Chapter 45

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I felt a soft kiss on my cheek, then on my eyes and on my lips. I opened my eyes slowly to see what was happening, but Minnie was all I saw. Naked.

"Hey baby," He said and I smiled at him

"Hey Minnie, how did I end up here because if I remember very well, I dozed off in my dad's room"  I checked the clock on the side of the bed to see the time and it was two in the morning.

"Dad, huh?" Jimin said with a teasing voice.

"Yah well, why not? Life is too short, so I shrugged but couldn't help but feel shy

"Ohk, love, I get you."  He proceeded to kiss me, feeling all his warmth.

"To answer your question, the old man came to me and said you dozed off while talking, so I had to take you to our room, but you know what's funny? "

"No" I replied

"You were laying between the twins and you looked so adorable hugging each other. You didn't even want to let go of them. "

"What no way, me?"

"I knew you wouldn't believe me, so i took a photo, here." He took out his phone and showed me.

I gasped the moment i saw the pic. We looked really adorable like he said, they were all holding my arms tight, Adelina was on my left and Alessio on my right.

"See" He grinned and I rolled my eyes but smiling.

"What was that, an attitude?, do you want me to show you what happens when you give me an attitude?"  He placed a kiss on the neck

"Show me" I smirked

"You do know that it's been a while since I've been inside you right, might as well take the whole night cause I'm gonna be nice and slow. . . .or not, it depends. "

Everything he said really turned me on. He removed my blouse, or more like, teared it. He then unhooked my bra and dragged his teeth across my chest and down to my belly button. He didn't apply a lot of pressure and it sent shivers all over my body. When he reached the top of my jeans, he unbuttoned it with his teeth and removed it from my feet and that
made me giggle.

"What you giggling at" His lips curved a bit

"You were tickling me"

"Oh really"

"How about now?" He reached his hands to my sides and started tickling me, making me laugh nonstop.

He stopped for a moment and admired my body. I felt heat rush up my cheeks making me feel hot all over my body. He placed his hand on my chest and cupped my breast, then squeezed it.

"So soft."

"Mmmhh." I closed my eyes at the feeling of his touch

He reached his other hand and cupped my coochie.

"Wet already? I love the effect I have on you. " He smirked and he let go. He positioned himself on me and rocked his hips. He didn't put his cock in he was just rubbing it on me. He groaned and I started to feel frustrated with the fact that he was being slowly to put it in

"I know what you want, but remember when you rolled your eyes at me, this is your punishment babe, and I'll show you where you're supposed to roll them"

"Nnggg. . .but I'm close" I moaned and he stopped moving his hips.

He got down from the bed and dragged me to the corner while he bent down and positioned his face between my thighs. He didn't even wait a sec until he started eating me out.

He took my clit between his teeth and sucked on it. I was becoming a moaning mess. He put his hands around my thighs to stop me from moving. He continued to suck until I came and licked all of my juices.

"Good girl, but I ain't done yet"

He inserted his finger in and pushed it before pulling it out. Added the other one, curved it up and reached that forbidden yet pleasurable spot. I nearly screamed but he covered my lips with his other hand.

He continued to abuse the spot  until I reached my high. This time it was different from all the times he'd done it. This time my orgasm took longer than I expected. The reason was, as I reached my high, I felt something like water droplets hit the floor.

"Girl, might as well continue to do it, this is the sexiest thing ever" He whistled while I felt embarrassed

"Am I that good?" He smirked and stood up

"On all fours" He demanded while helping me to be in the position.

He ran his thumb along my pussy and the next minute I felt his member on my opening. As I took a deep breath, he pushed it all in making me gasp. He waited for me to adjust to his size before he moved

"So tight love" He grabbed my hair and fisted it.

"I won't be done with you for a very long time babe, might as well brace yourself " He spoke dangerously as he began to move slowly, taking all his time.

We changed into different positions, the guy had a very big stamina, I remember being tired then I dozed off. I was woken up by him licking my insides. For the whole night, thank God the whole house was made soundproof or else  everyone would be complaining of how noisy it was.

Jimin showed me stars that night, he fucked me hard and made love to me, it all  depended on the position.


The room was filled with fresh pancakes and a scent of strawberries. When I opened my eyes, it was already morning.

"Morning, Bella" I heard Jimin's voice, I tried to sit but my lower body was aching as hell.

"Ssss, ouch ouucchhh, tf babe, what did you do to me last night, would I be able to walk?" He laughed at my comment and came to sit next to me.

"Don't worry, doll, that's why I came with your breakfast here, I figured you wouldn't walk."

"And whose fault is that?"

"But babe, I missed you, i wanted your love." He pouted and looked down on his lap.

"You can't do that, you can't pout,  knowing that, it's my weakness, nah uhh, you can't."

The boy knows that whenever he does that, he melts my heart right away, he's just too cute when he does that.

"Am I forgiven? " He acted too cute

"Aarrggg, as long as you take care of me."

"Of course love, I'll always take care of you" He placed a short kiss on my lips.

He took my breakfast and fed me.

"Mmmmhh, so good" I moaned as the flavors combined in my mouth.

"Don't do that, or I'll turn you around again and fuck you, hard" He looked deep into my eyes until I hiccupped.

"What's the hurry, eat slowly, babe." I glared at him and he just laughed. He knew what he was doing to me.

After a while of teasing each other, we ended up cuddling and snuggling each other. We slept for the second time.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now