Chapter 10

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This club is something else. I'm kinda excited but also scared at the same time. I never expected the sex dungeon.  I mean of course the stripping room and the private room, it's kinda obvious to have them but the sex dungeon? Unbelievable.

"So Y/N, how do you like the rooms so far?" Namjoon asked while opening the door to his office. "To be honest, S3 kinda caught me off guard, I didn't expect it. But the other rooms are nice as well, they're catchy and I think clients will love them. S1 is big and have enough space  for the clients. I also love the fact that, it also has its own bar and it's bartenders. S2 is also cozy and comfy, it's great." I said honestly to what I thought
about each room. "As for S3, well, I don't know what to say to that " I said while scratching the back of my head. I wasn't really comfortable with the way my juices were sticking on my panties therefore I subtly rubbed my thighs hoping that they wont noitce. I looked around and saw jimin looking my way and he moved his eyes down at my thighs. They lingered there for a moment and he shifted to my eyes. With a fucking smirk. Makes me wanna get rid of it. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be in this situation.

"Well Y/N, I love how you composed yourself. Don't worry, we mean well. Also, sometimes, you may come to serve here, maybe filling up for someone or if the client has took a liking towards you, you know, when they want only you to serve them drinks." Namjoon explained, making me to look away from jimin. "Ooh" I nodded as I took that into note. " So always be prepared for it. Except for S3, that one you won't go. Clients know their limits so you don't have to worry about them being touchy but if at all one does anything voice it out, don't be afraid." He continued explaining.

We suddenly heard a growl from Jimin. "What's wrong?" Namjoon asked. "nothing" jimin said looking away from our eyes. Ohk, weird.

" Yes sir, I'll definitely voice it out. And I'll try to prepare myself. " I felt a pair of eyes staring at me and looked at jimin, he held an expression I couldn't pin point. Was he worried? "But I think I heard you saying that there are 4 rooms, what about the last room?" I asked my boss. "Well, about that, you're gonna have to wait again for that. And I believe Jimin will love to show the room himself. I guess not now." He said looking at Jimin. " Yeah, you'll see it don't worry" he smiled at me seeing my curious face.

"How come other employees get to see it and I don't?" I said with a pout on my face. "Because I said so" jimin answered. I felt the urge to roll my eyes, but I didn't. "And why do I have to be shown S4 by you?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "You don't want me to?" Jimin said with a slight pout. It wasn't visible but when you looked clearly, you could see it. So cute. "I- I didn't say that, I was just curious? I defend myself. "Because it's my room, bella ,( Beautiful) not everyone gets to visit it.   "even though other workers saw it, they're not allowed up there. What they do, is just clean and that's it" he explained.  What kind of room is it.  I asked myself. My thought got interrupted by Jimin's snicker, probably laughing at my curious face.

" Well then Y/N,  I believe that we are done here, you can go back to your spot." Namjoon said going back to his desk. "Ohk, thank you" I said turning around. I looked at Jimin for a brief moment and he. . he fucking winked at me. Fucking Park Jimin. Why is he torturing me. I quickly scurried away before I embarrass myself.


I've only seen her twice and she's already driving me crazy. I didn't even expect to see her again. Her frame, her hair, her scent. . . .only I knew how much I controlled myself. Seeing her a blushing mess made me to wanna mess with her even further.

You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now