Chapter 44

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"You guys didn't even wait for us, and why's that?" Jimin asked as soon as we set foot inside the house

"Boy, y'all were in each other's faces. You wanted us to hear those filthy noises you guys were making?"

Abbs replied as she came out of the kitchen holding two mugs

"Why you - " Minnie was about to say something, but Tae stopped him

"Why what? My princess is telling the truth. "

Jimin and I scoffed at the same while the said 'princess' smiled

"Anyway, where's ummm, Riccardo?"

"He's in his room" Joon answered, coming down from the stairs

"Ohk, let me check on him." I turned to Minnie and gave him a peck before going to his room.

When I reached there, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I heard a come in and pushed the door open. He was on his couch reading a novel with glasses on.

Oh, so he reads, nice.

"Principessa, what can I do for you?"

"I- uh- I just wanna talk, you know get to know you" I said as I fiddled with my fingers

"Oh, ohk, come take a seat" He patted a spot next to him

I went and sat next to him. It  was quiet for a minute yet comforting

"My mum was a wonderful soul, I loved her, I still do. I looked up to her. She'd make sure that I went to bed full and she told me bedtime stories. We were so happy and we didn't need anything.

One day when I came back from school, I was met with a horrible sight, she was in a pool of blood. I couldn't even scream, I was frozen to my spot until I heard her call my name. You know what were her last words? Forgiveness and love, that's what she said."

I now had the courage to look at him, a lone tear fell from his eye. I gasped and reached my hand towards his face. I hesitated for a bit but ended up wiping it, he removed my hand gently and hugged me.

"I'm really sorry, really, really, sorry, I had no idea you went through a lot but believe me, there was not a time when I didn't think of your mother"

With that, I felt the tears flow from my eyes.

"Do you regret leaving her?"

"Oh, you don't know how much. . . . . I do princess, I do"

"You w-won't leave me too?"

He released me from his hug and looked at me.

"I'd never, ever leave you" He assured me as he wiped my tears.


" I promise, princess, I'll always be by your side."


"I'm not going anywhere, you have me for the rest of your life and I'll make sure to make up for the days I've not been there."

"But. . . ."

"Yes, what is it?"

"I want to get the DNA test done."

He smiled and stood up, went to the drawer and took an envelope from it. He gave me the envelope and gestured for me to open it.

"I knew you would say that, so I ended up doing it"

As I opened  the paper, my hands trembled a bit. I looked at him and he smiled trying to ease the atmosphere. I read the information and . . . . . . . . . . .

well damn, we were a match.

"But, how did you get it?"

"I asked Jimin for help. . .and if you think that the test is not true or you think that it has been tampered with, you can ask him because I went with him to the hospital, so he was there as a witness"

He was truly my father. I had a family, I wasn't alone anymore. The thought literally made me cry even more.

"Oh no don't cry, I promise, from now on, you won't lack anything, we're here with you dear." He reached his hand and wiped my tears.

" Appa."

"Di- did you just call me dad?" He asked with a puzzled look

" How do you know what it means?"

"Well, remember i used to live here with your mum,  even though it wasn't for a long time but i know hangul here and there"

"That's cool. Well, I know I said I needed time to absorb all things, but life is too short so. . ."

"Sure is princess, I swear I won't let you down." He then kissed my forehead and patted my head.

"Mmh." I nodded

"Bonding without us, no fair." Ade came running to my side and sat next to me.

"Yah, what about us?" Ale cried as well

We both laughed and spent the whole night talking about our lives. Their businesses, the mafia school and how they met Jimin. It was really good to share our stories and we bonded a lot that night.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now