Chapter 12

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After having my shower, I went to find Tae. He had  already finished, sitting on the couch holding a cup of tea. "Here, I made you coffee" he said handing me mine.

"Thanks Tae" he just smiled. He wanted to say something but he held himself back.

"Just say it" I said sipping my coffee without looking at him.

"Are you ohk?, you seemed a little out of it back there" concern was shown all over his face.

"Yeah, was just thinking" I answered.

"About what?"

I remained silent staring down at my coffee.

"You know I won't judge " he continued. "Chim" he said after a while of my silence

"I'm sorry" I finally said without looking at him.

"What are you apologizing for?" Tae shifted in his position and got closer to me.

"I know that i haven't been myself since I came back. It was never my intention to shut you out. I'm sorry for always snapping at you and being cold towards you.. . . ."

"Chim. . " he said with a low voice.

"No, let me talk. I know you want the best for me. You're always by my side and you put up with my shit. I don't deserve you, Tae." I said looking at him in the eyes.

"You don't have to apologize, Chim. I know it's not easy for you to open up. You went through a lot. You went to a school were you were taught so many things, how to kill, how to use weapons, being tortured, being surrounded by people who are different, with different background stories, let alone people with no emotions. I know you went there for you to take over your father's business and to seek revenge. I'm here for you, Chim. I'm by your side forever and always. I'll hold you when you are down. You remember our promise when we were young, where we said no matter what, we wouldn't let go of each other? So whether you shout at me, snap at me or you yell at me, I know you love me regardless.  I'd even annoy you more to see that reaction again. I love you Chim" Tae brought me closer to him and hugged me.

"Thank you, Taetae, I love you too" I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him more.

"I just love the fact that I'm the only one who sees this side of you" he chuckled, releasing me from the hug.

"Well, this is the last time you'll see me being this way, better savour the moment while you have the chance." I said rolling my eyes and he just laughed at me.



"Remember the girl I talked to at the SNU graduation?"

"Yes?" He whipped his head around to look at me. If a person's neck would snap  easily, he'd already be dead by how he whipped his head.

"I saw her, today. She works in Joon hyung's club, as a bartender." I saw his eyes glisten with interest.

"Tell me more" he demanded.

"Well, I kinda made my move on her already and I think she likes me too, by her reactions of course"

"I knew you liked her back then, I can always tell, you know" he smirked. "So, did you take her number?"

"Nope" I leaned my back more to the couch.

"And why is that?"

"I want her to miss me" I said finishing my coffee

"Waaaaa, well you better hurry, they might take her." Tae said placing his arm on top of the back rest.

"Besides, I don't need to ask her, I can just ask Jay to hack into the database and give me the number, simple" I shrugged.

"No, ask her like a gentleman "

"Are you saying I'm not a gentleman?" I raised my eyebrow looking at him.

"I mean if you want her, ask her properly, you can't risk the fact that you're a mafia boss, if she asks where you got her number, what are you going to tell her?"

I thought for a second, "I'd say Joon hyung, he's the owner of the club and he has her information "

"Whatever makes you sleep at night."

"I want her to be mine, Tae. I want to protect her, I want her by my side always. I want to hold her in my arms. I wan-. . "

"Whoah, slow down, are you that whipped already?" I looked at him and grinned.

"Must be serious, huh?" Tae glanced at me. "Well, you better pursue her before it's too late". I nodded at his statement.

"I know". As a matter of fact, I know that if I don't get her now, she might slip out of my hands and I don't want that. Ever.

"Have you investigated her? Her background, where she comes from? Tae questioned.

"No, not yet. I wanted her to tell me herself, if ever we'll get a chance together, but if need be, I'll definitely check it." I glanced at him and found him smiling.

"Gosh, you're so whipped. The feared mafia boss is whipped, who could've ever thought" I could only hear amusement in his voice.

"Whatever, let's go to sleep" i said as I stood up, heading to the kitchen to put the mug in the sink. Tae stood up to do the same.

"Can we sleep together? " he asked and I turned around to look at him

"Obviously, not that way, gosh Chim, I know I'm handsome and irresistible but I'm into girls." Tae said as he winked at me and passed me to head upstairs.

"Don't flatter yourself " I said  catching up to him and he ran ahead of me. He thought I was chasing him. Such a child. I got to my room and found him already settled on my bed.

"Scoot over" I said as I tried to get in the covers.

"Let's cuddle" he said.

"Why would I wanna cuddle" I asked.

"Well you need it" he tried to convince me.

"You mean you need it".  I replied back rolling my eyes.

"Come on Chim, why are you so difficult" he whined. "Don't act like you don't need it."

"Shut up."

I got closer to him and  allowed him to cuddle me. Such a child.

"Good night, Chim"

"Good night, Tae."

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