Chapter 7

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The leader of the gang grabbed his gun as he aimed at my parents who were hugging each other. I heard 2 bullets and my parents fell to floor.. . .


I jumped from my position as I sat up straight. Sweat coming down from my face drenching my t-shirt. "Fuck" I mumbled as I gasped for air trying  to come down from the nightmare I just had. After I collected my breaths, I took away the covers from my body and stood up heading to the kitchen to drink some water. I opened the fridge and took a bottle of water, opened it and chugged it down my throat as I felt the cold cooling it. "Can't sleep?!" A voice came coming down the stairs.

"Yeah, I just. . I just had a nightmare" I replied him. "The same dream again?" He asked concerned. "Yah. I miss them, hyung,  I miss them so much" I said as I lowered my head while he approached me and hugged me. "Don't worry, we'll find those bastards and they'll be sorry" Namjoon said as he comforted me.

He then released me from the hug, looked at me and said, "Hey, since you can't sleep, how about you come with me to the bar?" . "I have work Joonie hyung", I answered him. "Come on, you're the CEO, surely you can take a day off." He said as he tried to convince me. "Besides, when was the last time you  had some fun." He said as he wiggled his eyebrows. I thought about it for a second and ended up agreeing. "Fine".

Namjoon and Taehyung are brothers. We grew up together and we live together. Uncle Kim has his own house but then he said that we've grown up and we should have our own space. We disagreed with it but he insisted and we decided to live together even though each one of us has their own houses. He lives at his home town in Ilsan with his wife. The one that we're living in is the family's penthouse. When we miss uncle Kim we just visit him or he visits us. Right now it's just the two of us because Tae has gone on a business trip.

I went upstairs to get ready. Got into the shower, brushed my teeth and took out a pair of black slacks and a black dress shirt living two buttons at the top undone and matching it with my Chelsea boots. I went downstairs to find Namjoon already waiting for me. "I'm sure you don't need a bodyguard?" He grinned at me while I rolled my eyes. "I'm not a kid Namjoon hyung, I can take care of myself". I spat back as he lifted his hands in the air. "Ohk, was just saying man". He justified himself as I glared at him. "Whatever" I commented as we went to the door.

We went outside towards the garage and i got in my Lamborghini as he got in his Ferrari. The guards opened the gate and closed it when we drove outside. We drove to the bar and there was no traffic as it was so early in the morning. It didn't take much long as we arrived and parked our cars at the parking lot. We got out and headed into the bar.

"You renovated it?" I asked as I looked around the bar. "Yah, I wanted to add a lil bit to increase the rooms." He answered me as he showed me the rooms that he talked about. "You were serious, werent you?" I asked him as I remembered that he said he wanted to add some 'special' rooms. "That's right, and there are 4 rooms in total that I added and I call them Section 1, section 2, up to 4, hence S1 to S4 . Also the rooms, have their back doors for privacy. You know, clients wouldn't want to be seen here by people they know, especially the VVIPs." he said as he showed me his smile.

I toured around the bar, looking at each room. The rooms were so big and catchy and also fitted for their 'purpose'. "My favourite ones are S2 and S4. I said as i looked at him. "I knew you'd say that". He chuckled as he commented. "

"Let's go and chill at my office, the workers come a lil  bit later around 3PM, so we have a lot of time". He said as he grabbed my arm heading to his office. "By the way, I just hired a knew employee for a female bartender position", he said as he opened the door to his office. "Does she know about the rooms?" I asked as I was curious. "Not yet, I wanted her to get used to the bar first, but I might show her this week, it's been a few weeks since she started working so I guess she's ready to see them." Namjoon hyung said as he sat down on the couch.

"Are you going to show her S4?" I asked him. "Should I?" He asked back. "Well, it's your employee so, why are you asking me?" I also asked back. "Well they are your 'equipments' in there" he said back as he quoted the word equipments with his fingers. I rolled my eyes and said, "ohk, fine, don't show her yet, you might scare the lil princess". "Princess huh? He said as he smirked raising his eyebrow. "Shut up". I retorted back, standing up to pour myself a glass of whiskey.

"Wait, even S3?" I asked as I turned around to look at him. "I mean, I don't see why not, all of my employees know about the rooms, except S4" he answered back as he lifted his shoulders.  "How old is she?" I asked as I went to sit down beside him. "She's 23 and she just finished  graduating from college, at SNU" he answered. "SNU?" I questioned him. "Yes, you were the VIP there, right? He asked me. "Yeah". I said. "Well. .  " he said as he whistled and I got into my thoughts.

"Her name is Y/N" he said while he rested his head on the arm rest of the couch and lifted his legs to rest on the couch. "I didn't ask". I answered him. That's a nice name though, I mumbled to myself so that he could not hear me. "I heard that" he said to me chuckling.  "Fuck you, ragazzo". (Boy).  I snapped back at him. "Hey, that's not fair, you can't speak in Italian dude, how would I know what you said" he complained as he sat back up straight.

"Well, the perks of staying in another country is that, you get to learn the language " I said as I  smirked downing my whiskey. "Park Jimin, you got no jams" he said as he laid back in the position he was in earlier. I glared at him as he just laughed.

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