Chapter 14

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Tonight is surely more packed. I mean it always is, but it has its days you know. When I said, its days, I mean just a little more average than the normal clubs, but now imagine being totally 'packed!' Namjoon is surely famous and. . . . .rich. I wonder how his house looks like. Must be beautiful as hell, obviously.

"Can I have a drink please, a strong one" a light brown skinned girl said sitting down on a stool, breaking me from my trance. A beautiful girl and a lil bit chubby. She wore a pair of high waist jeans, a white sexy crop top, a Jean jacket and a pair of black boots. She looked really dazzling, i wouldn't even mind having her. I smirked to myself. Before she could notice it, I smiled at her. She looked really beautiful but she also looked. . . horrible. What happened to her.

"Sure" I nodded.

"Had a rough day?" I asked

" you have no idea" she sighed leaning forward to the counter.

"Mind to share, maybe it'll ease your mind" I gave her a glass of tequila with a lemon on top.

"I won't judge " I said as I saw the hesitancy she held.

She took a deep breath and whispered, " I just found out that my girlfriend was using me to get to my father" she looked at me for my reaction. I just stared at her.

"Why?" I broke the silence.

"Apparently she wanted information from my father" she said rolling her eyes but I could see the hurt in them.

" she's a fool to do that, how can she do that to you, I mean look at you, you're sexy, cute, beautiful, damn" I saw her smiling at my comment.

"Thanks, that made me a little bit better"

"How long have you guys been together?" I questioned.

"2 years" I widened my eyes at that.

"What about your father?" I poured her another glass.

"My father wasn't aware of it. He is a successful business man so of course people would be after him, i just couldn't think my girlfriend would be one of them.

"How did you find out?"

"I heard her talking on her phone with someone, I guess the person she's working for, talking about how she's almost there, to get the information. She talked about how she'll dump me when she's done." She said bitterly, tears weld up in her eyes threatening to fall.

"I'm sorry to hear that" I said as I placed a hand on hers.

"It's ohk, better late than never." She smiled before gulping her drink. She motioned me to pour her another one.

"I did love her you know, she meant everything to me, I don't know if I'll ever trust someone again"

"They will surely come, I'm sure of it. Someone that'll truly appreciate who you are and love you without using you. Just give it time"

"Thank you for not judging me. Even if you did, I wouldn't give a fuck, you know. I mean I'm sorry but the world is just. . ." She said sinking in her seat more.

"It's ohk, I know the world is very judging and very shitty but trust me, I'm not. I mean, I kinda do have crushes on girls too soo" I said assuring  her and I saw a smile forming on her face.

She looked down for a second and said, "you know, for a moment there, I saw you checking out on me." She smirked. "I'd say you're crushing on me"

"Are you flirting with me" I asked amused.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now