Chapter 30

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I prepared the drinks that Jimin requested and I was about to walk away when Kook stopped me.

"Lemme walk you"

"Calm on kookie, it's just 2 floors away from here "

" I know, but anything can happen, you never know"

I sighed and gave up because I knew he'd keep on pressing until I agreed

"Ohk, you might as well keep me company, I really don't mind"

I realized that Kookie was someone who's bubbly,  a fun guy to be around. He makes sure that you are fine or you're comfortable enough, if not then he'll do whatever it takes to make everything comfortable for you. He's such a cute little bunny and whatever he requests you won't be able to deny him because he'll look at you with those beautiful doe eyes of his. He really is such a baby.

When we reached the final floor, he made sure that no one was there, even though I know no one could dare to come here unless Jimin says so. He walked with me until we reached the door and wished me good luck but making sure to tease me before walking away.

I knocked before going in because I knew I wouldn't hear him since the whole room was soundproof. When I stepped inside the room, it  was a bit dim but I could still see around.

"Lock the door" his raspy voice filled the room

I did as told and turned around to find him sitting on the bed looking all sexy and hot. He leaned backwards, supporting himself with his hands. He cleared his throat as I stared for way too long.

 He cleared his throat as I stared for way too long

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"Like what you see?" He said and looked down at his bulge while smirking.

"Well, good thing it's yours baby"

I felt my body getting hot and I got closer to him, he's so perfect.

"Hey baby" he took the tray that I was holding and put it on the table near the bed.

He then grapped my hand and pulled me gently towards him. He parted his legs and I stood between them

"Hey Minnie " he stilled for a moment totally in shock but he changed his expression quickly and masked it with a smile.

"How's my Bella doing?" He wrapped his hands around my waist and put his chin on my tummy lifting his head to look at me.

"I've never been good. . .and how's my Minnie?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed the top of his head.

"I'm good now that you're here" he tightened his hold and put his face on my chest,  basically between my tiddies and he  took a whiff of my scent.

"You smell so good baby, makes me wanna hold you like this forever."

If my face wasn't  red enough, it sure was then.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now