Chapter 2

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"Hello" . .

"Uncle Kim. . . . M-my parents. . . T-they. . . " jimin couldn't finish his sentence as a sob left his mouth.

" Son, what happened.  . ." Mr Kim said at the other end of the call concerned about the boy.
"Come and get me" . . . " ohk, I'm coming, stay where you are". Mr Kim said as he was  tracing the call and took a few of his most trusted men with him. After what seemed like forever, jimin saw a car from a far end and stood up from where he was. Mr Kim saw the tiny body of the cute lil boy standing up and he gasped at what was infront of the boy . . . .his friends.  . .his most favourite people in the world. . He felt his body tense up with anger. He blamed himself as he couldn't protect them. When they reached, he got out of the car  and ran towards the little boy and hugged him tight to his chest, " I'm sorry, jimin, I'm so sorry" They both cried together like that.


17 years later

"Yeah, I just landed" Jimin said as he was talking to his uncle telling him he just landed.

After the death of his parents, Jimin sworn that whoever was behind his parents' death, is going to hell and he is. . . . . .HELL. . . .

_Mwaaahaaahaaa (evil laugh) ohk back to the story_

He learnt that his parents owned a gang, a mafia gang and he was the heir so, Mr Kim said  that he was gonna be told when he was 10 years old so that he could be trained. Which he was 10 when Mr Kim told him the news. He got to know about his father's business in the mafia world, he only knew the Park Empire, but now he knows that his father wasn't just a business man,  he was also the owner of a mafia gang, the *Bulletproof gang* . At the age of 15 he went to Italy at a school of the mafia heirs to be trained  everything that he had to know as a mafia boss.

Now after 5 years he got back from Italy to his homeland, Korea.

"Ohk, I already sent a driver to pick you up, see you soon". Mr Kim said to Jimin.

Jimin hang up the phone as he held a blank expression on his face. Don't get him wrong, he loves his uncle Kim just that when he was in Italy, he lost all his emotions because of the training he got. The driver recognized the mafia heir and waved his hand, he bowed when Jimin approached him and opened the door for jimin to get in. Jimin sighed as he sat in the car.


At the other side of the country

                       Your POV

"Coooooome ooooon Y/N, we're gonna be late".

"Ohk, geez, I'm coming Abby, chill man". I yelled at my best friend as I got down the stairs to the living room where she was shouting.

"Y/N, we're gonna be late and you know I hate late", she whined as she was stomping her foot on the floor. "I'm almost done darling", I said as I grabbed an apple in the fridge. Ready to go to college. She huffed as she saw me turning around smiling to her, "let's go".

"I still can't believe that this is our last week of college and after that we're on our own" Abby said as she was sulking thinking about the future. " I kmmooowww mrriiighhhttttt" I said as I was munching the apple that I took with me. "Like, can you believe it, all the years that we spent now we look forward to years of finding a job, how sick is that". I laughed at my statement while Abby was looking at me weirdly. "Can you swallow before you talk, please, you're spitting on me". Abby said making a disgusted face while I just shrugged it off. We arrived at our college as we sighed at the long day we're gonna have.

After college, we both went our separate ways. Abby went to her part time job at a Cafe  while I was looking for one also. As I was looking at the places I could find a job at, I saw a bar saying that it needs a bartender. "Persona Bar" I mumbled to myself as I went inside. what a nice name, I thought. As I went inside, the place was looking gorgeous. . . .I was even forgetting that, I'm in a bar, as I was amazed by the beauty, I had a man clearing his throat and I quickly bowed to him. He smiled at me showing me his dimples and I was mesmerized by them. "Are you here for a job?" He asked as I nodded. "Ohk then, follow me .  . . . .". He looked at me, raising an eyebrow waiting for my name. . "Oh right, Y/N . . My name is Y/N".

"Follow me, Y/N". He said as he turned around walking behind the counter. Gosh his voice is heaven . .oh my gosh he's body fits well in that black suit. Focus Y/N, focus. I didn't even see the guy who was behind the counter as he was crouching down looking for some drinks. . . I guess. But when he stood up, wooooowww, where do all the handsome man come from? I asked myself as I couldn't believe the snacks infront of me. "Hi, I'm Jackson". He said as he smiled at me. " I'm Y/N" I said as I almost squealed.

"So Y/N, why do you need the job?". The man with the dimples asked me as he looked at me straight in the eyes.

_Isn't it obvious_ .  I thought at myself, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. " Well, I need the money". .. "straight forward I like it" he said as he smiled at me, flashing his dimples at me. As Jackson chuckled at the back. "Ohk, you got the job" .. . . . . . .        " Wait, what, just like that?" I asked as I was shocked by his response. He stood up and went to what assumed was his office, a minute later he came back holding a paper, a contract. "Here is the contract, once you sign it, you won't disclose whatever that happening here and you won't rat anything about the Persona Bar, whatever happens in here, stays in here, do you understand?" He said almost growling to me. I nodded quickly as I took the contract reading it. " if I disclose the bar, it says here that I'll have to pay, but how? I asked as I was confused. "With your life sweetheart" he smirked as he answered me. I gulped the lump that was in my throat. And I was definitely curious as to find out what kind of a bar I was gonna work at, and I'm not a whistle-blower so, it won't be a problem, right? I thought as I signed the contract.

" You can start now, always be on time and we won't have a problem. Jackson, help her out". He said as he was standing up from his stool. "But. . . . ." I said as he cut me with his voice
"by the way, my name is Kim Namjoon and I'm the owner of this bar". He said as he winked at me before walking away.

Thank you for reading my lovelies . . . . I love you 💜💜💜

See you in the next chapter

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