Chapter 60

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"Yes, Lee Yang Shin. Yes. This is me. The boy whom you took his parents away from.

Park Jimin"

Shin gasped as he looked at the man in front of him.

" That's right. The son of Park Jaeyeon and Park Jira. You remember them, don't you?"

Jimin asked as he smirked.

If eyes were made to pop out of their sockets at how much you widened them, Shin's eyes would've been on the ground by now.

Shock was evident on his face. He started to become pale as he looked at the young man in front of him.

"I thought you were dead."

Jimin laughed at his confession. He laughed out loud that his voice echoed in the surroundings.

"Oh, Shin." He wiped his tears from laughing.

"I'm well and alive, as you can see." He now said with a cold expression.

Shin gulped and looked around.  He only saw JK busy playing with a burning log. JK looked at him and waved.

Somehow, the place he was at was kind of familiar to him.

"Looking for a way to escape?  Don't even think about it. I have my men guarding this place outside. You won't be able to  run away."

It was a lie. No one was here except the three of them. He just didn't want him to escape.

"Listen to me, son, i-it was a-an accident ohk, I didn't mean for your parents to die."

Shin shivered at the cold stare he was receiving. Jimin scoffed and stood up.

"DONT. EVER. CALL. ME SON." His voice was laced with anger, and before he got out of control, he turned and went towards JK.

"Where's the body?" Jimin asked JK, and he pointed at the back of the broken door.

Jimin went to take the body behind the door.  He found it and dragged it to where Shin was.

"By the way, do you remember this place?" He asked, looking around and then at Shin.

Shin looked unsure, but when Jimin said it, his heart started to beat faster. He knew there was no escape in this.

"This. . . . . Is where you killed my parents." He said with a non readable expression.

"I- i-. . "

"Open it." Jimin ordered, cutting him out.

Shin looked at the bag hesitantly.

"I fucking said open IT." Jimin gritted his teeth.

Shin slowly reached out his hand and unzipped the bag. The minute he opened the bag, he gasped.

"SURPRISE." Jimin shouted as he grinned.

Shin got startled because of the sudden outburst.

"What's with the sad face? I thought you'd be happy to see your own son. That is Isan, Shin. Your son."

Jimin faked a concern.

"He looks like you." Jimin sighed.

"Too bad, he's dead." He said nonchalantly

Shin zipped the bag and stood up.

"You killed my son, now we're even. Let me go." Shin said with a low voice.

Jimin laughed. "Shin, you don't get it, do you? You don't get to decide that. You are in no position to say that."

"But you killed my son." Shin raised his voice.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now