Chapter 36

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After a while, Isan arrived to pick me up and we're now in a luxurious Lexus heading to the party. All the way, I felt his eyes on me making me uncomfortable.

"I can't wait to show you off" a smirk painted his face.

I glared at him and he reached in his pocket to take out a small box. He opened it and showed me a shinny bracelet. I looked at him questioning him.

"I want you to wear it, now" He took it out and gestured me to open my palms to take it. I refused and he grabbed my wrist in a harsh way, I didn't want to wince because I'd be giving him the satisfaction. He forced the bracelet on my wrist and smiled upon seeing his work.

"Now that's perfect "

It was dead silent after that but it didnt last long as the car had stopped. I looked outside the building and realized it was a huge platinum building with the name PARK EMPIRE at the top with some neon lights decorating it.

That's when it hit me. . . . .

I haven't stepped foot inside the company. The chauffer got out and opened the door for me then he ran to the other side to open for Isan also.

Don't treat him like royalty, he's a piece of garbage.

He waited for me and reached his arm for me to take. I got reluctant  but he gave me the, 'do it or imma blow this building off' look.

This was just pathetic. The fact that he had the remote control on him, was just PATHETIC.  Like how long does he think he'll be able to continue on like this?

It won't be long enough until help comes, I know and trust that Jimin will come. For sure Kook told him. My heart knows it.

There was a red carpet and it looked quite fancy, the decorations were on point. There were so many bodyguards both outside and inside. I heard him clear his throat, I rolled my eyes and finally hooked my arm around his and we walked inside.

There were so many people in beautiful outfits, classy and expensive radiated from each one of them. I looked around but didn't find what I was looking for and I sulked at that.

"Come let me show you off to my friends there" he pointed to his right and directed us to them.

"Isan, wow, you made it man" A tall guy said shaking his hand and his eyes shifted to me.

"And who's this lovely lady" he said while taking my hand to kiss it.


" I made it and yes this is my woman, Y/N" he pulled me towards him and gripped my waist tightly.

"Such a beautiful name for a beautiful person " one person said making them all agree in unison. I had the urge to roll my eyes at that.

They started talking and I'd lost interest in their conversation and my mind was elsewhere. I wanted. . . No. . I needed to see only one person.

I kept looking around but still nothing. Then suddenly someone made an announcement that the boss is about to arrive making people to pay attention to the door.

The man of the hour finally showed up. My breath hitched when I saw him, he was looking handsome as always but he wasn't alone, a brunette was next to him. Slender, beautiful and her smile was gorgeous. Everything about her screamed power and she held Jimin's hand. I didn't realize tears were falling out when my vision blurred. I quickly wiped it before anyone could see.

He has already moved on? Who was I kidding.

"Oh, I didn't know Park Jimin will come with a beauty!" Isan said as he looked at me, definitely rubbing salt on my wound


All the men inside the room couldn't help but drool at the beautiful young lady infront of them. They walked to the VIP table specifically for them. As they walked, I saw Tae and Abby holding hands and I couldn't help but smile at them. They looked cute together. They followed Jimin to the table and sat down. I couldn't help but stare at them.

I wonder if they missed me. Was Abby missing me. Tae? Joon?


I snapped back when his eyes landed on mine. My breath was caught to my throat and I forgot how to breathe. His eyes, so pretty. He stared at me for a while, then he shifted his eyes to the arm around my waist making me want to dig a hole and bury myself. He looked up again before tearing his gaze to his date. His face was emotionless. Cold. Made me want to cry.

Isan and his friends then said something about sitting down, then we sat 2 tables away from them. Abby looked at me and I smiled a little but she never did


Okay, why does it hurt so much. Hold it, hold it. It'll all be over soon, then you'll go home and sleep.

When I looked at Tae, he smiled too but it never reached his eyes. Atleast he did. 

My eyes then went straight to Jimin and the girl next to him. They talked and laughed. Jimin never spared me a single glance. How could he, when he was next to a such a beauty.

"Seems like you were only a toy to him" Isan got close and whispered to my ear and I looked at my lap. I lifted my hand to wipe the tear at the corner of my eye

Please don't cry infront of people and embarrass  yourself.

When I lifted my head, Jimin was already staring at me and I looked away. . .how embarrassing.

The host then called Jimin to the podium to give a speech. The crowd cheered and the man stood up, fixed his blazer and walked like he owned the floor, well he did own it. He looked so ethereal walking to that  podium. He took the mic and started speaking

"I want to welcome you all to this event and thank you for your time. It's always a pleasure to work with people who know what they want and when to get it. The reason why we're here is to celebrate the success of the amusement parks that were built at the Seren mall. I'd like to thank the Chan group for going ahead with this project. Please enjoy yourselves on this night"

After his speech, the people clapped their hands and cheered for him. He went off the stage and soon he was blocked by many business men and women trying to congratulate him. The girl he came with earlier stood and went to stand near him giving him a side hug which he openly received while his hand went to her waist.

I excused myself to go to the restroom because I couldn't watch any longer and my heart was aching but Isan wasn't having it. He agreed with difficulty thinking that I might dodge him. I reached the restroom and that's when I felt like I could breath again. The air inside the hall was suffocating that I needed some fresh air.

Why did he have to hold her like that? What is she to him?

My thoughts were interrupted when the brunette walked inside. She swayed her hips from side to side. Sheez, woman, we know you're hot and all that. But you're not the only one. I composed myself and took out my lipstick to apply. She came and stood next to me and took out her makeup to fix herself.

"Hey there" she said


"Nice dress" she said looking at me through the mirror infront of us

"Wow, and you got a long hair too" she turned to my side and stretched her hand forward to tuck my hair behind my ear.

"Thank you, I like yours too" I replied back and she smiled.

Just like that she went back. What the fuck.

After a minute I got out also and Isan looked like he was boiling but when he saw me he relaxed a bit.

"What took you so long?" He asked while gritting his teeth.

"Really, you wanna know?" I questioned back, annoyed and he didn't reply.

"Don't test me, Y/N" he gave me a warning look

"Anyway, it'll all be over soon" he stood up and went to pour himself a drink.

"Y/N, do you hear me?" A voice echoed in my ear

Huh! That voice. . .

"Yes it's me, Jay"

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now