chapter 26

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My eyes kept on shutting due to the excessive light of the sun when i tried to open them. I tried to breathe but I couldn't as I realized that someone was hugging me tight. I tried to wiggle out of their hold but nothing worked. It only took a few seconds for  my eyes to get adjusted to the light. I opened them fully and saw the prettiest man there ever was. Events of last night came to my mind as I kept on blushing. A squeal left my lips as the thought of Jimin pounding into me came to my mind.

I got the sudden edge to use the bathroom but I couldn't get away from his arms. I tried pushing him away but that seemed to make him to hold tighter.

"Stay still" That's what came out of his mouth.

"B-but I gotta use the bathroom " I tried to get away

"Hold it"

"I can't, I'm really pressed." He then groaned above my head.

After what seemed like forever,  he let me loose and I removed the covers from my body. It then dawned on me that I was naked. I stood still looking around then I saw Jimin's shirt on the floor and grabbed it to cover my naked body.

"Hurry up" his muffled voice came as he laid his face on the pillow.

I hurried to the bathroom and when I looked on the mirror, I gasped as I touched my neck. Hickeys all over it.

"Damn" I muttered to myself.

I did my business and reached for the spare toothbrush on the sink and brushed my teeth, adjusted my hair and got out. When I shifted my eyes to Jimin, he was laying on his stomach and his back was fully exposed. . His ass on full display and I got to see the tattoo very clearly. It was really beautiful.

I approached the bed and then I suddenly got an idea. I climbed on top of him and straddled his back. He groaned once he felt my weight on him. I traced my fingers on each drawing. I saw the goosebumps form on his skin and I smiled at that.

I touched his shoulders and massaged them a bit, earning a growl from him.

"You like it?" I asked bitting my lower lip as I repeated my work and he nodded.

I leaned in closer and kissed his tattoo, from where it started and all the way down.

"Stop before I lose control" he said in his morning voice that drove me crazy.

"What if I want you to lose control?" I asked back in a flirty voice.

"Damn woman" that's all he said before he shifted in his position until I was underneath him, causing me to yelp.

"You really want me to lose control?" His voice made me shiver.

Instead of answering, I grabbed his face and connected my lips with his. He returned the kiss harshly and his hand moved its way to my thigh.

You look good in my shirt " he said between the kiss

"But I'm afraid it has to go, I wanna see your body."

He ripped the buttons in a swift move as he said it. His hand reached my nipple and touched it causing me to moan. He went down until he reached my core and he didn't waste time as he inserted his finger inside me.

"So wet alredy?" He questioned.

"The pussy indeed recognizes its owner, I like that" he said in a seductive voice that made me to purr.

He added another finger and fucked me with them. He knew I was close as I called for his name. He removed his fingers and I whined at the loss of his touch. He aligned his cock to my pussy. As I was trying to catch my breath, he rammed into me knocking the air out of my lungs.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now