Chapter 42

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What was he doing with the Russians? They were our biggest enemy as well as enemies to the Italien mafia.

"How's he associated with them?" I asked Jay as I approached him.

"I don't know how, but the transactions here shows that he's been getting money from them. I mean they tried by all means to cover up the account but I had my ways."

He explained as he showed me the screen and it was true. All the evidence was there but for what, we don't know and I'm gonna find out.

"Good job Jay, you always make me proud" I patted him on the back and he gave me a smile.

"Well, what now?" Ade asked

"Tae and I have to go to the company, we need to do some things, then we'll come back here again. I guess you can stay or tag along I don't know."

"I guess we'll come along, we wanna see your company anyways " Ale spoke.

I nodded and we said goodbyes to Jay and Suga.

After a while we reached the company and had a couple of meetings. The twins had asked to take a look around the company and I had asked my secretary to show them around.

Just as the meeting ended, I received a message and when I  saw the contact, my lips curved into a smile.

Baby Bella👑💍

Where did you go so early in the morning? I missed your warmth? 😔


I had to take care of something and I had a couple of meetings.  I just got out of the last one now. Aww baby, don't worry. Tonight I'll be all yours.😏

Baby Bella👑💍

Ohk so when will you be back?


Well, later on, I wanted to ask you to come to the base. I want you to see something.

Baby Bella 👑💍



Don't worry, you'll see.
I gotta go, come to the base in an hour. I love you baby.

Baby Bella 👑💍

Ohk, I'll get ready. See you. I love you too Minnie💞💞.


After Minnie texted, I decided to take a shower and get ready to meet him at the base. I asked Abbs if she wanted to go and she said her  'man' aka Taetae, told her to come too. She got ready as well and we set off. Riccardo ws not around  and he just took off earlier saying he had some business to attend to.

We arrived at the HQ and all of our friends were there. Found them discussing mafia things on what to do and who has to do it.

"Do you think she'll agree?" I heard Tae ask

"Agree to what?!" I questioned as I approached.

"I want Isan to apologise to you" Minnie said as he stood up from his chair and faced me

I was stunned for a minute, I never thought I'd have to see him again, I really loathe him. But if I have to heal from this, I have to see him.

"Ohk" I acceded

"He might not be in the best position but I assure you he will apologise "

I nodded at his words and we went off to where Isan was kept. Suga opened the door and all I could smell was blood, dried and fresh.

"Are you ready?"

I released a breath and replied.

"Yeah, I think I am"

He turned to me and kissed my forehead.

"You'll do great" he assured me, and I smiled at him.  When I stepped foot inside , I saw Alessio at the entrance and Adelina holding a flammable torch, burning one of his eyes, his screams pierced through my soul

"Oh, you're here" She stepped back and put the device back in the tray. Making me to tear my eyed off of Isan. Adelina's whole body was covered in blood, I assume from Isan.

Isan was unrecognisable. Not that I was feeling pity.

"Yah" I took a step forward and stood next to Alessio.

"Hey Big tiger" He genuinely  smiled and I smiled back

"Is it the first time you see something like this? I mean seeing someone being tortured?" Concern was there in his voice and somehow it made me feel at ease.


It's not really bothersome. I've been here so many times when I came with Minnie and I'll always see the way he tortured, the way he'll roll his sleeves before attending to his victim . How he looked so sexy and shii. . . .

Y/N focus, now is not the time.

"Good, because even if you're not used to it, you'd have to live with it because of. . ." He pointed with his head towards Minnie while he was just looking at us... . Or rather me

"Hey hey hey, wake up, there's someone important you need to apologise to before you go six feet under" Adelina spoke as she slapped Isan

"I'll handle it from here"

The devil himself spoke up and went near the tray while smirking. All I could see was the fear in Isan's eyes.

Well, he better be

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