Chapter 15

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When we got to the parking lot, he took out his car keys and pressed a button. I looked to my left when I heard a sound. What I saw was a beautiful machine, a beautiful matte black McLaren. He stepped forward and he opened the passenger door for me. I muttered a thanks and got in. He closed the door and went around to his side. He got in, looked to my side and took the belt to buckle me up before buckling himself. He started the car and he put his hand behind my head holding on to the seat and looked back to reverse the car. He is so fucking hot right now. The veins that are popping out of his hand and the way he is turning the steering wheel, fuck me now.

"Oh yes I will" I heard Jimin say after reversing, now looking at the front. Fuck, did I say that out loud!

I gasped and held my hands up to my mouth, looking at him and shook my head.

"Even if you didn't want it, I'd make you want it" damn, did he have to say that, now he made me wet.

I kind of shifted in my seat and it didn't go unnoticed by him. He looked down at my thighs and slowly back at me. He turned and looked forward but I could see his lips twitch.

"I'd make you beg for me to fuck you, fuck you so hard that you scream my name for the world to hear." His deep voice was all I heard, making me want him this instant.

"I'd make you feel so good that you'd come back for more. . ." My breath started to get heavier and I pressed my legs tighter and there was a victory smile on his smile.

". . . I'd make you cum with my mouth, my tongue, my fingers and my cock, yah baby, like that, I'd make you feel so good " I released a loud moan, wanting to be touched.

"Jimin" I gasped, lifting myself up and wiggled a little in my seat to create some friction but nothing seemed to be working.

"Yes baby, I'm right here, tell me what you want and I'll give it to you."

"Please. . ." My voice trailed off.

"Yes!?" Park Fucking Jimin

"Please. . touch me" I ended up saying.

"Remove your seat belt" he ordered and I removed it. He also removed his.

"Undo your jeans." He commanded with a growl.

I followed his instructions and did what he asked. Before I knew it, he put his hand and cupped my cunt, feeling it. I moaned filling the car with my voice. He Massaged my clit before inserting one finger inside, I moved my head back making my back ache for him.

"So wet, and wet because of my words, only my words."
He started moving his finger painfully slow, up and down.

"Aaahh, plea- " I choked on my saliva because he put the second finger inside roughly.

" I want you to enjoy baby" he said pushing further his fingers feeling my soft walls.

I was a moaning mess. I moved my hips to the rhythm of his thrusting. He continued driving with the other hand while fucking me with the other.

"Nngggg, Jimin" the car bumped a little making the friction of the fingers to go further and further. He curled his fingers and wiggled them while inside. I felt a knew sensation hit me. It was the first time feeling like this. I felt a pull in my stomach and I knew I was about to cum. I whined and he stopped moving.

"No, Jimin" I heard myself cry. I wanted to release it so bad.

The car came to a stop, I opened my eyes and realized that he parked the car off road. I couldn't even comprehend where we were. He took his fingers out and I looked at him with confusion in my face.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now