Chapter 27

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I was about to go to the room where Abby was because she was nowhere in sight. Even though Tae said he'll get her, I was kinda worried. It's been forever since he went up. Was she alright? Not that I doubt Tae but I kinda felt bad for living her there to sleep all alone.

When I was about to speak to Jimin, her image came to view as she came down stairs with Tae following behind. I think I saw him slapping her ass a little.

Ohk, wow. What just happened.

I immediately averted my gaze so that she could not catch me staring. When I looked back at her, her face was flushed. I was about to stand up and hug her but Jimin tightened his hold and I whined, wiggling from my position but that seemed to create something as I heard Jimin groan in my ear. I looked around to see if anyone saw but luckily they were immersed in their plates.

Tae and Abbs sat down next to each other. I saw Joon giving them a look from the corner of his eye.

"Morning everyone " her voice filled the room

"Morning baby, how did you sleep?" I asked her and saw a crimson colour on her cheeks. I felt Jimin's eyes on me when I called her baby.

What, Is he jealous of my BFF?

"I slept. . . .good. .  yah good." She replied avoiding my eye contact. Something is fishy.

"Good to hear" I replied back with a smile.

"Oh, Abbs, this is Jungkook and Jungkook, meet my bestfriend " Jungkook's lips twitched a little.

"Oh, I know" I raised my eyebrows at her response.

"Ohk, can someone tell me what the hell is going on here" I raised my voice a little as I looked at everyone in the room.

They looked at each other and then at Jimin.

"Bro, you didn't tell her yet?" Tae asked him.

"Tell me what?"

"Annyeonghaseyo" . A voice echoed through the room and I knew the voice pretty well.

"Jinnie" I smiled at him, standing up to hug him. Immediately after I hugged Jin, Jimin pulled me back.

"Someone's very possessive" Jin commented as he sat down.

Everyone said their greetings as they laughed and talked to each other.

"Jin hyung  how can you go without helping us" someone whined breaking the chatter.

I saw a figure. . No, two of them as they approached us. I recognized Suga but the other guy, not at all.

"Can't you see the plastic bag that I'm holding. . .   yah you brat" Jin scolded.

"I mean, you already were on your way here, you could've just helped a little you know, by taking more" the person complained putting the shopping bags on the kitchen counter and after they were done, they came to sit on the dining table.

Jin just shrugged and acted as if nothing happed.

He then handed Jimin the plastic bag he was holding and then Jin smirked when he looked at me. Jimin gave me the plastic and when looked in it, I was a blushing mess. The pills, the condoms, everything.

I muttered a thanks and he smiled back.

"No biggie, I got your back, friend" he winked at me.

"What, but I'm her only friend" Abbs whined and pouted.

"Cute, don't worry, we can all be friends" Jin chuckled and assured her.

"Yaaayy" Abby happily said with a smile planted on her face.

"What's the occasion?" Jimin questioned as I looked at the 7 people infront of us.

"Well, I missed yall, and besides you asked me a favour, I was just on my way here when you called. Also after our mission, I never got to see yall clearly  I didn't even know if you were ohk or not" Jin replied.

"Mission?" I asked confused.

"She doesnt know, does she?" Jin glared at Jimin.

"Well, if no one's gonna tell her, then I will" the guy from earlier said a bit too happy after a moment of silence.

"Thank you, I've been asking again and again for them to tell me but they don't wanna" I pouted.

"NO, I'll tell you" Jimin said too quickly while he was rubbing my back.

I was kinda shy at the thought of so many people seeing how close we were but they seemed not bothered by it.

"So, this people that you see in this room, saved you from that. . . . .man" he fisted his hands when he spoke of the man.

"But how" I asked.

"Wait for it" Joon said taking a bite from his plate.

"Even I wanna hear it" Jin said leaning forward to the table and placed his elbow on top of it and his hand under his chin, as if he was listening to a story.

"Wait wait, can I tell her who you are" Abbs chipped in.

Jimin looked annoyed but didn't show it. He just sighed as he touched the bridge of his nose.

"Come on, the suspense is killing me" I whined as I pounced on top of jimin totally forgetting our position until he held my waist and stopped me from moving.

I composed myself as I looked around to find them looking at us, with a smirk planted on their faces, except for Suga, well I couldn't quite decipher the look on his face.

I looked down totally embarrassed, silence filling the room until. . .

"Jimin is Chaos" she blurted out.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now