Chapter 41

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First of all, I'd really like to apologise for not posting my updates, I've been going through a lot of things. . . . .but now I'm back and I promise to update as many chapters as I can to make up for the days I've been missing😊😊
Thank you for being patient and waiting for me.💖💖



I woke up early in the morning because I had some unfinished business to tend to. I left Y/N sleeping, I couldn't bring myself to wake her up because she looked so cute. She also looked so tired and I wanted her to rest. All the information she received yesterday was just too much, but i thank God that she's such a strong lady, my strong woman.

When Riccardo landed, he called me saying that i should help him find someone. I was astonished that he was here in the first place, not that i didn't want him here, he was like a father to me and i loved him. He took care of me when i went to train at his school. I was just suprised because he didn't notify me that he was coming. I gave him the direction to our house and I was surprised as well to see the twins. They really grew up and became more mature.

He started to explain as to why he was here and how he needed my help. He showed me the picture of the person he was looking for and to say I was flabbergasted would be an understatement. My Y/N. She was the daughter of the man that took care of me. I then explained to him everything that has been going on and how madly in love I was with her. He was surprised too and was thankful because she had me.

Everyone was present when all this happened, they were shocked too. Only one person was missing and we were going to get her back. I told him where she was and what has been happening to her and he got so angry that veins were visible on his neck. He clenched his feist and cursed in Italien. He needed to save his daughter but I assured him that I had everything under control. We came up with the plan and included everyone.

That's when all of us went to the party and started our rescue mission. When I saw her, I wanted to rip the bastard she was with into shreds. I had to control myself because I needed everything to go according to plan. I avoided eye contact with her because I was gonna go weak and mess everything up. Thank God everything went perfectly fine and she was back into my arms.

The way she apologised made my heart ache, but I was so glad that she loved me too. All was well now.

She let out soft snores and i chuckled at how cute she was. I observed her face and body and i saw some marks on her neck and hands. That mofo touched her? I saw red, i fucking saw red. How dare he! He's gonna get it for sure. I calmed myself down knowing that im gonna take my time with him.

I placed a soft kiss on her lips before going out of our bedroom. I met Alessio, Adelina, Tae, Suga and Jay downstairs. I had messaged them early in the morning of what we're gonna do. We both headed to the base because I needed to punish some motherfucker.

The twins said they wanted to tag along because they couldn't just sit by and wait. Knowing them, they like to torture. If anyone was to be tortured by them, they ought to be scared because they were scary. Well not more than me. But I guess everyone has his or her demons.

We reached the base, Jay and Suga went to the tech room and the rest of us went to the volt where Isan was kept. I had asked Tae to keep him in the cold room yesterday. He opened it and the sight in front of me was satisfying. There he was. On a chair, ropes all around him. All pale and trembling like shit. I grinned at the sight. It wasnt that cold, it was just the right amount to keep him from moving. We got him out and placed him in the torture room.

"Can I please have some fun, please please pleaseee?" Adelina begged like a child and I chuckled at the sight.

"Ohk, but I need him alive" I said and she squealed.

She went to the tray that had all sorts of tools. She picked up the pliers and placed them on his pinky finger and cut him without warning. The sound of the finger being cut, filled the room. He groaned as he couldn't scream because of how frozen he was.

"My sister,. . ." She began to say.

"Imagine coming all the way from Italy to find my sister and then they tell you that she's been kidnapped." She took a dagger and stabbed his thigh while he let out a whimper.

"How frustrating is that?" She took a chair and sat on it facing him.

She reached for another finger and the guy was trembling. As he should. He messed with the wrong family. She cut again without warning and he kinda let out a scream. Music to my ears.

" I love my sister, even though we never spent time together but the moment I heard that we had a sister I was over the moon. When I saw her I couldn't help but be emotional, so imagine some motherfucker trying to take her away from US" she said the last word with gritted teeth as she slashed him across the chest. 

"That's absurd, right?" She asked turning back to her twin brother and he nodded. She knew he was eager too, So she stood up and gave him space.

He went to the tray too and chose his tool. He took the blazing gun and lit it. His eyes showed panic when he saw the fire but he couldnt do anything. Alessio approached him and trased the blazing gun across his chest, where Adelina  cut him. He led out a loud cry and the burning of skin was heard.

"You don't wanna see me angry, so be thankful that nothing happened to her, or else hell would break loose."  He lit it and burned his ears as Isan struggled on the chair.

"I know you want some fun too, So I'll stop here" He said putting the blazing gun back on the tray.

"For now let's leave him to cool down first and I'm sure the pain is gonna be worse, since he'll no longer be frozen." I said stepping out of the room and everyone followed.

Jay was busy with on his laptop doing his work while Suga was just standing beside him. I swear their friendship is weird. Suga would just come and sit next to him without saying anything and Jay would understand him.

"You'll never know what I found" Jay spoke to me but not letting his eyes leaving screen

" what is it?" I asked.

"That guy over there, he's associated with the Russians" he said now looking away from the screen

"WHAT" All of us asked, shocked.

"WHAT" All of us asked, shocked

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The blazing gun/ torch. . . . . . I don't know what it's called LOL💀💀💀

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