Chapter 33

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I felt like I could tear the world apart. The rage that was within me, had to be released. I saw red. When she left while I called her name, she didn't even look back. Was I a joke to her? Did I mean nothing to her? The beast in me wanted to come out and I wanted to be on a killing spree. I need to release some steam. I stood up from the floor and thrashed everything I could find on the floor.

The items on top of the drawer smashed on the wall.  It wasn't even enough to let the anger out. It didn't even do anything.  I walked outside the room leaving a  mess behind. I headed to the base.

"Chim, what's wrong, are you ohk?" As soon as I walked to the living room, I met Tae. Looked like he just got in. 

"What happ- where are you going?" I didn't even wanna talk. I just walked avoiding his questions.  I know he was worried but I didn't wanna talk right now. I felt betrayed.

I got in to my car and drove away. When I reached the HQ, I went towards the vaults, to the shooting room. I took my gun and shot the target ahead. Bullets got finished but it didn't make a difference. I took another gun and emptied the bullets again, I don't know how many times I shot but I didn't feel any better.

I then went to where our captives where kept and tortured them. I ended up killing maybe 2 or 3 ..I didn't even care. As I was about to connect my fist to the captive's jaw, I felt hands stop me from behind.

"Chim, stop it. Stop. We need them alive. Just Stop" I tried to get away from Tae's hold.

"What happened? Just what got you so worked up like that?"

"Leave Tae, I don't need this right now, just leave me alone"

"Just tell me what's wrong, maybe I'll help, please" he pleaded, clearly showing concern

"You can't do anything Tae, you can't. Tell me, will you bring her back to me? Huh!? Tell me, WILL YOU?"

"Wh- what happened"

"She left Tae, she said she wasn't good enough for me"

"I'm sure there's a reason why she left, she can't just up and go"

"Yah well, clearly her reason is that, she's not enough. . .  that's bullshit. . .  I lost her Tae, I lost her"

"Calm down Chim, we'll try to find her, calm down okay, you can't just kill the captives, we need information from them remember "

"Fuck the information, these fuckers are just stalling us" I kicked the remaining captive and he fell with his back still on the chair.

"Okay, let's go, that's enough"  Tae slightly growled and pulled me by my arm and led us out the vault. He used his authoritative voice on me.

"Okay, just tell me what happened between the two of you?" I just glared at him and looked the other way.

"Come on Chim, think I'll judge you?" I won't, come on" I still didn't say anything. I kept on clenching and unclenching my jaw.

"Look I know, what you're thinking right now, you're thinking that, once people hear about it, they'll see you as weak. I know and you know too that in the mafia world, you ain't supposed to fall in love because it really makes you weak. Well that's  fucking bullshit. We are humans, we deserve to love and to be loved. Love can also give you strength just as it makes you weak. I know it's hard but you can't just keep on living alone Chim. At one point you need to have a family and settle down. It's OK to love, Jimin"

I finally looked at him and gulped the lump on my throat and smiled a little at him.

"Look at you giving me advices, my boy is all grown up."

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now