Chapter 40

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"The communication between your mother and I faded, it wasn't her fault though but mine. I felt guilty each and every day with each word that I texted her, so I stopped"

My poor mother

"I know you'll hate me after this but I hope you'll forgive me, it wasn't my intention to do so, I loved your mother so much that it hurt, I know. . . .I was going to be the next mafia don and that gave me the privilege I wanted but that's not always the case. In mine, it was really difficult"

I tried stopping my tears but it's like they had a mind of their own, they just kept on flowing, no matter how much I wiped them

"I ended up marrying the woman my father wanted, Mariana, Alessio and Adelina's mother. I'd told her that it was just business and she said it was like that for her too. There was no love but the respect was there, few years later, the twins were born, as my father pressurized me saying he wants grandchildren. I loved them so much, I still do and my father was so happy back then, it's like he just waited for the babies to be born and. . . .and he drew his last breath.

When the twins were 15 years old, we decided to divorce because my father was no more and we didn't love each other so it was for the best"

He looked at the twins beside him and they gave him a sad smile, I was boiling inside, I didn't want to hear this.

"What is the point of telling me all this? You were busy with your own family there but my mother.  . . . My mother suffered, it was only me that she had those days, the two of us, but you. . ."  I said bitterly as I looked at them

"If you say you're my father, where were you when my mom died? Where were you when I had no one to go to? Where were you when they took me to the orphanage? "

"After we divorced I came back here, I looked for your mother, darling, but I heard she was no more, I broke into pieces that day, I blamed myself for everything

when I went to where  she used to live, that's when they told me, she wasn't alone, she had a little one, I assume you, I asked where you were but they said you ran away since you couldn't afford the rent?"

"Excuse me, me running away? Where would I even go? They took me to the orphanage" 

How shocking! Why would they say I ran away

"And you believed them?" Abby asked my so called father

"What would I do, I was so defeated I ended up going back to Italy. I was so devastated, to think that Liah, your mother, was pregnant but she never told me, I mean, not that I blame her. It was my fault for cutting off our communication

"Only after a few years, I had to check every orphanage in South Korea. There weren't any records. . . .well that was because I didn't know your name, I just searched using your mother's surname. Then I had to check all the hospital records since it had her photo and there you were, your name. . Y/N Lee-Angelo, she combined our surnames, that's why I couldn't find you"


"So A- Angelo, that's you?" I asked

"Yes baby, that's our name"

I was stunned for a moment, my mother was really a genius, I mean, I love my surname, I love how it sounds

"Wow so cool" I heard Jay squeal before clearing his throat

"When I searched your name again, your photo came up, I couldn't even believe it, you really existed, so beautiful like your mother, 25 years old, just graduated and working at the Persona Bar. . . . .now we're here.

When your siblings knew they had a big sister, they were really happy, they couldn't wait to see you"

I looked at the twins and they smiled at me

"How old are they?" I asked

"23" they spoke at the same time

"Yes, "Y/N, we really wanted to see you, we helped father to find you and here we are" Adelina said

"Yes tiger" Alessio commented

"Tiger?" I questioned him, who's tiger

"Yes, tiger, you fought like a tiger back there"

Oh. He's referring to when I fought him a few minutes back

I rolled my eyes at his statement

"You mean, tigress" I corrected him

"No, tiger" he replied with a smile and I rolled my eyes again at him

" may I ask something, but why wait for some few years to check the orphanages and the hospital records? Suga asked and it was the first time he talked today

Everyone's head looked at Riccardo's direction for the answer

"Back then,  I couldn't think of anything else, I was lost, my mind and heart was just filled with darkness and  regrets, all these evil emotions clouded my mind and I couldn't function, to think I'd lost the love of my life and on top of that my child, it was too much. so it never came to me that time, that is when after grieving, my mind was a little bit clearer, I just. . .I felt it in my heart that, somehow, somewhere you were alive, I just needed to find you and that's when I had the thought that, indeed I never looked for you so that's when I became my search " he explained

"Yes, I remember those days, dad was so lost, he couldn't eat and he looked angry all the time, people never really approached him, be it for meetings or for whatever, they really feared him, I don't know what happened for him to cope, because, we had also lost our father back then, we didn't even know him but thank God he came to normal" Adelina said with a sad voice

"Please forgive me my girl" Riccardo pleaded

"I don't know, this is all too much for me, and I can't just forgive you. . .yet, I need time"

"I know, take your time, ohk?" He smiled

"Thank God, it went well" Abby said next to Tae

"What? You knew? All of you? " I widened my eyes at her and everyone in the room

"I- um- I mean yah, you know, they came here earlier  , while you were with. . You know who. . .and they explained everything,  believe me, we were shocked too "

"Oh, is that so?" I asked looking at Minnie

"So if I may ask, how do yall know each other?" I questioned looking between Minnie and Riccardo

"It's a long story, but we know each other very well or let's say, he's an old friend of my father and he was my mentor when I was schooling in Italy, they took care of me, they own a training school for the mafia, so yah, and these two, we schooled together"

I couldn't help it but got jealous at the thought of Adelina knowing my Jimin first. Now that I think about it, so that's why they came to the party together, they looked so close as if they knew each other for a long time, explains it.

"Oh. ." That's what I managed to say and there was a complete silence after that.

"So uhh, what now?" Jay spoke

"Since it's late at night, I guess yall can sleep here, I mean for those who haven't been sleeping here. You know your rooms

"Yah, it was a rough day and a long one at that, let's all rest and we'll see what to do tomorrow" Joon commented  and I totally agree with him.

It was indeed a long day. I just want to go to sleep and never wake up

Just kidding

Everyone said their goodbyes and parted to their respective rooms

This was probably a boring chapter.  But the explanation was needed

Thank you🥰🥰

See you soon, my lovelies 😘

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