Chapter 21

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I really need to be sedated. And only   Y/N can do that. I just can't be still because I wanna be around her. She's my drug and I'm addicted to her. After coming back from Ilsan, I was supposed to head straight to the club but unfortunately, me and Tae got a call from the base. Apparently, one gang wanted to merge with us because they wanted security and power.

When two gangs merge,  they become powerful and unstoppable. Since word went around about me and my gang, people were lining up trying to have an alliance with us because they knew that we were too powerful and unbeatable.

"While you were away, Thee Devil came to us seeking for our partnership." Suga explained.

"What do they have, I mean, what are we going to benefit from it?" I asked annoyed because, I could've been with my baby right now but here I am in this useless meeting but it cannot be ignored.

"They said that they'll offer us better weapons and some equipments" he said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Are they trying to play with us" I tried to keep my cool.

Key word, tried.

I can't believe this is their deal, please we have so many weapons that are so much better than anyone's.

"That's what he said" Suga said, taking out a recorder from his pocket.

"We can really be a big and a fearful gang in the country. I promise, your boss won't regret this. I wish I could wait for him but I've got important business to take care of. I'm getting married so I don't want to keep my bride waiting. We'll talk more when your boss comes."

"He really got some nerves, Chim, how dare he come here unannounced and order our men around" Tae's voice was full of anger.

"The audacity and he talks about a wedding, who cares about the damn wedding, did we ask? Fucking asshole" I grabbed the recorder from the table and smashed it on the wall and it broke into pieces. I tried not to lose my cool.

"I'll deal with him later, I don't have time for this shit" I stood up to head to the club. I hope I'm not late. Fuck, if I'm late, I'm gonna kill a motherfucker.

The meeting took long than I've imagined. When I arrived, I went straight to her counter but she wasn't there. Damn it. I took out my phone to call her but it didn't get through. The fuck, why is it off. I tried again but the same thing happened. I didn't even go to check if Joon was there. I was so angry that I didn't want to see anyone at the moment.

First, the shitty gang tries to play with us, second,  I've missed my baby and now her phone is not getting through. I went straight to our warehouse. Did some shooting to relief my stress and went home after a few hours.

The morning came and I went to the club again to speak with Joon hyung because he was not at home. Maybe he never came home yesterday. I found Tae with him in his office. Why didn't he tell me he was coming here, he didn't even wake me up.

"Jimin, you're here, Tae was just telling me how your trip went" I nodded at his statement.

"It was fine, they miss you, you should take some time to check on them" I said with a cool voice not wanting to sound mad. He agreed and they continued to talk while my mind drifted to Y/N, I kept on calling her, still no luck.

"Jimin, are you there?" Namjoon's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


"I said I wanted to tell you something, don't kill me though" he said and I pulled my eyebrows together shifting my body to face him.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now