Chapter 28

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"Jimin is Chaos" She blurted out.

"Uh. . . .what"

"For real, Y/N, I even went to their base ohmygodsomeoneholdmeitwassocoolgirl" she said without breathing.

I needed a minute to comprehend what she just said, Jimin is Chaos? I looked at Jimin and found him already staring at me as if he wanted to read my face. His face was just blank, I looked back at everyone totally busy with their food.

Oh so now they don't wanna talk.

"So, you're saying, Jimin is Chaos and you guys saved me?! That's what you're saying?"

"Yes, but the other men are not here, these are just, important people I guess, right?" She turned to the side and looked at Tae and he nodded.

"They're other men?" I was completely shocked.

"Just how many are you?" I questioned.

"Oh trust me, you don't wanna know" this time the other guy who I still don't know yet spoke.

"Bu-but aren't you the CEO of the Park Empire?" The question was directed to Jimin.

"I am" he simply said.

"But I'm also Chaos, as you've heard" he turned his head to look at my best friend.

"Listen friend, let me break it down for you.  We are a gang, a family most of it, and we lead this gang, well Jimin, since he's the boss. ." Jin explained and I looked at Jimin while he tightened his grip around me.

"Yah, I know how it goes, your the Bulletproof gang. You save innocent people like we've heard and you help them." I felt Jimin leaning forward to take a plate. He took a bite and then he directed the spoon to my mouth.

I heard Jin and Abbs coo at the action. Minnie indicated that I open my mouth and I did. He put the spoon in my mouth and fed me.

"Well that's not all" Joon commented

"What do you mean" I asked after swallowing.

"We're not just a gang" Tae grinned.

" I don't understand "

"We are a mafia gang . . . And I'm the boss" Jimin finally said and I choked on my food.

"Whoah, are you ohk?" I heard my best friend ask.

I coughed and Jimin gave me a glass of water, which I accepted gladly.

"I'm fine" I gave her a thumbs up.

"Am I allowed to freak out?"

"Trust me, I did it the first time I knew about it" Abbs said.

I stood up abruptly getting out of Jimin's hold and paced up and down while everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I kept on mumbling to myself and I heard them talk but I couldn't fully understand what they were saying.

"Is she gonna be ohk" one voice said

"Trust me she will calm down in about. . . . . .5 minutes

"That's a lot of time"

I grabbed my hair and pulled it. Ohk, Jimin is Chaos, the mafia boss. He's also the CEO of his company. Ohk, inhale, exhale.

I then felt a pair of hands around my waist and I turned around. Jimin stood there. I completely melted in his touch. He brought me comfort.

"Come" he lightly grabbed me to sit and he sat me on his thighs again. I could get used to this.

"Everything has a story, Bella, but you're not ready to hear it yet" he explained while I got comfortable.

"I'm V by the way, they call me that when we're on a mission or at the headquarters of course." Tae said excitedly

"What do you do?" I asked

"I'm an assassin"

"Oh. . ." Is all I said

"So you kill people?"

"Only if they deserve it" he clarified.

"But that aint right" I said looking at everyone.

"We're a mafia, that's what we do, it'll be better if you accept it, Bella" Jimin growled and that sent shivers all over my skin.

After a moment of silence, Jin finally spoke.

"Well, I'm WWH,. . .Jin, you already know that" he smiled and I returned it.

"I'm a sniper. . . I cook for the family, most of the time and I'm also a doctor" he said the last part looking at his nails as if he was admiring them.

"That is so cool, friend" I chuckled.

"Id like to be in the infirmary as well" Abbs said with dreamy eyes.

"I'll teach you" Jin smiled at her and she returned it happily.

"Well, as you know I'm your boss but I also help here and there, I'm the advisor of the gang if it's the correct way to put it." Now it was Joon's turn to say.

I was in awe honestly. "I'm.  . .i don't know what to say"

"Dont worry about it, I know, its a lot to take in" his words made me relax a bit.

"I'm Jay, I'm the hacker. . . I control all the systems, the data base, the cameras, any machine or electronic device that is out there. Thats how we managed to find you" so Jay is his name.

"Cool name, Jay and that is so awesome, you should teach me how to hack" I wiggled my eyebrows at him

"Oh yes, anytime" that is the most beautiful and appreciative smile I've ever seen.

"Oh and I'm the sunshine of the group " he clapped his hands happily.

Well that explains it. Cute.

I looked at Jungkook and he cleared his throat.

"Well, you already know me and what I do, so yah" he rubbed the back of his neck while saying his line.

"He'll also be your bodyguard " Jimin jumped in the conversation as well.


"For safety reasons of course "

"No, I'm fine, I don-"

"Yes you do end of discussion" he commanded and I just rolled my eyes.

"Behave" he whisper growled in my ear for them not to hear.

"Oh else I'll fuck that attitude out of you" he continued to say and I felt a pool of wetness between my thighs.

Fuck. I fisted his pants with my hands to maintain myself.

I cleared my throat and looked at Suga. I think I saw him sigh.

"I'm suga, your man's left hand"

My man.


I then heard Jimin snicker behind me.

"Aaww she's blushing" Jin cooed.

"Ohk, well I wanna know every detail of what happened before you came to find me" I demanded.

"Can I be the one to tell her please. . . Please" Abbs pleaded for Jimin to allow her.

He just rolled his eyes and ended up agreeing anyway. I giggled at his reaction.

I listened attentively as she was narrating the story and I must say, I was flabbergasted with each and every detail. It's like I'm in a movie or something. The way she explained,  was so cool, she even imitated all of the people here and the room was filled with laughter.

Is this what family really feels like, I looked around to find everyone immersed in the story but Jimin had his eyes on me the entire time because I could feel lt. When I looked at him, I confirmed my theory when I found him staring at me. I smiled and he smiled too.

Three updates to make it up to you🥰🥰🥰😜😜😜

Have a nice week.🥰🥰

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