107. Bloody Tears (1)

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Third Person

After a bloody night, the sun has awakened. The chaos that happened in one night has ended... In the meantime.

Y/N opened her eyes finding herself under a dry and heated house by a bonfire. She wandered her eyes with the hope that everything that happened is just a dream. But the first person who caught her eye was Tzuyu's uncle.

As she saw the wounds and cuts on Tzuyu's uncle, undesirable thoughts sunk into her mind. She also felt her body aching as if she fought the whole day.

She looked at Tzuyu's uncle in his eyes and they both shared a sad eye.

Y/N gasped silently, covering her mouth in shock as everything is starting to go back to her senses.

She wanted to cry so badly but she was so broken that she can't cry anymore. She only feels hurt and damaged inside that no sound is escaping her mouth. It's like there's something heavy going on inside her, and she can't seem to figure out how to release it.

Her memories of last night flashed instantly through her head leaving her speechless.

"I'm sorry... She told me to do so. She told me she's willing to die just to save you, I have to do what she wants."

As Y/N heard that, everything she feels inside showered her out. She cried so loud that she can't feel herself anymore. Her face is getting numb, her hands are shaking and sweating, and her voice is trembling.

"Why? Why did you have to do that?!"

"Y/N... We can't defeat them we all gonna die if we'll stay there. That is exactly Tzuyu's words!"

"Even so! Y-you should have just let me die too. W-why!?" Y/N wailed, clenching her fist into a ball.

Before she could know it, she was destroying everything she could. Throwing anything she wants. She fell to her knees as she cried louder. She can barely open her eyes and she surely knows she doesn't want to.

She started blaming herself as she pictured how she last saw her friends breathing and fighting for their lives.

She keeps thumping her fists on her lap until it's red. As if no level of pain can be compared to what she's feeling inside.

Remembering their last sentences before they died. Screaming for help, saying they're sorry... Those are just only from her friends, she didn't have a moment to hear her mom's voice before the vampires took her life. Tzuyu's last words that she heard being "everything will be fine." Yet here she is, crying about their deaths.

Tzuyu's uncle watched Y/N grieve her loss. But he can see how painful it was. How much damage it is causing the younger now. The way she burst into tears, screamed her voice out and ran out of breath.

He went to the younger slowly, sitting next to her and patting her back.

Y/N leaned on his body as she was still crying. Her whole body is so weak that she can't even sit like she was sitting a while ago.

He puts his arms around Y/N as he continues to comfort her.


It's been an hour after Y/N cried drastically. As she realized how many friends she lost, and loved ones that had left her.

Y/N was sitting in the corner and hugging her knees as she is staring nowhere. Her tears are still ongoing as her lips were shut close.

Every second, she's remembering the scene that she last saw before she left them.

Her lips are shaking as she's stopping herself to cry again. But it is harder than she expected.

"Y/N. You need to eat." Tzuyu's uncle said making Y/N look at him tiredly.

"I'm not hungry."

"I know you're not, but you have to. You need energy-"

"I said, I am not hungry. I don't need fucking energy. I'm fine, I just want to be alone!"

"You don't mean that now eat."

"You don't understand me because it's not your friends and loved ones who died! You lost no one! You don't know how much guilt I am feeling right now. If I should have just known that they would die, I should have just stayed with them. There's no use in staying alive when my loved ones were all gone!"

"I would stop it. If only I am just stronger... Maybe I was able to pull them off that place. Maybe no one died."

"What is the sense of living? when I have to live with this guilt and sadness... This anger. I wished I was stronger. I wish I could save them." Y/N let out with her tears.

"We should have just run away when I saw that Tzuyu will die. She promised me she was not going to die. That everything will be fine. Is this what is fine for her? Leaving me behind?"

"Y/N, she sacrificed her life for you. She was willing to die for you." Tzuyu's uncle said.

"Fuck, I don't need that! I don't need her to die for me. I don't need anyone to die for me. I need her with me, beside me... I need her alive."

"And she needed you alive too. Y/N there's still a chance. We can still-"

"No... No, I had enough. I'm so tired... I don't want anyone to trust me again that this could end because it won't. It will never be."

"I won't stop if you won't do anything."

"What do you want me to do then? Kill more vampires? For who? For those people who I didn't even know? I can't even save my friends... My girlfriend and even my mother. I let them all die in there. And even with them, we can't stop this. What more now that I am alone?"

"First of all, you're not alone. There are still other students who are like you, using their powers to kill these vampires. You have them, you have me. We'll end them altogether, maybe not in one day, but the day will come when no vampires are existing anymore. Y/N, this is your chance... To revenge for your friends, your mom, and even for Tzuyu."

"You need to eat and gain your energy back. The battle isn't over. There are more of us. You'll lead them no matter what. Now get yourself together, as long as we are here, we are safe." Tzuyu's uncle said.

"I want to go back there. I want to see them." Y/N said as if she didn't hear what Tzuyu's uncle said.

"You don't have to go out, I'll try to bring them here. We don't know if there are vampires outside that we have encountered. They can smell your blood if ever. Unlike me... I will also try to call on the basement, so they could send help us."

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