Chapter 6

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When I wrote this chapter, I was so devastated about Jin. It was time for him to go to the military camp. When I saw him and the other members, being there for him, I lost it,  it just broke my heart. So I needed to vent. I wanted to let it all out.

If you don't like violence, please skip this chapter.


it's been a few weeks since I've been here and I'm still keen on finding out who killed my parents. Im so angry right now. Right now, I'm at the Bulletproof headquarters. I Crack my neck as I type some information in my laptop when the door to my office opens. "Let's go, the boys are waiting for you". Tae says as soon as he enters in the room. I quickly shut my laptop and head outside the room. We head towards the double doors and the guards there bow to us before opening it. As soon as we enter, all the men in the room stand up and bow to greet us. "Sit down" I order them while sitting down.

"So I'll get to the point, who stole the money from the estate?" I ask, looking them in the eyes. The moment they meet my eyes, they quickly avert their gazes to the floor.

" I asked a damn question, WHO THE FUCK STOLE THE MONEY FROM THE ESTATE? I growl at them hitting my hand on the table making them flinch. "W-we don't know boss, no one knows". One of the men says as he looks around the room.

"Is that so?" I say with amusement in my voice as I look at the corner of the room looking at Mark who was fidgeting with his fingers avoiding my eyes. ". . .but I already know who stole it, isn't it, Mark?" I say while looking at him.

His eyes widened at the call of his name, "I - I don't k-know what you talking about boss" he says as he stutters. " Oh Mark, Mark,  Mark, are you sure?" I ask him as I smirk. He then nods. "Ohk, I see. Take him to the basement". I order as Suga and my bodyguard JK, grabs him and head towards the basement. "Gentleman, you are excused" I say as I stand up to leave. I look at Tae and nod at him to leave to the basement.

As soon as we get there, I remove my blazer and roll the sleeves of my shirt up. "You know, baseball was not my favourite sport at school so. . ." I say chuckling as I take the metal baseball bat that was on top of the table. ".  .you'll have to forgive my form." I say as I practice to swing the bat. "Looks good to me" Tae chuckles at my comment.

"Boss, please, you c-cant do this" Mark cries as he sees me approaching him.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you're supposed to swing the bat this way. . . . ."I pause and look at his face. "Like this" I said swinging the bat hard against his head. "Wwhhoooa" I say as I felt the vibration from the bat to my hands. The silence of the room being filled with the cracking of his skull as he cried in agony.

"Boss please, I- I don't know anything about the money". He tried to justify himself as he shouted from the pain. "Nah, you'll talk" I say to him. I hit him again knocking the chair falling down with him, I brought the bat down to his ribs. He let out a gasp as he widened his eyes the moment I felt the vibration through the bat indicating that his ribs broke. Hitting him repeatedly until the bat was covered in his blood.

"Are you killing him?" Tae asked. " Well if he doesn't admit it" I answered him. "Ohk, i- i- I'll talk, please spare me." He said as he begged for his life. "Good boy, lift him up." I said as I ordered at Suga to get him off from the floor. "Now speak" I ordered him.

"I j-just w-wanted to pay t-the loan s-sharks". He explained as he cried due to the pain. Silence filled the room as I just looked at him, admiring my work. Only his muffled cries were heard. I just held a blank expression as he shivered due to the way I was looking at him.

"there's something that is called 'asking', Mark, ASKIIING", I said as I lifted the bat and hit him in the stomach. "if you just asked nicely, we wouldn't be here, wasting my time. now look at you". I said as I looked at him with pity. . . . . well not really . "I'm s-sorry boss". He said as he tried to wipe the tears that streamed down his face. "Mmmmh, Tae?". I looked at Tae bcz he  knew what he had to do.

"My turn, don't  worry I'll make it quick" he said as he grinned. "No boss please, Mr V please, I'm sorry, forgive me." He cried as he begged for his life. "You know, I don't allow thieves in my clan, and if I let you live, there's no guarantee that you won't do it again, so I gotta remove the virus" I explained to Mark as he widened his eyes. "Which one should I use, hhmmmhh" V said as he rubbed his chin deciding which gun to use. "Imma go with this baby" he said as he grabbed a *shotgun*  "please, boss, please V, I'll do an-" .. . . .baamm, "HEADSHOT" V screamed, smiling as he shot Mark straight between his eyes.

"I want to go and wash this shit off of me" I said while turning around to get out of the room. "Are you just gonna leave me here with him, come on Chim" Tae said as he put his hands on his waist looking at me. "Bye" I said as I winked at him.

Thank you babies for reading. 🥰
See you on the next chapter 🤭

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