Chapter 22

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I really had no choice but to try on the wedding dress. I mean I had no choice because i was held at gun point. After the phone call, the girl took her phone and disappeared for a while. When she came back, she came with the guy I was  supposed to 'marry'.

"That was some dirty move you pulled, my dear princess " I've never cringed so hard in my life.

"I did what?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Mary says you attacked her and stole the phone" I widened my eyes at him.

"What the fuck, I never did no such thing, she's the one who left her phone carelessly. "

"No, she's lying, look, look at the bruise on my head" she faked her cry so that he can believe her. What a bitch. She even hurt herself to have a bruise. How can she stoop this low.

He wasn't even fazed by nothing. It seemed like he didn't even believe anything that was said but he didn't say anything.

"Just know that, only after a few hours, I'll be your husband and you'll be my wife, so I'll have you under my control. Whatever I say, you do without any question. So fit on this fucking dress, while I ask nicely because you don't want things to get nasty" he lowly spoke as he stared at my eyes, without breaking any contact.

I looked at the person behind him and she was fucking smirking. Makes me want to slap the shit out of her.  The guy left and some maids got in to help me with the dress. I refused again but this time one of the guard came in and held the gun to my head. I followed the maids to the bathroom to fit.  The dress was fitting perfectly but I wasn't even excited. After doing all their work, they got out of the room and locked it leaving me behind. What has my life become?

Am I really getting married? I guess I am. . .am I ready?.  . No. . . .do I have a choice?.  No. . .can't believe my life would just be gone in just a few hours. This made me think about one of the conversations I used to talk with my mom.

" you know mommy  when I grow up, I'm gonna make you the prettiest lady ever" I said excitedly.

"Oh is that so, how my baby" she responded with a little laugh adoning her beautiful face.

" I'm going to take care of you, I'm gonna keep on sending money to you when I work"

"Aaww my little princess, I'm sure I'm gonna enjoy it but your husband will take care of you as well, isn't that so."

"My husband? But I don't wanna get married" I pouted.

"Why baby" she questioned as she took me in her lap grazing me with her warmth.

"Because I wanna be with you forever." I snuggled closer to her chest

"I'll always be with you my sweet angel"

"And if I get married, you'll be there to walk me down the aisle, no one else" I demanded

"Ohk, baby, whatever you say" she tried to hold her laugh but I know it was just happiness in her voice.

After the reminiscent of the past, I felt tears stream down my face. I miss my mom so much. I wish she was here with me to hold my hand. I didn't even realize the time had passed and it was already morning. I never slept as I was lost in my thoughts all night. It felt like only a few minutes had passed but it was more than that.

I heard the door unlock as the girl known as Mary, came through with some of the maids again from last night  holding the gown, the heels and all the likes of the accessories. They didn't even ask me anything, they just forced me to do anything they wanted, I fought though, I struggled, I was stubborn, yes, but the struggle didn't last long as I had little strength and I hadn't even eaten anything since I came. Well they gave me food but I opted to not eat it. Who knew, maybe they poisoned it or something.

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