Chapter 55

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Jimin didn't waste time before he arrived at the base. He found everyone ready for the mission. Y/N has been in his mind ever since he got the news that she has been kidnapped. He was worried. . .maybe more than the word itself. Y/N is his life. He'd do anything for her, and he doesn't want to lose her.

Everyone was geared up. They had worn their mission outfits, and they were only waiting for Jimin. As he arrived, he went straight to his room and took out his clothes. After changing, he went back to the meeting room.

"Ohk, let's revisit our plan one last time." He said upon arrival, not wanting to waste any time.

Everyone agreed, and Joon began to talk.

"Tae and Jin, you're the snipers. You need to get rid of the obstacles. Alessio and JK, you'll handle the first group that will be outside the warehouse. Tae and Jin will be helping you.

"Adelina, you and Abby need to distract the guards so that Jimin and Riccardo can go to where Yang Shin is. Suga will be on standby. When Y/N is free, he'll come with her to the van.

Jay and I will be monitoring y'all through the screens and guiding you. We'll also be taking a few of our men to help, and they're ready."

Joon commanded as he looked at everyone in the room.

"Any comments or additions?" Jimin questioned.


"I don't think so."

"We're all good."

A few of them answered while others shook their heads.

"Good, I don't want any mistakes here. Y/N's life is at stake. She's our priority. Make sure that you do whatever it takes to get her out."

Jimin ordered with a stern voice.

"Now let's go." Jimin said as he took his weapons before heading to the cars, and the others followed his actions.

Jimin was so relieved that the plan went through. He saw through Yang Shin, and he knew that he'll kidnap Y/N. That's why he came up with the plan that Y/N will be going alone to the bar without JK so that the work could be easier.

The men that he had hired to follow Yang Shin told him that he once went to his company. When he asked his employees, they said that he was looking for Isan. He knew that he'll soon get impatient and would want to make Y/N talk.

Y/N had said that she'd be the bait, but Jimin refused. He tried to change her mind, but she was so adamant. He ended up agreeing with her nonetheless. He knows that if something goes wrong, then it'll be the end. That is why Jimin ordered Jay to put a tracking device on her. He avoided the phone because he knew that the first thing they'll take, will be the phone. But if it's on the clothes, it'll be easier. So Jay put the device on her shoes.

They had also put a small camera in the car, which Y/N was being transported with, and they made sure that the chauffer wears the bulletproof vest. So when they shot him, the bullet hit the vest, and the men were too busy with Y/N to even check if he was dead or not.

Jimin was now relieved that everything was going well so far, and he hoped that it'll be the same throughout the mission.

When they reached the warehouse, Jin and Tae went to their positions and made sure that the guards guarding the warehouse were out of the way.

Jk and Alessio dealt with the other men who began to be alert of their arrival. As they were busy fighting, another man came from behind and tried to attack JK, but Tae saw it first and shot the man right in the head.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now