Chapter 19

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Abby is a handful when drunk. I had to literally drag her in the house because the moment she got to the door, she tripped and she met the floor. I heard snores coming from her. I tried all things to wake her up but to no avail, she wouldn't even budge.

When I finally got her on the bed, I was sweating like I've ran a marathon. She needs to lose some weight. For real. She hasn't even woken up since yesterday and now it's around 10 in the morning. I'm busy cleaning our house when I heard my phone popping up a message. I fished it out from my back pocket of my jeans.  The moment I saw the name on the screen, my lips got wide.

Minnie 💋

Hey baby

Baby. This man will be the death of me. I'm baby, baby is me. He called me baby. He got me thrashing around the roo- wait I gotta reply him.

Hey, how are you?

I'm not good, Bella

Why? Is something wrong?😧

Yes baby, I miss you so much

Oh my God. He misses me.

I miss you too🥺🥺

You miss me huh?


Is baby getting shy now? 😏


Fuck, you'll kill me. Well
I'm gonna see you tonight.

Are you for real?

Of course😏

I can't wait to see you🥰🥰

Is that soo?


Me too baby. Only a few hours.
I gotta go. I'll see you soon.

Bye 💖

Why am I nervous. We gonna meet soon and I can't wait so see him again. To feel his touches. His hands, I love. His body pressed against mine. I always get this euphoric feeling whenever I'm with him. Park Jimin, the man he is. I let out a heavy sigh as I continued to clean. A few minutes later, Abby came to the living room and the sight was so funny, black mascara smeared on her face, her hair sticking out from all the directions, gosh she looked like a zombie. I let out a laugh

"What you laughing at?" She scowled

"No. . .  nothing, just that. . .you. . .look . . Funny" I said between my laughs and she rolled her eyes.

"How you feeling?" I quizzed her after my laugh died down.

"Like hell"

" aww baby, I made you something for your hangover" I said pointing at the kitchen counter.

"Thanx" she thanked me and I grinned at her.

" lemme go get ready Abbs, I'll see you tonight"

"Y/N, don't you ever have a day off or something?"

"I do, obviously it was supposed to be today, but I got a new post so I gotta go"

"Ohk, go get wild" our chuckles echoed through the room as I left to get ready


Loud music filled the room as big shots entered the club. They just seemed like they were in their comfort zone. They were getting freaky as fuck. As I've heard some come here to relief stress, some for pleasure. They just can't ever have enough of it, I guess. I've seen so many men going to the private rooms, making me think about Jimin and that one particular room. Exhale Y/N, exhale.

"So how do you find it?" Sammy asked next to me breaking me from my thoughts.

"I like it, it's really fascinating to see people that I never thought I'd see here"

"Well, the world is full of surprises, don't you think?"

"No doubt "

I gotta say, that it wasn't that bad after all. My first day went well and I think I can get along with everyone. I bumped into someone as I was heading to my locker to change my clothes.

"Hey, watch it" a blonde sneered as she pushed me.

"Sorry, I didn't see you, but that doesn't give you no right to push me" i said as I retorted back

"What you gonna do about it, bitch?"

"Excuse me, how dare you?" I fired back.

"Stop it, Ari, she didn't see you and she said sorry, what more do you want?" Eunbi came behind me together with Sammy

"Are you alright?" She then asked me to which I nodded.

"She should watch where she's going then" the bitch said walking away.

"Don't mind her, she's like that to everyone. She thinks like she owns the place" Eunbi said.

"Yeah, never pay head to her, dont worry your pretty little head about it, ohk" Sammy chipped in.

"Ohk, as you say. . Also, I think I've seen her on the stage, is she one of the strippers?" I questioned.

"That's right" Eunbi confirmed and I hummed.

"Well I'm heading out, see you tomorrow, lovelies " I waved at them.

" Bye sweety" they said in unison and I chuckled.

I've been waiting for Jimin but he didn't show up so I gave up. I didn't send a message because I didn't want to seem desperate. Well now I am. I went through the backdoor, saying bye to the bodyguards that were at the door. They just looked at me and I swear one of them smiled. Josh and Jerry, were their names.

As I was walking down the street, I got a funny feeling that I was being watched. I looked around me but I didn't see anything or anyone. As I walked about 5 minutes,  a black van suddenly stopped infront of me and the men got outside coming my way. I tried to run but one got to me before I made a move. He grabbed my arms trying to tie them. I kicked him in the nuts as I wiggled to get out of his hold.

I felt a blow on my stomach and i fell down to the ground. Trying to get up, I then felt a cloth on my mouth, inhaling the chemical that was put there. Think Y/N, think. I was trying to come up with a plan as my mind went  through a panic mode. My eyes became blurred and I couldn't see anything.

"Take her to the car" I heard a voice say before completely zoning out.


You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now