Chapter 3

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Jimin opened his eyes the next morning, as he heard a knock at his door. He groaned at the noise, making him pull a pillow to cover his ears. "Jiminie pabo, open the door", a deep voice was heard behind the closed door.

"Yaaahhh open the door, don't you miss your best friend", the person said a hint of sadness in his voice. Jimin groaned as he stood up and went to open the door. He was crashed in a tight hug the moment he opened the door, "my jiminie, I missed you so much"

Jimin closed the door behind but didn't hug back. "Why are you so grumpy early in the morning?" The person said as he saw how Jimin was making an angry face, "because someone, disturbed my sleep", jimin growled at his best friend. "Aaww, how cute" his best friend said as he squeezed Jimin's cheeks. "Aisshhh, stop it, Tae" Jimin spat as he was annoyed.

He turned around to get back to his covers and Tae followed him and got in it too. He faced Jimin looking at him without saying anything for a while and said, "I missed you Chim". Jimin looked at his best friend and hugged him without saying anything. No words were needed as Tae knew how Jimin was. He completely understood him.

They stayed there for an hour just enjoying each others warmth when suddenly Tae spoke, "I heard that you were invited at the graduation in SNU next week to give a speech to the students there".

"Yah, our company is one of the investors there, so I was invited, will you go with me?" Jimin asked his best friend. "Of course Chim, you don't have to ask." Tae said as he smiled at the now mafia leader. " So, how about we catch up, so many things happened here, there is a new gang that is terrorizing people in the streets because apparently the Bulletproof gang is dead" Tae said as he got up and leaned his back at the headboard.

"Hhmmhh, well not for long, I guess it's time to be back in the business". Jimin said as he smirked looking at the blue haired male. "Yaayy, I'm so excited, let's go show them who's boss ". Tae said, standing up almost jumping at the thought of the gang pissing themselves when they see them.

You see, The Bulletproof gang was a powerful gang back then, and all the mafias in the world knew not to mess with them and also because they had an alliance with the Italian gang. But when other gangs heard that the boss of the Bulletproof gang, Jae was dead, with his family, so they thought,  they celebrated and wanted to take the position of the upper hand. The gang was a special one, it helped people in need, it also helped the police to catch criminals but it also had some of its illegal doings. After all, it's the mafia world.

The gang didn't disappear though, Mr Kim handled things well, and took care of the gang and the company on behalf of Jimin while he was in Italy with the help of his sons, Namjoon and Taehyung. Mr Kim knew that Jimin's parents were mafias because he helped them. Just that when the accident happened he was out pf the country and he came that same day. Its just that he laid low in order not to alert the other gangs that Park Jimin was alive. But for the Park Empire, he made sure people knew that it was still running and it was one of the top companies in the world. He felt regret and remorse for the young boy, and blamed himself that he couldn't protect his parents and decided to help him run the companies until he was of age to run them. Some of the things he knew them as Mr Kim was always sending them to him to keep him updated, like who joined, in what position or what was happening to both the companies.

Jimin and Taehyung went to the Bulletproof headquarters and all the members there bowed down the moment they saw their boss. Jimin passed them without giving them a glance and went to his office. As they were in the office a knock came through and a short male with a silver hair came in after he heard a 'come in' from his boss.

"Suga, nice to see you". Jimin said as he looked at the male and Tae smiled at him. "Here is all the information of the new gang that is terrorizing people",  Suga said as he passed the file to his boss. Suga was his left hand man as his father was the left hand man of Jimin's father. "Slum gang, what a shitty name, even the name is a joke itself" "Sehun" jimin said as he looked at the file while Tae laughed at his best friend's comment. "Let's pay them a visit" the mafia boss said as he got up from his chair.


"Did you see their faces? ha ha ha" the leader of the Slum gang laughed as they recalled the faces of the people they terrorized. "Man that was fun, tomorrow we go to the East side and take all of their belongings, nothing should remain". ." Yes boss", the members agreed.

"So tomo-. . ." The boss was interrupted by a gunshot that shot his men around him. He looked around but couldn't see where the bullets came from. "Boss, it's all clear, only he is left." The sniper said through his ear com. "Ohk Jin". The mafia boss said as he went in with his bodyguard beside him and his best friend. "W-who are you". The Slum gang leader said with a scared voice at the people in front of him. "This is gonna be fun" Tae said with amusement in his  voice. "Grab him" Tae said motioning to Suga and the other men in the room to grab the leader and tie him up.

"Let go of me" Sehun cried as he begged for his life. "I see that you have been having fun stealing from people and terrorizing young girls" Jimin said as he crouched down beside the man on the chair. He took out his knife and stabbed  Sehun on his thigh.

He cried out loud as a sharp pain pierced through his flesh. "What was that, are you sorry, I didn't hear you" Jimin mocked as he grabbed the knife and dragged it downwards slitting the skin. "Just w-who are you and what do you want?" Sehun asked as he cried.

"Oh, we didn't introduce ourselves? my,  how silly of me. We, my dear friend, are the Bulletproof gang". Sehun's eyes widened at the sudden confession.  As he was about to talk, the mafia boss said, " and I am the leader of the gang.. .

CHAOS is my name, and this. . . is the last thing you'll ever see, finish him". Jimin order his left hand man to kill him as he turned around and went out of the warehouse. Screams were heard as a gunshot filled the air.

We've come this far, phew. Thank you for reading 🥰🥰🥰
See you in the next chapter 🤪

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