Chapter 39

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"Is this some kind of sick a joke or something, 'cause if it is then, you got me there" I said trying to laugh it off but seeing everyone's serious expressions, i stopped.

I looked at him and waited for his explanation

"It all happened 25 years ago when I came here in South Korea with my father for a business meeting. We had only come for a few days, then one day in one of the business meeting, there comes in a beautiful woman,  she wore a pencil skirt that reached her knees and a nice blouse tucked perfect in her skirt. Her hair, beautiful like yours, straight and long.

The moment we locked eyes, something weird started to happen in my insides and I knew what it was. There was no way how I would let her go. I'd found out that she was a personal assistant to one of the bosses there. I wont say the name because he doesn't matter.

Fast forward, we kept on seeing each other in those meetings, then one day I decided to wait for her and make my move. Seems like she was just enticed as I am and she agreed. We dated and it was all sweet and lovely, I loved to be with her everytime but my father had to return back home, to Italy. Somehow I convinced him to let me stay and I would come back later.

We spent so much time together and it was all beautiful. The love she had for me, I just. . . I just regret leaving her. . ."

He sighed as he lowered his head looking on the ground to avoid my eyes.

"What" I whispered

"What do you mean by that?"  I questioned. I really wanted to know what happened.

Everyone looked focused as they waited for him to continue.

He took a deep breath and spoke

"Something happened back home and my father needed me. It was really urgent and he needed me to take care of it, no one could deny my father, even his son. He was the most notorious mafia man ever.

I promised her that I'd be back for her, she was sad but she said she trusted me and would wait for me. I never thought that what my father planned would ruin everything. He really sounded like something was wrong and it was the first time, I heard him talk to me with a warm tone. He planned an arranged marriage with some wealthy family, mainly for power. "

"But. .  But what about my mother? Didn't you tell your father that. . .that you had someone waiting?" I anxiously asked

"Yes dear, I tried by all means to convince my father, I even threatened to leave the mafia business. But...he also threatened me with her life, he said he saw the way I was looking at her at the meetings we had and he knew from then that, something was happening between us and he knew the reason why I stayed behind. He didn't want me to be with just anyone, he wanted me to be with someone who would be our ally, someone powerful.

We made a deal that, he would give me a few days and if I don't like being with her, the wedding would be canceled. We communicated, your mother and I, I told her I'd take a while and she said she wouldn't mind, days passed and I felt really guilty for not telling her.

In those few days, I found out that my father was sick. . .he was dying. . . . Cancer. . .and he did all that to secure our business. During those times, he showed a side of him that I never knew. My father was a strict man, but those last few days, he treated me like how a father would treat his son.

At first I thought he was bluffing, I thought he was joking but day by day, his condition became worse and he made me promise that I'd fulfil his promise."

"Stop" I suddenly stood up, now tears in my eyes, I knew where this was going.

"I'm sorry, my principessa,  I know I'm at fault and I regret  it each and every day" he stood up too trying to reach out for me but I stepped back.

"Baby, let him talk, hmm" Jimin said as he pulled me in his arms. I relaxed a bit as he embraced me. Riccardo sat down too.

"But my mother.  . . She. . . She was all alone" I cried as Jimin tried to calm me down

"If I could change time, I would, but. . . . There's nothing I can do about. . . I just couldn't do enough"

"You failed her" I glared him

My mother was such a sweet angel, she didn't deserve all that.

"I know. . . and I've been punishing myself ever since " he spoke with a low voice.

It was quiet for a minute then Alessio talked

"Go on father, she needs to know everything " he patted Riccardo's back



You're more than enough (Jimin ff) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now