Chapter 17

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The trip to Ilsan wasn't that bad. I had Tae beside me to do all the blabbering. We're heading there because uncle wanted to see us, guess they missed us. It's been 3 days since I've seen Y/N. Can the weekend end already, I wanna see her.

I was the one driving and Tae was on the passenger seat. We could've used my private jet but Tae refused, saying that he wanted to travel by car. Said its refreshing and all. This brat.

He turned on the radio and shuffled through the music.

"Why is the play list so boring Chim, don't you have anything better?" Tae complained.

"Nope" I replied, popping the p at the end.

"Aarrgg, ohk wait, lemme plug in my phone" he said and I just shrugged.

"Do whatever you want"

"Chim, listen to this" he played the song and I became attentive to it.

This song, I remember it. We used to listen and sing it a lot when we were young.

Five more hours by Deorro & Chris Brown.

"What you wanna do baby
Where'd you wanna go
I take you to the moon baby
I take you to the floor
I treat you like a real lady
No matter where you go. . ."

Tae sang at the top of his voice, I remember how he used to sing it. He really loved singing it and I just smiled at the thought.

"That's more like it, just let loose and have fun" he said dancing on his seat and increasing the volume.

He's right, I gotta let loose a little. Tae knows me better than anyone else. I'd rather show all my emotions to him rather than other people because he gets me and he doesn't judge me at all. I mean he's my best friend so, why not.

"Five more hours
we're just getting started
This right here is my time of party
Five more hours and we're just getting started. . . ."

I sang along while bopping my head. Looked to my side to see Tae getting all freaky due to the beat. This made me reminisce our moments. The song, unfortunately, came to an end and he laughed while I just smiled.

" I missed this Chim."

" I know, me too, it was really fun to sing along like before."

"Right, we should do this more often" he tied his hair into a man bun. I looked at him and I gotta admit, my best friend is the most handsome man in the world.

"You know, you could be a really sexy model" I said to him.

"Oh yeah, you think so?" He whipped his head and looked at me..

"Yah, I mean look at you, so sexy, handsome, a great body, you could really hit it off."

"Thanks, Chim but I love my babies" he said reaching for his gun under the seat.

I just laughed at him and he joined too.

"Ohk if you say so" I nodded.
We continued to chat and in no time we arrived.

When we got near the gate, the guards opened and it alerted the people in the house.

"My big babies" Tae's mother hugged us the moment we stepped out of the car.

"Hi mom, how are you?" Tae questioned.

"I'm great dear" she smiled and looked at me.

"Hi aunt"

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