chapter 8

190 11 22


Everytime I visit my aunt's house, it's torture. She always expects me to clean the house, do chores even if the house is clean. . .arrggg I just want to wrap my hands around her neck and choke her to death.

It's been two days since I came back from my aunt's house and I'm so exhausted.  My body is aching from all the cleaning I did. The thought of going to work is killing me but I have bills to pay. Work starts at 3PM but I decided to just go early. I got out of bed to get ready.

I reached my bathroom and showered, brushed my teeth and did my hair. Chose my outfit for the day and did some light make up. I went to the kitchen and the smell coming from there was. .  Mmmmmhh. . . My best friend knows how to cook please.

"Morning sleepy head" she greeted me once she saw me coming down the stairs. "Hey, smells good in here" I greeted back as I sat on the counter. "How did you sleep, is your body still aching, I think you should take a day off" she questioned  approaching me and put her hand to my forehead.

"Whoah there, mom, relax, I'm fine, I slept good and I can't take a day off as I requested leave so" I answered back. She knows that whenever I come back from my aunt's place, it's always torture for me, so she always makes sure that she takes care of me. Gosh I love her. What would I do without her.

"Well your aunt is an asshole, there I said it, what you gonna do about it" I laughed at her statement and hugged her. "You're so cute you know that". "Yah, yah, whatever, now lemme dish for you so that you can  eat" she said pulling away from the hug.

I got off the counter and went to the table and sat down while I waited for her to come with the food. "When does your shift end?" She asked while giving me my plate. " Well, at 22 00 hrs why?"

"Well, I wanted us to have a movie night, you know just chill and cuddle " I looked at her and smiled. "Ohk, deal". After finishing our food, I took the plates and washed them.

" Since, my shift starts at 3 O'clock how about I go with you to your workplace to kill some time?" I asked even though I knew she'd agree in a heartbeat. "You don't have to ask dummy, of course you can come with me". She said as she laughed at me while I was showing her my moves. I can dance that's for sure. Kidding.

I finished washing the dishes and we went our way to the coffee shop. It's only 30 minutes when using a car and only 1hr when we walk but since the weather was good and favorable, we just decided to not use the public transport. When we were about to reach our destination, I heard a voice I was not fond of calling our names,

"Y/N, Abby. Hey. How are y'all doing?" The person asked and I faked a smile looking at him as Abby held a boring expression.  " Oh heey, nice to see you. What are you doing here?" I asked him while Abby just rolled her eyes and mumbled a hi to him.

"Oh well, I was just passing by and then I saw you two. Off to work?" He said, walking with us. Uninvited. "Yah, well, off to work. It's a busy life" I answered him forcing a chuckle. "Abby, do you mind serving me coffee?" He asked with a smirk while reaching for the door allowing us to get in first.

"Maybe next time,  Isan". She answered him without making eye contact.  "Well, too bad cause you're losing money" he said with a chuckle before he turned around, "goodbye guys, hope to see you.. . .soon" he smirked and he just left us speechless.

"I don't like him at all" she said looking at me. " me too, he just gives the creeps, dude, the guy is scary as hell" "right!" Abby walked to the staff room to get changed and do her thing.

Isan was in our college and we graduated together. Since the time we started college, he has been following me around telling me that he liked me and wanted me to give him a chance. He is a good guy, but I just don't feel him. He has this vibe that is terrifying.  I don't know what, but I can feel it in my gut.

Abby doesn't like him also because she too finds him creepy. He once followed her everywhere because he wanted to know more about me to the point where she had to report him to the principal. Luckily, he stopped for some reason and we were thankful for that.

"What you thinking about?" Abby asked as she set the coffee machine on, breaking me from my thoughts. I didn't even hear her walk back in. "Nothing" I flicked her a smile. "Are you sure, you were out of it" she asked again. "Yah I'm fine, don't worry about it Abbs" I said smiling at her.

"Ohk, if you say so. You know what I'm making?" She smiled at me while taking out a cup and a box of milk. "What?" I asked watching her every movement. I just love it when she makes coffee, it's so satisfying to just watch her pouring milk and coffee mixing it, you know.

" Mocha" she sang while jumping up and down. "Girl, you so know me" I laughed at her silliness. Mocha is my favorite coffee. It didn't even take long and my Mocha was infront of me. "Mmmhh" I closed my eyes and moaned at the sweet taste in my mouth. I just love how she makes it.

"Enjoy babes" she winked at me and went to the counter to get ready for the day. I looked at my watch and saw that it was only 11 in the morning. Why did I wake up early, mostly why did I decide that I'd go to work early, damnit. I should've just slept. I face palmed thinking  about my stupidity. Well, it is what it is.


After finishing my coffee, I sat around for a few minutes  and decided that it was time for me to go. I took a taxi since it was a lil bit too far from where I was. I arrived after what felt like hours. Took out my card to open the back door to the bar, everyone that works in here has a card to open for themselves,  that's how fancy it is. I knew that my boss was already here because of the music that was playing.

I got in and had to report to the boss that I have arrived. Went up the stairs, before I could knock, I heard two voices inside, oh he has a guest, I thought to myself, oh well, I knocked anyway.

I heard a come in and went inside. When I opened the door all eyes were on me. To say i was shocked would be an understatement. Thee Park Jimin was infront of me.

Oh Lord

Hello my beautiful angels. Sorry for not updating. But I promise to make it up to you🥰🥰.

I've realized that we have some silent readers 👀👀 don't be shy my angels, just COMMENT and VOTE, it's not that hard and it'll also give me motivation. Thank you. Love you🤗

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