Chapter 18

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" Come meet me at the Persona Bar after work. 5th street."

When I said I'd make it up to Abby, I wasn't joking. I planned to invite her to the club where I work at. I was busy preparing the glasses and stacking them when yesterday's events replayed in my head. I don't even know where Jimin got my number from because clearly I never gave him. After yesterday's call I didn't even go outside of my room so I felt a lil bad for Abby because when I came home last night, she was in the shower and I told myself that I'll see her after she finished, but Jimin called right there and then.

After the call I didn't have the energy to go downstairs, I just dozed off while talking to him and when I woke up in the morning, I saw Jimin's message. Oops. I'm in for it. I went to find Abby but she had already gone to work but i found a note, saying that she woke up a little late so she didn't wake me up but she had already prepared breakfast.  Since it was a Saturday, she knocked off early, so I sent her a message to come meet me at the club.

"Can I have Pina Colada please" I heard a voice say and I knew pretty well who the voice belonged to.

I turned around to face my best friend.

"Alright ma'am, but it's on the house, you don't have to pay" i played along and  gave her a smile.

"Hey" She returned the smile.

"How was work?"  I asked.

"It was fine, same old, same old. Nothing new." She shrugged and I hummed.

"Were you for real when you said the drinks are on the house?" She questioned.

"Of course, I'm being for real. This is me making up to you my friend" I replied back.

"Y/N" a voice said.

I lifted my head and saw Namjoon coming our way.


"How are you doing?"

"I'm ohk, and you sir?" I said back.

"I'm fine, thank you "

"Oh, this is my best friend, Abby." I clarified to my boss.

"And this is my boss" I said motioning to Namjoon.

They greeted each other and I could see the slight blush on Abby's face. I smirked as I looked at her and she avoided my eyes.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about something, got a minute?" Namjoon asked while pocketing his hands. Damn, if I hadn't gotten my eyes on Jimin, I'd shoot my shot here.

"Yes sir"

"Ohk, can we go to my office and talk there?" He suggested.

"Sure no problem." I looked at Abby and told her I'll be right back to which she nodded. When we reached the office, he gave me a chair to sit on.

"Ohk, Y/N, the reason I called you here is because, I've gotten a request from some of my clients." He explained.

When he saw my confusion he continued, "I mean, just recently you went to S1 isn't it?"


"Well, the clients were happy about your service, at how you handled them and you are on high demand.  They want you that side." He said while I widened my eyes at him.

"You don't have to feel pressured by it. I just want to make sure that, when you agree to it, you do it whole heartedly."

"Wow, i- uh- I don't know what to say." I was really flabbergasted.

"Well, you dont need to answer me right now, you can go and sleep on it and you'll tell me tomorro-

"I'll take it" I said too quickly cutting him off.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off." I said as I placed my hands on my mouth, realizing what i had done. He just chuckled.

"Are you sure about it?" He looked at me with a serious face.

"Yeah I'm sure"

"Ohk, I'll have someone swap with you and you can start tomorrow." He took out one of the files that had our names and details.

"Yes sir"

"Man, Jimin is going to kill me for this" I heard him mumble but I only heard 'kill me for this.'

"Sorry, what was that?" I asked confused.

"Oh nothing,  nothing " he cleared his throat and continued.

"Remember Y/N, if anything goes wrong, don't hesitate to report, alright?!" He said with a stern voice.

"Yes boss, Noted" I nodded at him.

"You can go back to your duty" he ordered as I stood up and headed to the door after saying my thank you.

I found Abby talking and laughing to Jackson. Atleast Abby is happy and smiling, it was just a rough week honestly. I looked at Jackson and nodded at him, thanking him and he nodded back. I reached them and grabbed Abby to the dance floor to shake what our mamas gave us .

"Guess what?" I said through the loud music that was in the background.

"What?" She asked getting curious.

"I'll be working in S1 starting from tomorrow " as soon as the words left my lips, I heard a gasp.

"The S1?" She exclaimed

"Yes bitch, I'm kinda excited yet scared"

"Well the way you explained it, it sounded a bit wild an I know you like wild " she smirked while putting her hands of my shoulders and mine around her waist. I just smiled at her. After a while of talking, laughing and making fun of people, I released her and went to the counter and did my job for the remaining minutes.

I looked at Abby's direction to find her dancing and laughing to what, I don't know. The night came to an end and I looked forward to start working at my new post.



"Yes boss, we've found her, the old hag was telling the truth after all."

"Good, make sure everything goes according to plan or you're dead."

"Yes boss"

My boss ended the call and I looked at the man beside me.

"We'll have to do the task tomorrow" I smirked

"Alright, I'll call more men" Han replied, his lips twitching at the side as well.

After a couple of minutes, the girl we wanted, got out of the club with someone and we stealthily followed them until the bus stop. We waited until the bus came and they got in.

Tomorrow 's gonna be fun. I thought to myself.



You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now