Chapter 58

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Double update 😁

"Boss, the girl escaped."

The man who Viktor sent to get Y/N rushed in and reported.

"and Dhavid is also dead. I found him laying down in a pool of blood, and the door of the dungeon was opened."

"What a-. ."

Just as Viktor was about to respond, a loud breaking sound of glasses sounded. Shin and the others didn't even see that coming. When the windows broke, Jimin didn't need to be told twice. He quickly took out his dagger and threw it straight to Yang Shin's shoulder. He jumped and slid on top of the table, and his feet landed on Viktor's stomach as he fell on the ground with his sofa.

Riccardo shot the other men in the room as two new guests fought along them.

"Great timing, guys." Jimin said, looking at JK and Alessio.

They had jumped inside the windows as they had ropes around their waists. As soon as they finished fighting the guys on the below floor, they moved to their next plan. Jay was monitoring all the events through the drones. He had released them so that he could see where Jimin and the others were.

The drone circled around the building until Jay got a sight of them. He directed Alessio and JK to the room they were at. They went to the roof and prepared their gadgets before climbing down to where Jimin and Riccardo were.

When they jumped inside the room, they immediately took out their weapons and helped Riccardo and Jimin.

Jimin looked for Shin and found him on the ground struggling to stand up due to the injury he receive when he threw the dagger at him and the pieces of glasses that pireced through his skin when Alessio and JK broke the windows.

Once he found him, he ran towards him and punched him, he fell to the floor again. Jimin took that time to take out the injection he had with him and injected Shin on his neck, knocking him out.

As planned, JK stood behind Shin and Jimin. He took the extra rope and tied it around Shin before connecting to JK's waist. Shin was unconscious as JK and Jimin tied him.

"You know what to do." Jimin said as he looked at JK.

JK nodded and pressed the button on his waist before the rope dragged them outside the window.

Viktor was too busy fighting with Riccardo to even see what was happening.

"Look out." Jimin yelled as one man tried to stab Alessio.

Alessio dodged, bending down, and the knife plunged right in the eye of the guy he was fighting. The man screamed, holding his eye as Alessio took the knife out and quickly slit his throat. Jimin grabbed the man who wanted to stab Ale and kneed him on his jaw, causing him to lose several teeth. 

The man widened his eyes, and blood oozed from his mouth.

"Whath hath you thone?" The man cried as he couldn't speak properly because he was toothless.

"WHaTh haTH yOu ThOne. . . .shut the fuck up!"

Jimin mocked him and kicked him making the man fall out of the window.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now