chapter 37

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"Yes it's me, Jay"


"Jay?. .but how come?"

"Yes, Y/N, stay still, don't show anyone that you're talking to someone, we don't want Isan to be alert "

"Wait, you can see me?" I said widening my eyes as I looked around for him but instead saw Jimin looking right at me, I swallowed really hard and averted my eyes.

"Of course I can but you won't see me, I'm in the last floor"

"O-ok, but how. . how am I talking to you, I mean. .

I touched my ear to feel something, when Jay chuckled

"I believe that someone gave that to you. . Someone beautiful, if I may add"

As he said beautiful, I suddenly remembered about the girl I met in the restroom, how she touched my ear and all. . . Reality hit me when I thought about it, so that is how it happened. When she came and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"What's wrong, you look puzzled!" Isan asked as he approached our table

"Act natural" Jay said quickly  on the other end

"Oh, I thought you were gone since I couldn't find you"

"Where would I go, leaving you all alone darling?" He replied with a smirk

He sat down next to me and gave me a smile before he continued to converse with his friends.

"Now, I want you to lure him outside, don't make it too suspicious, just make it seem like you're overwhelmed or something "

"Okay, I understand but then what?!"

"Don't worry, you'll see"

I quickly thought of something to do but nothing came. So I just had to do what came to my mind.

"Isan, I'm going outside to get some fresh air, the one in here is really heavy for me" he looked at me suspiciously


"What do you mean no, I'm just going outside,  I can't literally go anywhere since you made it clear what'll happen "  I tried to explain hoping that he'll agree.

"I said no"

I rolled my eyes and stood up, went through the crowd and went outside. As soon as I stepped outside, I felt a hand on my wrist

"You dare to defy me?" Isan growled as he tightened the grip around my wrist.

"You know, what. . . " I yanked my wrist away and glared at him

"I'm sick and tired of how you're treating me, how dare you treat me this way as if I'm your property, I'm no one's property and I'll never be. You've been behind my back since the day we met but I thought I've made it clear that I don't fucking want you but looks like you don't get it at all, it's like you're so stupid to get it. I don't like you, get that through your sick head. You think you can have me by threatening me with thousand of lives of people? How low of you! Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You make me sick, I can't even stand you, let alone look at you and you think I'll be with you for the rest of my life, reality check baby, I'll NEVER BE IN YOUR LIFE SO FUCK OFF, AND GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS AWAY FROM ME" when I finished I was breathing heavily and heard a gasp from Jay while Isan looked stunned

"Y-you. . ."

"Yes me, You want a piece of me, huh?" I took my heel off and pointed at him.

"You wouldn't dare" he folded his arms giving me a challenging look

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now