Chapter 11

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Today was really hectic. I still can't believe what I saw. I mean it's not bad and I'm not against it but I'm still shook. Talk about shook, I almost died today, died because of Park fucking Jimin. I can't believe I had to help myself in the bathroom, there was no way I could survive the day. This man is all sorts of things. He's pretty, he's beautiful but yet . . . . .dangerous. He seems so dangerous, I think!  He even went without paying for the drink. I ended up taking from my own money.

The way he looked at me, I almost melted, like literally,  the intense gaze towards me was . . . . .it was like a beast wanting to devour it's prey. I wanted to hide. The way his thighs were inviting,  how he held my waist, gosh, I even embarrassed myself. I fucking moaned. God help me. He looked like he wanted to fuck me against that wall. Oh how I wanted it.  I'm not against the idea. I want him. Talk about the tongue. . .  in my ear, fuking hell. . . I want his touch. I want him NOW!. He didn't even take my number. Why didn't he?

My thoughts were interrupted by Abby coming down stairs in her pajamas holding a blanket  "Did you prepare the snacks?"

"Yah, lemme go and get them " I stood up and headed to the kitchen.

"What do you want to watch?" Abby asked.

"Hm, how about White chicks?" I said while coming towards her and plopping on the couch.

"Ouuh, me likey, ohk, let's watch it" she said excitedly.

The sound of our laughter echoed through the room as we watched the scene where the girls were having a dance battle and the twins took the lead. "They're so funny" I said wiping my tears aways from my eyes due to laughing so hard.

"Very" my best friend commented trying to contain her laugh. Our laughs died down after a couple of minutes and I heard her say, "Hey, did you hear the news about the Bulletproof gang?" 

"No, what did they do?" I got curious, sitting up straight.

" They saved another group of girls who were about to be trafficked" she explained cuddling me more.

" wow, again? they've been doing a good job lately, I don't wanna lie". I said thinking of the things they've been doing recently, catching the bad guys and rescuing young girls and women from being trafficked.

"Yah, I wonder who their leader is, they say the name is Chaos, I wonder how he looks like, the people have only seen a few members but not the leader. They say that after rescuing the girls, the leader retreats while some of the gang members stay behind and deal with the case to the police".

"I wonder why is that!" I thought out loud. " Well maybe he doesn't wanna be seen?" I shrugged my shoulders to the question.

"Yah, how was your day by the way?" Abby questioned sitting up looking at me.

"You'll not believe this" I put the snacks on the table and focused on her, "what what, tell meeee" she jumped up and down on the couch.

"Do you remember Park Jimin, the guy who was at our graduation?" I asked Abbs. 

"Who wouldn't, dude was hot, he's not the type to be forgotten, even the blue haired guy." She replied with a smirk. I've been getting too much smirking in one day. Give me a break.

"Yeah, I met him today at the club, apparently he's friends with my boss"

"you lie!" Her eyes almost went out of their sockets from how she was widening them.

"I'm telling you, girl, was he not hot! The black outfit he wore, the Chelsea boots, them fucking thighs, oh em gee Abby" I almost cried at the thought of his thighs.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now