Chapter 46

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Somewhere in Russia. . . .

Lee Yang Shin called a certain number, but it didn't get through.  He tried multiple times but to no luck. He started to get worried and he was losing his patience.

He then dialed another number and the person on the other end answered.

"My son is not picking up, can you please track his phone?"

"Maybe he got in an important meeting or something " the person said with a bored tone

"Viktor, please." Yang Shin pleaded

"Ohk, fine. . I'll have my men look it up" Viktor ended the call before Shin could say anything again.

"Asshole" He muttered to himself.

Shin loved his son a lot. He had wished that he'd take his place in the Russian business. Viktor was his boss but  Shin never acknowledged Viktor as his boss because he 'didn't want to'. He knew that Viktor wouldn't do anything since he knew all of his secrets and that Viktor needed him more than any other man because of how good he was in his work.

After the incident that happened 19 years ago, Shin left Korea and came to Russia because he was running away. Back then, he was a heartless person but after the birth of his son, he tried to  become a better person, but as we all know, old habits die hard.

He thought for a while and decided to head out.

An hour passed, and he reached his destination. He got  into a huge building and headed to the big office. He knocked once and opened. He didn't even wait for a response.

"I wanna go back to South Korea " Shin said as soon as he stepped inside the office.

"Let me guess, because you can't reach your son?" The person said

"Yes, you know how I feel about my son, Viktor"

The said person turned around with his chair and faced Shin.

Viktor onwed many businesses. He was the biggest mafia boss in the country. His businesses well all dirty, trafficking people, smuggling weapons and so many things. He was feared by all.

"Don't you think that you're being too dramatic?" Viktor chuckled and poured whiskey in two glasses.

"No, I feel like something is off" Shin took the other glass.

"Ohk, after all, the instincts of a father could never go wrong. I'll  send some of my men to accompany you.

"Thank you, Vikky," Shin said as he downed the last contents

"Hoi hoi hoi, I said don't ever call me that" Viktor said with a serious face but Shin laughed it off.

"Any luck on the tracing?" Shin questioned

" Oh yeah, about that, it looks like the phone was used one day ago."



"He never turns his phone off unless something is wrong."

"Don't worry, I'm sure he's alright."

Shin wanted to believe Viktor, but he couldn't bring himself to agree with him. He just knew that something was wrong. He took out his phone, scrolled through some pics and showed Viktor.

"I want all the information of this girl"

"Who's the girl?" Viktor questioned

"My son said she was going to be my daughter- in- law, he sent that pic a couple of days ago" Shin replied

"Well, she doesn't look quite happy,"

"I'm sure she was just tired, San said she was quite a handful."

"Ohk then, you'll get the information as soon as you land in Korea."

"Ohk, thanks, I gotta go."

With that, he stood up and went back to his apartment to get ready for his departure.


After some hours, he finally landed in his homeland. He turned on his phone and tried calling his son again but there was still no answer. He sighed and then headed to his rented car. Just as he got inside, he received a message.

He took out his phone and read it.



AGE: 25 YEARS OLD . . . .





As promised, the information he wanted was given to him. He read out aloud and made a mental note to visit Y/N at work. Some of the information he didn't need, he just wanted to know the name and where she lived.

"Go to this address." he showed his chauffeur and he began to hit the road.

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