Chapter 43

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No one would want to be tortured by Jimin. The moment he steps inside the torture room, he becomes someone different, the aura around him completely changes and he becomes dangerous and. . . so hot

"I said look at her" He ordered Isan to look at me, which he did

"This will be the last time you see her, you hear me, because how would you see her when you've got no eyes at all?" When he said that, he had this sick grin on his face, he was totally in Chaos mode, dangerous as he grabbed Isan's hair and yanked it to the side making him to whimper.

"N-no p-plea-se, i-im sorry " Isan begged and whimpered because of the pain he was feeling

"I'm not the one you should be apologising to" Jimin said as he released his hold.

"Y/N I'm sorry, p-please, for-forgive me, you kn-now I did t-this because, I was i-in lo-ve with y-you, please, I ne-ver mea-nt to hur-rt you"

The moment he said that I was sick to my stomach. Him? Love me? How I wanted to puke! I stood up and went near him.

"Don't fuck with me Isan, you were obsessed with me, you said love me? Dakcheoryaaa! (Shut up) you had no idea how much I loathe you, you made my life hell, not just mine but Abby as well, the way you'd wait for her to finish working and you'd follow her till our apartment.. . Was disgusting. She never felt safe because of you and at one point...she became paranoid you know, she'd always be on her guard because of you. You know, I actually pity you, because no one will ever love a person like you. . . . . Oh . . .and one more thing. ..

I'll NEVER. . EVER ..accept your apology. Never" I finished the last sentence and went outside the volt. It really felt good to say what I wanted and knowing that it'd be the last time I see him because knowing my Minnie he won't let him live.


Exactly 2 hours went by and he finally showed up to the meeting room. I had to wait for him because I missed him. I bet he showed first because he changed his clothes. He put on a pair of black tight jeans and a  tucked in black shirt with a pair of Chelsea boots.

I gulped at the sight and he noticed my actions. He smirked and approached my seat. He sat next to me and stared at me for a while.

"What" I questioned

"Nothing, just admiring your beauty." I'm sure my cheeks turned pink

"Are you ohk? " He asked with a serious voice

"I am"

"That's like a good girl" I felt a wet pool flowing down between my thighs which made me to squeeze my thighs together.

"Oohh, I forgot how much you liked to be praised." He came close to me and he wrapped his arm around my waist lifting me up with one arm and sat me on his thighs.

He looked me in the eyes and whispered something in my ear which made me to whine. I put my hands on his shoulders for support. He shifted my body so that I could straddle him.

"I know you're wet for me, just for me, oh how you turn me on, my little queen"

His hands trailed from my hands down to the front of my jeans. He put his hand on to my coochie without moving his hand. I whined at the lack of touch and moved my hips forward to feel him even more.

"Oh, my queen wants more, but i don't know what you want, can you say it for me, baby?"

His voice was really seducing me.

"Yes. . ." I released a heavy breath and tried to lean in for a kiss but he put his finger on my mouth

"I won't do anything until you ask me, doll"

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now