Chapter 24

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The car stopped in front of a beautiful mansion. Namjoon scanned his face and the big gate opened. There were guards inside and they opened another gate but this one was a little bit smaller that the first one.

When we drove through the mansion. I couldn't keep my jaw closed.

"Whoaaaahh" Abby's jaw literally dropped to the floor

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"Whoaaaahh" Abby's jaw literally dropped to the floor. I don't blame her. The house was exquisite. It was insane and so hypnotizing.

"Where are we?" Abbs asked.

"Our house, mine, Jimin's and Tae's house. Welcome." Namjoon replied. He led us in the house and oh my, it smelled so good. I could live in here forever.

"This house is beautiful " I whispered. I looked around but I couldn't find Suga anywhere.

"Where's Suga?"

"He went to take care of some. . . business. So in the meantime, I'll show you the guest room so that you can change and freshen up.

I hesitated a bit, ". . But you could've just dropped us at our apartment" I was really thankful but it felt like we were imposing.

"I insist". He opened the door to the room. This was gonna be the end of me. How can a house be this gorgeous. I wish I was living here.

"I'll just bring you some clothes" Namjoon got out of the room.

I looked around the room and it was as if we were in a hotel. Just the room was even more spacious than our living room. We heard a knock and Namjoon came in holding two sets of clothes.

"Take " he gave me and then handed Abby.

"Whose clothes are these?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well, this one's are for Jimin" he pointed at the black t-shirt and a pair of white sweat pants. I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought of wearing Jimin's clothes.

"And these one's are. . . . mine" he pointed at the one's Abby was holding, his voice trailing off. It was a white t-shirt and a pair of black joggers. Will they fit on her? I thought looking at my bestfriend's figure.

"Thank you, Namjoon" I gave him my thanks and Abby said it too.... blushing.

"Ohk, well, I'll see you downstairs after you're done bathing" he cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck when he saw me looking at him while he stared at Abby.

"Someone's blushing" i teased Abbs after Joon was gone.

"Shut up" She shied away walking to the bathroom.

"I was gonna say, maybe you should have the bath first because. . . . you know, but it has a tub and a shower so I think one of us can use the shower or tub.." She stuck her head out of the bathroom.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now