a hi. Have a nice day, dear." Granny said before leaving her seat and walking away with Mr. Chou.

I watched them to walk in the school while I remained wherever I am. I was thinking about what granny meant when she said we reminded her of someone. I could tell too that she's a nice person. I just don't get it why she let Tzuyu live with her parents knowing what exactly is the kind of treatment she'll get.

I left thw place, to go back to the dorm. As I entered, I saw Tzuyu on her desk. I didn't say a word but walked behind her and tap her shoulder for comfort.

"You okay?" I asked even if I already know the answer.

"I don't get what they have to go here. In the first place they don't care what's happening to me." Tzuyu said.

I sighed as I can't give her a right response. Or if there's even one. I actually don't know. But I do understand her.

"What did they tell you? You stayed there for long." Tzuyu asked as she looked up at me who's standing beside her.

"Nothing much. Granny just asked about mom."

"You seriously calling her that?" Tzuyu asked.

"Uhm... Why not, she told me to call her that." I said.

Tzuyu stood and looked at me with a serious face.

"What? Tzuyu, I know you're mad at them... But granny is a nice person."

"How did you know? You just met her a while ago. Same goes to me. You were the one who's got mad when I chose Jihyo to partner up with me instead you." She said sounding offended.

"Hey that's a whole different thing. I know Jihyo while you don't know your grandma. She's trying to have nice time with you, why can't you see that?"

"Nice time? Y/N she's my father's mother. The person who treated me like a nobody. Why can you see that they are all the same?!"

I sighed in frustration not with her but with the situation we are having. Just a while ago, I got her all cover. Because I am her friend, but of course, being a friend doesn't mean you always have to listen to her especially if you know that she's missing on something. I mean, that's what friends for.

"Tzuyu, I know what you're feeling right now. What I'm just saying is we can't tell. We both know that we didn't know granny. Can't we just treat her the way she treated us? She was all nice." I convinced.

"Look... I know I am not in the right place to mind your family problem. I just don't want you to feel like you don't have someone you can call a family. Especially your dad and the mother you know is not treating you right. Granny is all nice to call you her grandchild, she meant it."

Tzuyu didn't say a word after that. As I thought she'll gonna understand what I said...

"Fine, do whatever you want. But don't ever talk to me again."

I was shocked as she said those. I felt a pang in my chest. A familiar feeling I felt the first time I lost a friend.

I want to chase her, call her again. Ask her if she mean those words. But I was late when she left and slammed the door behind.

What did I do again?

I stared at nowhere as what she said repeated continuously like in my head like a recorder. Every second it repeated the heavier impact it gives to me.

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