Chapter 1

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"Mom, I'm scared, why are they following us?" An 8 year old boy cried as he was constantly looking at the back, looking at a black van that was following them.

"Don't be scared sweety, mommy is here, I'll protect you" . His mother said as she was comforting him while driving a black Audi Q5, running away from the people that were chasing them. "Pick up, pick up Jae, PICK UPPPP" she screamed as she was trying to call her husband who was not picking up the call. "Shit" she muttered as she saw that the black Van was approaching them. She made a sharp curve almost drifting when she saw that one of the man was aiming at them and the bullet missed, she quickly changed the gear and increased her speed. "I swear if your father doesn't pick up right now, I'm gonna skin him aliv- . . Oh at fucking last, why are you not picking up the call, Jae?

"Honey, I'm sorry but we were attacked by the Russian gang, but we managed to wipe them out, what's wrong where are you?" Jae said as he was trying to calm down from all the killing he was doing.

"We are being chased by some people, I don't know if it's a gang or not but it's a black Van and I need some hel---- Aaaaaaahhh shit,. . .  jimin baby. . . are you ok,. . . I'm sorry love"

"Why, what's happening?" Jimin's father asked as he was panicking when he heard his wife screaming.

"They hit us, I don't think we gonna hold on forever, please Jae, come fast".

"OK, baby don't worry, I'm tracing your call right now  and I'm on my way only 8 minutes. . . . In my GPS, I see that there's a building ahead, I want you to drive there, real quick and hide, OK, sweetpie?

"What's with all the pet names?" Jimin's mother smiled at her husband's cheesiness as she knew that  he was trying to distract her. She kept on changing the gear and increased her speed to get away from the van. After a minute she said,  "Ohk I see it"

"Good girl, now turn on your left and just stay there, ohk Jira? I'm coming". He said as he increased his speed as the thought of his son being scared with all of this. Well his wife was familiar with it so, he didn't worry much.

As they arrived, Jira looked back at her son and said, baby I want you to listen to me very carefully. "No mom, no" jimin cried as he shook his head. "Aawww baby, everything will be fine darling, ohk, now you see those people, they are very bad people, I want you to know that Mr Kim will be there for you ohk?"

"Why Mr K-Kim, w-why not you a-and dad?" The 8 year old said between his sobs.

As Jira was about to talk they heard the screeching of the tires, meaning that the Van has approached, "hide, I want you to hide, take this phone and call Mr Kim, ohk, now go"

"Mom noo"..  . .

"minie. . . . baby, be a good boy and listen to mommy ohk, now go" jimin got out of the car and ran towards the tress while his mother took a shotgun under the seat and  got out of the car and stood infront of the car facing at where the van would appear but before she saw the Van she heard a gunshot behind it and knew that her husband has arrived.

" took you long enough" she mumbled to herself while waiting for them to appear. But  . . . .suddenly it went  quiet. . .too quiet to her liking.    And then suddenly

Boom! 💥💥 she heard an explosion
"No" she screamed as she ran towards the sound and what she saw broke her heart, the car her husband was driving was on fire
"Jaeeeee" Jira screamed as she was searching for her husband and the van was on fire two but she saw 3 members were not dead yet and she went to them shot them with rage,  " you bastards, you piece of . . " she couldn't finish as she felt hands holding her back and she turned almost hitting the person behind,

"Whoa sweety, calm down I'm ohk" Jae said as he laughed at his wife feistiness

"Oh my God" Jira gasped as she saw the state her husband was in. He had gun wounds, 2 of them on his chest. .  Jira cried as as she hugged her husband, "no ,no I can't lose you, please" . . . ."sshhh baby it's alright" Jae tried to comfort his wife and she bowled her eyes out.

The leader of the gang was not dead. . . Unfortunately.  . . . When the Van was about to explode he jumped out of the Van and saved himself. . . . .while the couple was busy hugging each other, he took his gun and shot 2 bullets at them, the bullets hit Jira at the back making it to pierce through and hit Jae in his heart, with having already 2 bullet wounds, he couldn't have survived. They fell to the floor while hugging each other. Tears fell from Jimin's mother as she thought about their son. "My baby, we love you so much" she said before closing her eyes.

"Noooooooo" the 8 year old screamed at what he saw while hiding behind the trees. And that made the leader to look at where the sound was coming from,  "shit, the little prick" he muttered as he contemplated whether to go after him or not. . ."nah, the beasts will devour him in the forest" he smirked as he ran away

Well big mistake, because Jimin saw his face. . . .he got out from his hiding and went to where his parents were. He grabbed the phone tight as he looked down at the bodies of his parents still hugging each other. A lone tear escaped his eye and he said

"I will avenge you, mom and dad".

If you've read to this far, thank you so much. . .and I love you! ❤

You are gorgeous 💫
You are beautiful 💜
You are great 🌈

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