Chapter 25

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The way jimin fought for Y/N, was incredible. I've never seen him this angry, he was a beast. When he gets into action he's untouchable, he's scary and he likes to play with his opponent's mind. The way people shiver when they hear of his name is marvelous, I know I'm not any better, this is what we grew up doing, killing people, but not the innocent. Call us sick, but we enjoy it.

I guess he really cares for her, the way he looks at her  I've never seen him look at anybody like that. He might have had hook ups here and therebut what I'm seeing with Y/N is something completely special and different.

When we got home, he didn't even wait a second, he just rushed to the guest room to where his Y/N was. He knew because he was the one who said they should be given that particular room. The way he walked, it's like he was flying. Dude couldn't even wait for the car to stop. Park Jimin is whipped.

I was in the living room with Joon hyung when someone came to the living room. Y/N's best friend. The first time I  saw her, she was so cute and adorable like a little puppy when she came to Joon's office. The way she couldn't even blink when I opened the door, it was fun to look at, she was really mesmerizing.

She was one stubborn lady, she didn't want to go anywhere without her bestfriend. We went to our headquarters with her and she saw our secret and was she not shocked! She was flabbergasted that she kept on jumping up and down, pacing back and forth muttering that we are the Bulletproof gang.  When she said she wanted to be part of the plan, I was against the idea but she was so stubborn like I said, I've never seen someone as stubborn as she is. She's so scary when she mad.

I thought we'd be together on the mission but Jimin put her in another team. This fucker. Atleast he told the men to protect her as well. I was at peace for a little, knowing that she'll be protected and they did a good job in doing so, if they didn't they'd meet their ancestors for sure.

When she came towards us, I guess she didn't expect to see me because she froze in  her spot. My my, she's so beautiful. I want to ta- wait wait, is she. . .is she wearing Joon's clothes? What the hell. I immediately looked at Joon .

"What?" He asked.

"Why is she wearing your clothes?" I questioned annoyed.

She then went towards the kitchen with careful steps as if she didn't want to break the floor. Cute.

"Dude, she didn't have any clothes to change into, so I gave her mine, I didn't know if you'd have liked for her to be in your clothes so. . ." He shrugged.

"Besides, I also gave Y/N Jimin's clothes"

"Well that's understandable since she is his girl, I ain't complaining about that" I whisper yelled at him.

"What's done is done" he shrugged and went to his book again reading.

When I looked to where she went, she was already staring at me, holding a bottle of water. She then came to a seat that was opposite mine and sat down.

"Hi" even her voice was beautiful.  I could sleep listening to it, it could be my lullaby.

"Hey Abby, how was the mission" I just questioned even though I knew how it went because I've seen it with my own eyes as I was in the helicopter. Just want to hold a conversation.

"It was amazing, it was freaking fun, I wanna do it again" she pounced her feet on the floor and her eyes lit up at that. The clothes she was wearing was too baggy for her. She looked like a toddler in them. God help me not to jump at her.

"Oh really?" Joon's voice came through.

"Yah, it was incredible. The way that guy, Suga, aimed for the driver's head, it was as if I was watching a movie. i was a bit scared though, since it was my first time seeing someone being shot and die infront of me but it brought that feeling, the rush, you know." The way she explained it, was so beautiful to look at. She talked with her whole body, while she was imitating how Suga did it.

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