Chapter 23

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Warning: V I O L E N C E


After the phone call, Jay successfully traced it. He found the location and hacked into the system. The CCTVs that were near the place, everything, the cars, the computers. He hacked  and made them his.

"Guess who's place she was at?" He looked at me puzzled.


"Thee Devil" I was fuming, I was beyond angry. How dare he take my Bella away from me. First he comes here like he owns the place and he wants to marry my woman. Oh hell no. Hell's gonna break loose.

"I want you to find all of his locations, warehouses, safe houses, everything that has his name on. It's gonna be mine soon." I demanded as I went to call my men.

After  I called everyone down to the meeting area, I told them the plan. By everyone I meant Abby also because she wouldn't stop blabbering her talkative mouth about how she wants to be part of the plan because it's her bestfriend.

"Men, we're about to go on a very important mission. " I glanced at each and everyone of them to see if they were paying attention.

"My woman has been kidnapped by the one and only Thee Devil. The same man, who came in here, acting like he's a God or something, demanding to work together. Oh we'll work together alright.

I want your best performance because my woman is out there, no mistakes. We're gonna rescue her." I took out a photo on my pocket and showed them.

"This, is her. Make sure no harm comes to her, protect her, for she'll be your future queen." I pointed at the photo for them to look.

"And do protect her also" I pointed at Abby and saw Tae smile a bit but it immediately vanished when he spoke up.

"Jay is working on finding the locations right now, all of his hide outs, we're gonna take everything that belongs to him and it's gonna be ours. We'll show him who's boss." After he said that, roars were heard from the gang.

"Jimin, here, I found out that he has 3 ware houses. The one where Y/N was held captive was the second one. The wedding is supposed to be held at the third one and it's on the outskirts. Such a clever move. He knew that he wouldn't be suspected  because he never uses the warehouse." Jay said immediately after coming in the room.

"Ohk, listen men, Abby, Suga, Namjoon and Team A will go to rescue her. No. Mistakes. Am I clear?" I growled earning a 'yes boss' from them.

"Tae, JK, Jin, Jay and the rest of the team, you're coming with me to deal with Thee Devil and the rest of the men will stay here." They nodded at my statement.

"Namjoon you'll use the cars and Our team will use the helicopters to arrive fast." I ordered.

" I've informed Chan since he works at the police department to take care of everything there." Chan was one of the best men as he helped with a lot of things if it needed police interference.

After telling them the plan, everyone took their set of weapons and got ready. I commanded them to move and they did. Everyone got into their assigned cars and places.

"Hyung, do you have the ear pieces?"I asked Namjoon.

"Yes, don't worry, I have them" I nodded at his response.

We parted and I got in the helicopter. It followed the cars making sure that there weren't any obstacles.

"Their cars have started moving and they're 6 in total. Y/N is in the third one." Jay informed.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now